I need help

I need help.

My gf/ex(?) had an argument where she wanted to come over but she is getting expelled from school because of unpaid tuition so I advised her to stay(I live 2 hours away) and deal with it instead. It’s been 4 days now and she has just disappeared and today started
blocking me. She’s “run away” like this before but came back in a couple hours.

I know I should stop texting her but this is too painful

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The very last of what she wrote. Should I write a final message apologizing for the texts and not leaving her alone? I don’t understand the idea behind just leaving someone you say you love like this, with no closure, information or literally anything. We’ve been together half a year she’s 19 I’m 24 both in university

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>i cant stop crying
>my heart is burning

Move on OP, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you and this isn't anywhere close to a healthy relationship.
She's probably getting fucked right now.


Lmao what pathetic messages.
She's shacked up at some guy's house, sorry bro

She's getting fucked ny a real man, she's already got a pussy, she doesn't need another one.

quit wasting your time with a thot that plays games when shit is going on. move on and if your gonna mess with thots at least get one that doesn't treat you like shit.

You need to go find your balls. Check your dad's purse.

>im going through hell
yeah im sure you are dude lol

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If your "gf" is called ryan there are more things wrong than her blocking you

>half a year
>she's 19
>I'm 24
How'd you convince her to date a whiny beta faggot like yourself? Six fucking months out of 24 years of your life and you're acting this soft over her? Let her go you dumb faggot. Stop texting her. Stop playing her retarded ass teenager games and take a good long look at yourself. You're fucking pathetic.

Sorry to see this OP. My ex did this sort of shit too. You're better off single, she doesn't deserve you. The sooner you realize your worth, the better off you'll be.

Nothing is very convincing about this larp.

OP here. Should I write one last message? Maybe something like “I will stop texting you. All I’m asking you is to stop blocking me and to contact me when you feel ready. I love you.”?

She also has this jacket of mine I desperately want ...

Maybe she's found a manfriend instead of a boyfriend. that's a pretty woeful series of beta texts. If she really thought you could help or she could rely on you, she would. yet now you just seem like another source of something to stress her out about with your constant 'my heart is breaking' txts. It's not all about you homeboy. She probably moved on to something more useful.

Why do you men act like this with girls? Just act like you don't give a shit and they'll stay with you forever. Texts like these make you look weak.

after 6 months and texts like that, i cant believe she waited that long to move on.

Right. All of this could have been avoided if she would just communicate, since we didn’t get into an argument or anything. I really don’t understand at all. Her school fell through and therefore I must be out of her life too? This is what you do to someone you say you love more than anything

Just quit messaging her. You can get a new girl and a new jacket, but getting your self respect back is harder. Don't be so easily manipulated.

Never send more than a double text. If she doesn't respond to a double text by the end of the day, shes either busy, or over you. Never send more than a double text though op, don't need to make yourself look more desperate than you really are

it is over op, deal with it.

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Seems like a larp but I’ll answer anyway. Women don’t like betas inside them. Your first and only response to her leaving/blocking should have been “bye”.

I’ll spin a yarn, I’ve always been a bit emotionally distant with women, I rarely don’t seem “aloof” the first girl I opened up to and whatnot totally mind fucked me hard. It sucked, and I responded a little like you did in the end. After her I learned that women like stoic men. Share a little bit of what they want, never all of it. No woman wants a sensitive guy even though many say it. They want a guy who understands sensitivity. Hope you learn a little, stop texting her or calling her. Cry it out when you jerk it to hentai traps or whatever you’re into. Stop messaging her. You look like a needy faggot.

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Those messages are pathetic. Stop embarrassing yourself. Never talk to her again, even if she wants to get back together.

This is the last I wrote, I promise I won’t text again until she does.

She has ended this relationships many times before but kept coming back. She would text me to give her space and time, and then she’d text me after a couple of hours wanting to hang out. I talked to other girls behind her back which she found 2 months ago by sneaking through my phone while I was showering.

I recently entered a bad depression, in which she provided basically no help or support at all. For her friends however she can go through fire and glass to help them

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you're a clingy fuck
she's probably getting railed by some nigger while you're crying that she's been gone for a few hours
leave her and move on for your own good

she's 19, its been 6 months.

you're 100% at your first rodeo n falling off all over the place. this is a good learning phase for you. but please stop your bleeding heart 'think about me' txts, its legit embar.

Dude, don't write a single word more. This is bad, but you could salvage if you don't fucking reach out to her until she does! It'll take weeks, but it will happen.

OP here. I’ve had 4 relationships(including this one) and they have all ended up like this. I do feel embarrassed, I wish I had better self control. I’ve had sex with 35 girls(most from Tinder) but I really never seem to learn. I keep putting myself in these situations.

When this girl and I first started dating I was pretty cold, unemotional and careless, I think it is what weaved her into me. Gradually I started opening up and she fell for me hard, but I feel like it went too far. She was the first one saying I love you

Why do you think she will reach out? She literally blocked me on Snap and IG, all that’s left is Facebook and iMessage now. I’ve never even talked to her on Snap or IG so I don’t see why she’d block me on there

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She obviously does not care for you as much as you do bro. Cut your losses and move on

This, whatever they say is not true. They want an emotionally distant man.

Dude, have some form of self respect and stop being a massive faggot. If she dumped you, i understand her. Just fucking read your messages.

4 'relationships' by 24 arent real relationships at all, school hookups n hanging out is light work compared to real world relationships. if they are all turning out like that under that little pressure, with those txts, id say you come off as super dependent, emotionally weak, low long term viability, and very very clingy n over invested.

post more pictures of her

Shouldn’t even have said that. Just should have said bye and nothing else. Take some advice in this thread. Even saying that just made you look like a needy faggot trying to play a mind game with her.

OP here. Do you guys think she will get back to me ever again?

>> OP here. Do you guys think she will get back to me ever again?
Give it up, dude! You know that's not going to happen. Don't be pathetic.

If she does she will never respect you. And that’s no way to live. Unless you’re a beta faggot, which kinda seems to be true.

Such a bitch. Just go blow a guy already.

Don't feed the trolls applies to attention whores too

Literally all it takes is to look at her profile pic and your last text to figure out you guys aren't meant to be. She's a slut and you're the "I know it's only been one week but I think we're meant for each other" type.

Also for the love of fuck stop being so clingy, it makes me want to steer clear of you forever and we never even met. Like holy fuck, I get being in pain but telling her "I'll stop being pathetic". Dude, learn when to put the phone down this is some serious I wish I could be your doormat shit. This shit triggers commitment anxiety in me and I'm with my wife for 10 years.

Listen to these incels, they are giving you hard truths. You come across as a beta bitch boy who isn't the man any woman envisions herself ending up with. You're just an emotional support dummy at the moment. Dump her (she's obviously trash) and move on to your next target. At least by dumping her you will get close to resembling something similar to getting your manhood back.

For you, OP

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Man card revoked.

You're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself already.

We've covered this. Try being constructive.

Yea. OP you’re fucking pathetic and a gigantic pussy. 6 months is nothing. She probably realized how fucking weird and beta you are. Also, she probably thinks you’re the school shooter type and wanted to make a clean break and disappear before you killed her and then yourself. I bet you fall in love with strippers and cashiers at family dollar

>She has ended this relationships many times before but kept coming back. She would text me to give her space and time
fren you are an easy prey if you keep falling for this

don't listen to these guys OP. you need to do whatever you can to hang on to this girl. such a hopeless beta faggot like yourself could never do any better.

You're a beta cuck faggot.

Kys you fucking fag, petty af, no wonder the bitch left you she probably found an actual man chad not some fag crying on /b

She had to tell the cunt not to text her 6x an hour. I mean listen to this prick. Clingy as fuck and desperately trying to not let the one decent piece of ass he'll ever get in his life escape.

This dude is right. OP is a fucking bitch. Go to a strip club, get tinder, work out and stop being a fag

can we say that OP is indeed a faggot?


user, seriously man get your life together. Honestly your "relationship" sounds like complete ass. There are fuckloads of women ready to suck you dry (if you stop being a little bitch) who don't act like teenagers. If she comes back into your life find a girl to bang more frequently and current girl your side chick. Never wash your dick and double dip the fun stick and be extremely careless so she finds out and gets mad and then the roles will be reversed

He wrote it’s what happened 2 months ago she caught him texting girls

Press reset you dumb cunt. It's over. You've got the sex appeal of a dead guinea pig. You're not ready to be in a relationship. Spend some time getting your shit together.

Finally. Someone gets it. Just stop being such a fucking pussy. Jesus. Grow some fucking balls

She has a dumb name, Ryan

Post nudes.

God you're such a little bitch.

OP stop being a fucking piss ant. Block her on everything and post her nudes. Move on and bag some milf.

Don't resbong to any of her messages until she calls/shows up in person, be about 80% less clingly as a whole, never admit to crying, having a burning heart, riding an emotional roller coaster, or being stabbed in the back, and stop using any other phrases you've been hearing on the latest season of The View.

If you can do these things, while deciding where you want to go eat yourself instead of asking her 20 times, you might salvage this horrible relationship.


>I can't stop crying
You're such a bitch OP

Fuck that, salvage nothing, it's too late. He fucked up way too hard with that cringy message spam. She's not worth the time anyways, just move on and realize "love" is a chemical in your brain and doesn't last.

>Crying over a 6 month relationship

The absolute state of soyboys


While he may be in a garbage compacter of a relationship, after reading his messages do you think he has a chance with a better woman? He certainly doesn't seem to think so.

Probably not, and this is almost a paradox, why come here at all for advice?

You're likely dating a girl that doesn't know what commitment is and isn't ready for dating.

That's a really good question actually, why does anybody fucking come here for advice?

Perhaps it's just easier to ask a fellow sister-fucking retard about your problems than your friends and mentors.

Dude. Fucking stop. Yeah, it sucks. But have some dignity. Whether she loves you or not, she treated you unfairly by disappearing and not telling you she wanted alone time upfront. People shouldn't repeatedly do this kind of thing. It's not even a red flag. It's not a warning. It is a problem itself. But get yourself together. Even if she gets her act together, you're going to push her away with this shit. And, regardless, have some self-respect. Stop texting her. She expressed her wishes (though late). Respect them. And take this time to think about what you deserve and want in life and another person. That's what you should do, even though I know you're not going to stop texting her.

Fair enough, how is your sister-mentor? Is she out of the coma yet?

Haha you're funny bro, do you know girls like funny guys? You could pop your cherry

Don't worry OP i'm banging her right now and she will come back to you soon after I throw that bitch out. Smell my balls down their

Send her dick pic

Could be because she's posting shit on there she doesn't want you to see?

Well... I have bad news for you OP, she will come back, but not before she starts thinking that you are forgetting her... She's coming back for whatever she was getting from you, and then she'll leave again. And again, and again... You see, she's a narcissist unfortunately which means that you two can't have a relationship, and actually, you two were never in relationship.

Now, you have more important things to worry about now, most importantly, how come all your relationships have ended that way... Is it because you are looking for emotionally unavailable girls? Stop being dependant on validation from crazies faggot.

She's talking shit out of emotion. Just continue with saying that you agree and start asking what she expects from you. Repeat like this: acknowledge, try to bridge (like, did you also maybe consider that...) and then asks her an open question which forces her to give a long answer (so don't ask any yes/no shit, but ask questions that start with how)
Repeat until she stops losing her shit

pretty well put

OP, you should prepare for that fact that you probably need to break up. From the info you've provided she seems like a cold bitch with some mental issues. If you end it right now she'll probably crawl back, but don't be tempted.

Classic debating tactics....
Jup, go for this, but only when that bitch shows any opening. Otherwise, dump that