Why is it acceptable to kill some animals but frowned upon to kill others. No matter what animal it is still murder.
Why is it acceptable to kill some animals but frowned upon to kill others. No matter what animal it is still murder
yeah id erase the line, i hear dog tastes good.
because ideas dont exist outside your consciousness
Is it murder to swat a fly?
Is it murder to kill a plant?
Is it murder to kill microbes with antibiotic soap?
why do you care?
the moral obligation to keep domesticated pets alive is ethical. domesticated FOOD sources aren't an ethical dilemma. we eat or die.
Frankly I wouldn't mind adding cat to the food side, they're worthless vermin.
Stop anthropomorphising.
all 4 of those are on the chopping block in asian countries, theyre all food
dogs and cats taste as good as pigs and cows
ask me how i know
no. dog tastes too gamey and gristly. cat is too chewey. I've had both.
I think it’s okay for humans to kill and eat animals. I don’t think I could make it on a vegan diet, my nutrition is not good as it is.
It seems like it’s almost dehumanizing, or putting us on a pedestal, to pretend that we can remove ourselves from the food chain. I’m also not sure that there would not be negative consequences for animals if the entire human species converted to a plant-based diet, anyway. And we already know that our modern system of agriculture involves slavery, a form of cruelty which should be obviously, definitionally, a more important problem than cruelty to animals.
All that said, it isn’t about killing them. It’s how they’re killed, and how they lived. We should improve that, maybe phase away from unsustainable animals like cattle, and we’d all be a lot happier and a lot happier.
Fine. Let's murder them all equally. Start with yourself, plant killer.
I agree with all of this, I think intentional animal farming should stop and be replaced with plant farming.
Animals don't want to be slaughtered to be eaten. I went vegan to stop it
Yes. OP is a genocidal maniac truly worse than Hitler.
I meant to say: an animal would have to be pretty smart for me not to eat it. I don’t like the idea that my pork-chop might have been as smart as my Labrador, so I eat a lot less pork these days than I used to.
But you still eat ass, faggot. What's that about?
the real question is why can't we eat human meat?
the best bbq you'll ever eat. porcine on another level.
>Meat is murder!
>Let's abort the babies :DDD
dog - soak in milk first
cat - make sure to cut across the grain
who gives 1 shit about white trash fetuses?
That's false, dude. don't talk shit you don't undersand. Dogs are passable, but taste like some wild ass scavenger carcass, like eating possum or raccoon
and cats are inedible anywhere unless you're an idiot or starving and eating everything. Notice there's no countries where eating cat is a "thing" except for piss poor, poverty stricken shitholes, and they're eating rats, each other, and anything else they can. Predator meat is the worst, it's tough, it's gamey, grainy, and stringy as fuck. Why? because predators in the wild aren't fat fuck pigs and cows, sitting around all day, getting fat in their muscles so they're juicy when cooked. Predators like cats taste like fucking shit, and you've damn sure never had cat if you think it tastes like pigs and cows
Fuck that, I'm not going to start eating cats and dogs.
Why should I stop eating meat, just because you are a pussy?
Apparently here’s no birds, stray cats, stray dogs in Pyongyang.
it's all in how you prepare it.
take duck for example. no fat in their muscles. tastes great!
That cow looks false.
No one and I'm glad niggers contribute so many abortions. let's keep it that way. So stop complaining about "murder" if we both agree no one gives a shit. And comb your damn fro sometimes, nigger. There are roaches living in there ffs
fat's what gives flavor.
the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
Of course there is fat in duck meat.
you are FURIOUS, look at how fast you started losing your shit and resorting to absurdities
thankfully the largest population aborting their babies are white trash. whites will be a minority in the US very very soon.
the White Liberal Elite like myself will be doing just fine. Just fine indeed, thanks to Trump. #KAG2020!!
Dude, duck is really fatty, in fact, the skin is mostly fat.
I could MURDER a sandwich right now.
Is this the real life?
Duck is literally almost 40% fat by mass. They're very fatty birds, which is why they are delicious.
Check this and thank me later
pastebin com/dpKYU9m8
I'm not erasing your stupid line. Dog fights are cool. Sure dogs die but it is cool. Yeah cats die training the dogs but that is cool too.
Cock fights are cool too just like bum fights.
I don't get that fish fighting shit.
How fucking retarded would a cow fight be?
I can only imagine how awesome the betting would be at your pig fight.
Fuck you, some animals just don't have the fight in them.
I wouldn't eat any of them because I'm a vegan.
I love all animals... if they taste good
good point OP. kill all the animals. eat the dogs eat the cat. they dont give a shit, to them they just lost the game of life, they have no ill-will nor do we to them
ever ate cat?
tastes shitty if you ask me
Cows and pigs are bread to be eaten. They wouldn't have a life in the first place if they weren't supposed to end up on a plate. Cats and dogs are bread to be kept as pets. It's really that fucking simple.
Humans long ago learned to use animals as tools. The ones on the left were useful for tasks outside of being a food source. The ones on the right were only useful as a food source.
I've ate pussy. Sound like you're eating the wrong hole.
Not all animals taste good
Animals have the right to be tasty you silly fag. Plants needs rights but you dont give a shit since they cant scream out.
Because cats and dogs are cute, I'd be fine going full chink and eating a few dogs
Shut up virgin vegan I'll eat my housepets too bitch
some animals are useful outside of being food. some animals are only good for food. there, not that hard to understand.
If the animal is murdered for meat and has a quick and as painless as possible death I have no problem no matter the animal
Some taste better than others. Also, some can serve higher purposes than just food. Pretty fucking simple. If you want a cow thundering around your house catching mice, by all means...
Yeah but how many of those white whores are aborting black babies? That Shit's genocide an shiet. Those little nigglets dindu nuffin!
so wat u b saying, we has to ate niggers instead of cow and pigs? fuckin idjit.
I just cringed at my own edge and Sup Forums is at fault
Historically, cats and dogs were more beneficial as companions than as food. Cats protected grain supplies from mice and rats, dogs helped with hunting and provided protection.
ching chong mong ching. Chong? Ching ching
Chinks don't hunt
Dogs provide protection and security
Cats kill rodents and other pest
Pigs provide meat and nothing else
Cows provide milk and meat
Plants were kangs. Your senseless consumption of plant life is reducing clean air and contributing to climate change.
Absolute edge lord
the dogs and cats were domesticated to be a companion pigs and cows are born for meat and nothing else
It's almost as if animals that perform tasks for us are more valuable alive than as food. What is this wizardry?
IKR i dont see the issue with eating any animals tbh
i dont like the taste of dogs and cats, rather keep them as pets, bunnies and horses are fine tho