Any of you ever been prescribed or taken Klonopin for anxiety? Thoughts?
Got a 0.5mg prescription but kinda worried about the addiction potential
Any of you ever been prescribed or taken Klonopin for anxiety? Thoughts?
Got a 0.5mg prescription but kinda worried about the addiction potential
nope i'm not an attention whore. I get by like most men. I suck it up and keep going.
nice landmine
I would ask for Vallum,allot easier to kick and not as strong
I got a scrip but I'm immune. I took a few with hydroxozine and felt nothing.
You are probably immune to so take as many as you want. Then give up and go back to vodka.
You're not less of a pussy for not having anxiety, retard. That's like telling a homeless person "I slept good last night because I'm a better person than you"
You don't have to post if all you're going to do is prove you're retarded.
you don't have anxiety you have daddy issues. grow up, grow a pair and move on.
go be a drain on society somewhere else
did mommy and daddies health insurance pay for your hormones and feels candy user?
i take it nightly for insomnia
just don't ever go over your recommended dose or start taking it when you don't need it. i.e. be responsible, and you'll be fine
anything's habit forming if you're not careful
>i'm not an attention whore
>is attention whoring
i was on that shit for years. it gets really addictive and you can end up thinking you need it when really you're just satisfying your addiction.
that being said it made me much more comfortable in public and was a positive experience over all, if only for temporary as you will have to quit some day
the withdrawals can be bad too
also dont drink and do it unless you want to forget your mothers maiden name
>white knighting the mentally unfit
>be responsible,
fucking lol
check Naked City - Grand Guignol album
neat stuff
no scam bot
People without anxiety don't understand that it is as fucked as it is. Klonopin is nice because it makes u feel normal and not everything everything so u can actually do shit and be happy. Xans on the other hand just get u so high that u can't worry hahaha don't be worried about vindictiveness only take them when u need em
yeah lets all depend on chemicals and outside influence to be happy
I've taken it. It's extremely addicting, you will constantly forget what you did a day or two prior. If you drink while taking klonopin you'll black out quickly. All in all it was good for me when I was really struggling in life but when I quit taking them the withdrawl was horrendous. I had to go to a 3 day detox facility. I was only on it for about a year btw
Yes. No big deal. Got it for anxiety. Didn’t really help.
Daddy issues have nothing to do with a chemical imbalance, you actual moron. The fact you're even on Sup Forums shows me that you're not handling life like the "real man" you pretend to be.
>The forbidden tuna
sure it doesn't user. and women are men, men are women and cutting your hands off for sexual thrill is normal.
I'm wary of anything that's fast acting since she (my doc) said those were more addictive
Hydroxyzine worked wonders for me for a week or two then just suddenly stopped so they switched to klonopin
Thank you! For now I'm going to try and only take one or two a week max. It supposedly takes days to get out of your system so feels right
Trying to read thru thread guys sorry I got busy
I do have daddy issues actually but that's not the cause of my anxiety
I started getting panic attacks 3 months ago. Social person, never had one before then, I didnt even know it was anxiety causing it until a friend pointed it out. I assumed I was just sick
I dont drink more than a glass or two of wine every few weeks so shouldn't be an issue there. The withdrawal is what I'm most worried about..I know these meds could help me but I've seen so many friends die to these and opiates and so on
Only tuna I'll ever eat
>I do have daddy issues actually
yeah we know
ITT: a bunch of attention whores getting hooked on narcs so they can blame them when they inevitably shoot up a school because they wanted life to be easier
Hydroxyzine fucked me up. I couldn't keep my eyes open for 2 days after taking 50mgs of the stuff. Never again with that shit. Propanolol on the other hand worked great with little to no drowzy side effects.
How? was my first post since posting OP lol
Really? Maybe you're more susceptible to drowsiness with antihistamines. My mom passes out from allergy meds but even hydroxyzine was weak to me
From someone who has been addicted to benzos for like 5 years here's my pro tip....Don't take them every day. Only take one before work, social gatherings, or if you're feeling anxious. Also, if you drink with them you can get FUCKED UP and black out.
Good luck.
I love the high from them, best thing next to ketamine haha.
This last sentence is solid truth
Klono + booze makes a complete black hole in time for me
Pretty great stuff if used correctly, buddy of mine spent a whole semester of college doubling down on his already high dosage and spent days at a time klonned out
Any drug that ends in lol probably has a built in good time
That's why I'm trying to only take a couple a week max. I have a docs appointment in 3 months so I can up the dose then if I need to but I'm really hoping I wont gain a tolerance with occasional use
I wish I could try it. I'm jelly. Good luck OP.
I've been taking them for a long time. I was taking 2.5mg a day and now I take 1.5 mg a day if I need it. Honestly, I probably wouldn't be alive if I had not started taking them. For me, all the bullshit that everyone feeds you about addiction are probably weak willed. Take them as prescribed and keep in contact with your doctor. they literally changed my life because before taking them, I was in the hospital at least once a week thinking I was having a heart attack
Since you take them daily, are you still able to drive places? From what I understand it should last like 12 or something and that kinda ruins it..what's the point of getting rid of the anxiety if I'm stuck at home you know? Humans are social creatures
>are you still able to drive places?
yes, I can but for me when I take one, I don't get drugged up from it, it just makes me feel like I'm not about to die. my heart rate goes down and the scared feeling goes away. the worst is the ball you get in your throat but I've always had a high tolerance to anything I've taken
Do what you want but I would definitely not take it. Benzodiazepines are a “quick fix” for panic and anxiety. Long term, they will change the gaba in your brain so that you need it to feel “balanced”. Took Klonopin 18 years ago, then Ativan, now Xanax. Only at night. But I’m addicted. If I don’t take the usual 1.5 mg I’m a wreck the next day. Benzodiazepines are next on the chopping block after opiates. And they should be. At least more restrictions.
I'd rather be addicted to .5 mg of klonopin even having to take it once a day is 100 times better than the living hell of severe anxiety and panic
Trips. Got it. There is always a price on the back end. Exercise? Other coping methods?
That was my second biggest worry so thank you
Im on Zoloft enough took care of most of the panic attacks these are just as needed for anxiety. When she asked I told her I'd only use 1 or 2 a week but she gave me 30 of them
Typing up a self-masturbatory post about how tough you are sure is a good way to prove you're not an attention whore.
Fucking retarded faggot
what you think she's going to write you a bottle of 2?
30's the minimum, homeboy. if she wrote it for less, you'd pay the price for 30, and get 2 in the bottle.
Right, it was likely an insurance thing. You don’t “have” to take the maximum op.
yeah I suspect so...same thing happens with benydryl
actually kinda
Xanax > Klonopin > Valium
I've always made an effort not to take it more than 2 days in a row or 3 days in a week. Taking it every day vs. as-needed for sleep, panic attacks, etc. makes you stupid and yes highly addictive. Tolerance builds fast, too.
No. There is no “minimum” as far as the doctors having to prescribe. It is a money deal.
>nervous about taking anxiety meds