ITT: we politely ask each other questions about different races/ethnicities

ITT: we politely ask each other questions about different races/ethnicities
Why do so many Latinos copy black people so hard?
It's not like it only happens if they live in a black area, even in places like Arizona and Colorado there seem to be a lot of Mexican-Americans who do this. This ranges from full blown cultural blackface to a more subtle copying.
I know a Mexican-American chick from Wisconsin for instance (from a mostly white city). She doesn't speak ebonics all the time or act like a sassy black girl, but she shares nigga memes 24/7 and says stuff like "on GOD that shit be hittin" and "this y'all" on her posts.
And that's at the milder end, there are tons of Chicanos who do the full blown cultural blackface thing where they try to act blacker than actual black people. Like 6ix9ine and Lil Pump.
Even hood Latinos back in the day (besides maybe Nuyoricans) didn't do this. They had their own style.
>black people
Why do so many black not give a shit about the environment? I don't expect everyone to be Greta Thunberg, but I don't get why so many black people at my job throw their soda cans directly in the trash when the recycle bin is right next to it.
And why do black people hate Androids so much?
And why do black people think that white people don't season their food? It seems like a black twitter stereotype. Very few white people are sticking plain chicken directly in the oven. While us whites don't tend to use a lot of seasoned salts like Lawry's, we do use plenty of herbs, spices, aromatics, worchestire sauce, onions sauce, etc.
Despite you guys being very socially mobile (which Hispanics should learn from), do you ever feel that your parents go too hard with the Asian tiger thing? And strip children of having a real childhood?
Is it true that your houses have stains in the kitchen above the stove due to the high heat on the curry?

Attached: 766ydvcp1ml01.jpg (1536x2146, 182K)

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Fuck off

Fuck you, faggot

Asian tiger parent/s is a big fucking thing. The only upside to it is it definitely lends to upward social/economical mobility once you get out of their grasp, but you do get straight robbed of a normal childhood. It foments resentment in the sense theoretically you can push your kids to be capable without utterly removing them from a semblance of a childhood. As for everyone else I can't comment on much.

Attached: EIE1UU6UYAAZ6yu.png (792x834, 38K)

My wife is asian, she did not have a childhood.

Latinofag here, I have a Asian gf, I hate niggers and not to mention; I'm a hedge fund manager. Fuck you OP

That's good

Whitefag with Indian / Paki wife here. Not really. We eat a lot of curry but we're both kind of clean freaks so it doesn't accumulate. Now go ahead and ask me whether my wife's vagina tastes like curry, I know you're dying to

Why don't they just tone it down a little bit? They would still end up fine
South American immigrants (meaning South America, not Mexico) seem to have a good balance of caring about their kid's education without depriving them of all freedom

I'm jealous, I love desi women. I want to fuck one/get a footjob so badly.
And no, I know the answer is no.

Asian gf here, her parents pushed her wayy too hard.

Latina gf she's pretty classy and thinks its because Latinos typically grow up in ghettos and Nigger culture is the dominant culture in the ghettos

Yeah but what if they're neighborhoods with little to no black people?

Don't know, that was just her best guess when I asked her. She doesn't like ghetto/trash culture.

Well at least she's good

Very much so, likes to dress in skirts and dresses. Though she's a bit squeamish when it comes to sex.

Chill out. Those bottoms are for increased mobility on the court.

What bottoms?

Does she suck dick at least?

Tbh never been big on blowjobs. She's just terribly vanilla and starfish-y. I think she's just inexperienced.

What it is at my school is that the twin isn’t ghetto at all but all the black kids try to act ghetto when they’re not, and Latino kids tend to be in that circle so they all just do it. My friends are almost all white but even I do It a little bit, for humor tho

Sri Lankan gf here. Half of her house REEKS of curry at all times, and despite them keeping the rest of the house immaculately clean, the kitchen (especially the ceiling) is definitely stained from that shit.

>the twin
What is that?

Does she have nice feet?

The town*

They are all 1% or more black; why do you think their brown? Love watching latinos get their DNA test results on YouTube they have no idea! lol

You always says latinos, and think in all central and south América, but you always talk about mexicans, central americans and caribbeans, but people from chile, Uruguay, Argentina and some others are nothing Like you says latinos are.

Oh okay. Which town?
It's mostly white + not ghetto but they still act black?

they're alright, but it bugs me that her second toe is longer than her big toe

I have that too so it wouldn't bother me
Do you ever get footjobs?

The Latino gangsta thing is really only a thing in America, go to Mexico and you’ll see way more tight jeans, polo, and cowboy hats on the locals. Everybody acts gangster in America, Mexicans, whites, Asians, everyone.

Retarded monkeys infest the Planet.

Lol, Mexico has its own degenerate gangster culture. Ironically, El Chapo's son dresses pretty classy compared to the wannabe black Chicanos who worship Narco culture

she tried once with striped thigh highs because I like them. we ended up just effing instead.

Lol, that has nothing to do with it

Also true. I think OP was referring to the whole “baggy clothes, rap music, graffiti” typical idea of gangsta shit, which just comes from ghettos/low income areas. If you’re a white/Mexican whatever growing up in the hood, you’d typically try to adapt to the environment, which means being a hardo and puffing your chest and joining a gang. I don’t think OP was considering any other Latino group besides Mexican American but idk

Right, it's just about Mexican-Americans
But poor white people don't really act hood, they're either normies or rednecks

I grew up and still live in a racially mixed town in New York.
High school is 45% black, 20% white, and 20% Latino.
The only Latinos who acted black for the most part were the ones from bad neighborhoods who didn't move here until their teens
The same is true (to a lesser extent obviously) of the black people here. Like most of them are still culturally black, but actually tried in school and didn't spesk exaggerated ebonics all the time.
Latinos tended to be normie or like the nerdier side of jocks.

Latinos: are a good chunk of your women open to dating white guys? What qualities would they like in a white guy (besides that gold digger shit which doesn't count)

Don't let social media cloud your perception
Most Chicanos who aren't ratchet don't post on social media all the time, so what you see is the airheads who have a loud social media presence


Asian here.

Mostly true, parents pushed me very hard and as a result; i play 4 instruments, speak 2 languages, have 2 degrees and played high level rugby. They relaxed when i got older because i think they realised i resented them for it (had around 20 extra hours of tutoring/ extra curriculars a week). Also went to public school that had Saturday school.

Kind of backfired on them though because i spend zero time with them and am the least Asian Asian ever, constantly remind them that Asian culture is inferior. Seems to have worked out in the end though as family is rich as fuck and everything gets sent my way and now parents make very little attempt to influence my life.


>speaks 2 languages
Even Mexican anchor babies do


Pakistani reporting in. I’ve seen that too. It’s from cooking with a lot of oil n how it’s aerosolized with tumeric. That will def stain yellow. You have to be meticulous when cooking. Our food has stronger smells so you def need a jet engine fan to disperse the scent

So it's the heated turmeric that gives the stain and scent?
That shit stains the fuck out of my fingers when I eat Jamaican curry chicken

Latino here.
>Why do so many Latinos copy black people so hard?
I honestly have no fucking clue. I've gotten stupid comments throughout my life about sounding white because I don't sound like a copy of a black person. I grew up in a fairly shitty, ghetto area that was like 85% Latino but nonetheless people my age copied black people hard. So then these fuckers are the new normal Latino and I'm the one who's out of place and sounds white. It's obnoxious and I'm convinced black people themselves find it obnoxious at times.

That's hilarious, I would be like "nah, you sound black".
What area is it?
What's weird is that I live in an area that's mostly black (well, at least 40%) and the Latinos here don't act black besides the ones who came from hood areas when they were already in their teenage years or older.

I think so. That shit never comes out. But oil splashes fuck it up too

Have you been to a trailer park before? They absolutely act hood.


Indian, from India. Depends on the kind of house you live in I guess. Smaller houses tend to, where you don't have a chimney and stuff. Otherwise, if you keep clean nothing goes wrong with the stove.

Containers/utensils do get stained after a while by haldi etc

A suburb of LA. My strongest guess as to why there's a difference between your area and mine is that Latinos are also pretty territorial. Especially the older ones that might have immigrated here. This isn't so much the case with my generation, but older generations don't like black people. In my area I've noticed some attempts to keep black people from moving in. Hell, in my apartment building I'm pretty sure blacks were subtly kept out. Since they're a bit territorial, maybe the higher percentage of blacks in your area leads Latinos there to keep a stronger sense of identity. I'm probably reading into it too much, though.

Inland Empire?
It's funny though, because SoCal is supposedly supposed to be a place of strong Chicano culture. But at least where you live, it sounds like they just copy whatever black folk do.
I think what might have happened is that the Latinos who were hood and doing the Cholo thing in the 90s and 00s just moved on to black shit by the late 00s since the Cholo stuff isn't taken seriously anymore.
Where I live, it's more middle class so it's not like there are tons of uneducated Latinos living in close proximity to each other.
Even in NYC (which is filled with actual black people) I would say that only 50% at most of the Mexican-Americans act black, probably more like 33%.
What's funny though, is that I even see Paisas with lineups and wearing Jordan 14s fairly often. I guess they're just trying to "fit in".

It's funny that blacks in California (who make up only 6% of the population) influence a group who makes up 40+% of the population.

Oh and a difference between Mexican-Americans elsewhere is that the dudes usually grow their hair out instead of getting caesars. They still get lineups usually but it still looks better than trying to get the exact same haircut as a black guy.
And the chicks mostly cut their hair the same as each other, top of shoulder length.

Nah, think more LA Harbor area. And SoCal definitely is that way. Even my area has strong Chicano culture despite the black influence. But people my age and younger seem to copy black people to an obnoxious degree. Older people (especially immigrants) definitely don't. You are right about hood and cholo Latinos copying blacks. Kind of ironic that a lot of us seem to be more easily influenced when there's more of us.

Truly a mystery for the ages. As the guy above you put it, some are just trying to fit in yet we're a large enough proportion of the population that trying to fit in just seems redundant.

Is it somewhere like Inglewood that used to be black majority?
And how old are you? I get the sense that started with people born in the mid 80s or so.
But yeah it's weird, trying to fit in a group that is smaller than yours. I can't even blame white people because most of the ones in California are pretty accepting of Latinos.

But what is Chicano culture? They might eat tacos but if they're talking like black people, dressing like them, even using the same mannerisms, then I don't see how there could be a discernible Chicano culture left
I only met like one Chicana from California (San Jose) so far, who I made out with. She's 28 and definitely doesn't copy black people but she is a teacher, so is educated.

No, I'm pretty sure this place has been Latino majority for decades. Never been a black majority. I'm 22.
Honestly, everyone will give you a different answer on what "Chicano" culture is. Much like Latinos themselves, the culture seems to vary. I'd just describe it as something vague reflecting the mix between Mexican culture specifically and whatever it comes into contact with. Admittedly I can see some very subtle differences between the way blacks act and the way chicanos imitating blacks act. I can't quite put the differences into words, though.

I'm 24 and I would have guessed that this trend started with people a bit older than us (probably around age 30)
Well they're not actually black so it can never be 100%. But what would you say the differences are? One thing I would guess is that Latinos are only interested in the hood aspects of black culture (gangsta rap, ebonics, Js, fades, etc.)
I do think that most stop acting like that IF they either go to 4 year college or get a job that isn't bottom tier.
I personally don't consider things like Mexican food and quinceaneras to be "Chicano" since they're imported directly from Mexico.

I saw a video of a "Chola" from Anaheim and she legitimately sounded like a black New Yorker lol. I totally thought she was a Nuyorican or Florida Rican chick, then I was legitimately surprised to find out she was from Anaheim.
Her name on youtube is "Ashley Anaheim" or something like that

White women are notorious for acting like trashy black women. I don't understand it

Lol, like 1% of white women I know act black

It definitely did. Although I get the impression that it's intensified as time went on. Like I said, though. It's hard to put my finger on it since I can really only pick up on subtle behavioral differences. If I had more friends of the type I might be able to highlight the differences. I have like 3 friends that are actually Hispanic and none of them imitate blacks to any degree. Yes, these are definitely the main things that appeal to Latinos, though. Some might embrace these aspects yet at the same time distance themselves from black people and other aspects of black culture. And yes, in general the imitation does stop once Latinos become career oriented. And see, things like Mexican food and Quinceañeras are directly imported from Mexico, but they are definitely a base for chicano culture... whatever that really is.

You lucky bastard..

Intensified yes, though I think it's been the same for the last several years (perhaps reaching its apex with the younger millenials and older zoomers). I'm curious what the young zoomers will be like since they're not really developed yet and I don't know much about them besides minecraft and fortnight.
I have noticed that Latinos can copy black people but still be racist. In fact, the ones that consider themselves to be pro black usually avoid saying the N word or using exaggerated AAVE.
It's funny because the actual black places in Brooklyn for nightlife, have hardly any Latinos in them. It's like they want to enjoy black culture amongst themselves.
That's the girl I was referring to. So classy

lol nice larp pedro... there is a difference between trimming hedges and managing a hedge fund

Well I live in a predominately middle class area. Only like 10% of the Latinas and like 20% of the black girls here are hood

T. Butthurt yellow fever fag

Bored black user here. Also my fiancee is white so I can take a stab at some of these

>Why do so many black not give a shit about the environment?

Not a thing in most households. Where I grew up, at the time a modest middle income mixed area in nj now its trash, there was no recycle collector so no need to separate anything. I went out of my way to learn what goes where but I still throw everything in trash out of habit.

>why do black people hate Androids so much?

Im using one right now. My dad however is married to his iShit which Gin Rummy from the boondocks correctly describes as Nigga Technology, pointless useless shit.

>why do black people think that white people don't season their food?

Okay, this is why i mentioned my white fiancee. I have seen this shit live. Maybe its a southern thing as I now live in Georgia. I know that most whites know how to cook pretty well. My fiancee cooks really fucking well. Her mother and aunt however only use salt and pepper for seasoning and use bacon drippings, gravy, butter, or fatback for flavor. There must be some old generation of whites in the south that just use fat to make shit taste. Idfk but some food they make is the plainest driest and fattiest meals I've ever had. Also they're just memes Sup Forumsro

With all the food shows + the internet, there's no excuse to not be able to cook in 2019

What are the go to black seasonings? Lawry's?

I let the women handle the cooking and I handle the eating and the dishes

Dunno, I prefer asian cuisine. I can make some damn good ramen and decent stir fry.

Regional Chinese food can be really good, I recommend trying some if you can

chinese restaurants are the most disgusting things ever, my dad was an AC repair guy and he had gone to fix AC's at chinese restaurants, he said the supplies they had were gross and unclean, that the chefs didn't wash their hands and the kitchen itself looked unclean, just a generally disgusting atmosphere from there, but he said for the Japanese it was the complete opposite, everything was super clean, either way he hated eating at restaurants because he said it's wasting money on fattening food when you could just have dinner with your family that is healthier, costs less, and is faster if you account for the time you take driving, waiting, eating, driving back at a restaurant, also you know where your food is coming from since you're making it


I'm talking about Chinese restaurants that cater to middle class and up Chinese people, those are usually nice.
Not Am-Chi takeout spots

I live in a 95% white community and I can't stand the ghetto wannabe white women

chinese is chinese, he went to the bad and the worse, the chinese are pretty gross in general, look up gutter oil in china

Gutter oil is from low class people, those hot pot spots that rich Chinese people go to aren't like that


Does she wipe her poop cutter with her right or left hand?

My brother calls me white while acting like a nigger himself. Funny thing is I'm brown with curly hair while his skin is much lighter and has straight hair like my mother. It's truly a mystery why some Mexicans want to be hood black. Also we grew up middle class.

You mean a criminal.

It didn’t taste like it last night

You mean little black people? I’d like to see that neighborhood. Other side of the tracks on The Yellow Brick Road

You should call him out on his faggotry
Where do you live?

Nignogs are the scourge of the planet, every race knows it. Anywhere they reside, death and destruction.The sooner we get rid of them the better.

It is a mystery that I'm trying to get to the bottom of.
I understand listening to rap, but what's the appeal of cultural blackface?



Why DO black folk love iPhones so much?