Hey, Sup Forums

Hey, Sup Forums.

Do I look passable?

Attached: hiya.jpg (768x1024, 113K)

would definetly pass

lmfao BTFO

o i am lafin

Attached: passthenote.jpg (2048x1134, 167K)

you look extremely good for Sup Forums standards

cmon, you know the fucking rules

post tits, then your request

Attached: 1566332623922.jpg (1080x1048, 197K)


It's cuz that's just a random chick you dumbfucks

Take a photo with your left shoe on your head; only way we'll know it's you OP.

tits/cock and timestamp whore

i would tell you with a timestamp

Where's my brian at? Someone post it

No adam's apple, small wrists and hands, women's taste in fashion, not born with a penis, feminine facial features, no facial hair..

Yeah, I'll give you a pass on this one.

newfags, dont forget to sage until we get tits

also, this is most likely a brainlet who is insanely insecure about his own standards and is asking about some random chick he knows but will never be able to even look in her direction


OP is a trollfag

you know the rules, tits or GTFO

Idiots, this is not a trap!

Poor try, OP.

Attached: newfag.jpg (2460x2976, 870K)

abandon thread

2nd worst attempt at a transman that I have ever seen lady.
Are you even on the needle?

Fuck off -- don't spread your trans-agenda here.

10/10 would smash. how about some Hulu and screw?