Why do people pay over fucking 150 dollars for fucking keyboard and mouses individually?

Why do people pay over fucking 150 dollars for fucking keyboard and mouses individually?

These pieces of plastic with special Ed RGB colors isn't an excuse to make it fucking 200? I don't understand these faggots, enlighten me Sup Forums

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I bought an expensive gamer-style keyboard because I'm a professional computer programmer who works from home.
It was marketed as being able to stand up to fairly consistent gamer-style pounding.
The keys started to break off after 6 months and I've had to superglue them on.
Still better than the crappy keyboards you'll find elsewhere tho.

Because we have the money for it and it looks cool

I got a ducky shine 3 for $150 with cherry mx blue. kinda like the clicky but the freaking the cable detaches from the keyboard and I think the port is messed up so it always connects and disconnects. so basically it's a $150 brick in my closet. currently using $5 rubber dome and the most annoying is the backspace. I can't just hold it down. gotta press it over and over.lol.


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does op not understand the diff between rubber dome and mechanical?

My mechanical keyboard was 25 dollars on amazon, and I'm still using it over 2 years of use.

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They all make the same sound. Clack clack is satisfying yes, but I still don't get it.

They all make the same sound. Clack clack is satisfying yes, but I still don't get it at all

Aight thanks Sup Forums for sending my post twice.

But eyyy trips.

How many lines of computer code have you used it to write in those 2 years?

I created PUBG 2, all by using binary. It's on a USB somewhere.

In all honestly though, no. I only game with this keyboard, and it still works fine af, like brand new.

Fucking retard kill yourself, honestly you should actually fucking kill yourself.

The glowing colors are dope.

Name of keyboard? Links?

having more money than sense is not a valid excuse for buying into shoddily made, cheap, overpriced garbage manufactured purely to cater to your very specific brand of idiocy. style over substance, appearance over functionality. more viable alternatives for an identical, or even better, thing exists. either buy cheaper yet identically useful LED plastic HIDs or jury rig them yourself for like $130 cheaper. there's no need to be a corporate paypig when you can literally have the exact same shit but for less money

Why do people fucking spell mice mouses?

These words are taught to special Ed kids at age 5 onward? I don't understand these faggots, enlighten me Sup Forums

only the poorest fags rage about what others spend their money on you can buy basic versions of many things which poor fags like you can buy them but others with money don't care about cost if they like something and want it..that's what having money is all about you loser also gaming kb/mouse are programmable and configurable but console fags like you wouldn't understand that..PC MASTER RACE MOTHER FUCKER..

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It's all about the lights

>They all make the same sound.
They literally do not make the same sound. This is the source of your confusion.

I'm not a console fag dipshit

then stop acting like one you sad fucking loser..fucking shit eater