Be honest: At what age did you outgrow your edgy atheism phase?
Be honest: At what age did you outgrow your edgy atheism phase?
your experiences are not universal and they shouldn't be
atheism is the other extreme of the religious spectrum, it's just as much for brainlets as, say, catholicism
agnosticism is the way to go
you should purchase Fallout 76
the exact day I got lobotomized. It was just gone and I was back to good ol fashioned religion.
went atheist at 13 when the whole youtube atheism thing was big, then i grew a brain at 16
lol lets all believe in a magic dude in the sky.
whole bible: lol cool story bro
anosticism: "durrr idk"
nobody knows whether or not there's a God. Atheism is just the lack of faith that there is one.
I think I was in like the fourth grade. It was lunch time and there was this huge table of kids eating. So I walk over to them and scream "DEBATE ME!" knowing that I had intellectual superiority on my side. Well, they just ignored me. So I repeated it over and over again and... well , I remember parts of the ambulance ride. A bit about the hospital.
religious: i strongly believe that there is a god beyond the shadow of all doubt!
atheist: i strongly believe that there isn't a god beyond the shadow of all doubt!
agnostic: i believe in the possibility of a god, but due to a lack of concrete evidence supporting such possibility, i also believe in the possibility that there is no god.
>you should purchase Fallout 76
kys pete
pretty quickly, but like you, I did get stuck in my shit posting phase
Like 19 when I realized we should have never been corrupted by the kikes into removing our ancestral roots, culture and heritage and being forced into christianity, a jewish desert cult.
Believing in any supernatural being is the mark of the retarded
19 when I stopped going to the hobby shop run by the balding with ponytail 30-something 80s baby behind the counter. Because all he ever talked about was how he would skip church to play nintendo and that he was very intelligent and knew more than his teachers at like 15 or something.
Got over my survivor's guilt and the passing of my brother. Stopped wishing for my death then realized "Life aint so bad, got too much to see and survived something 9,999 other wouldnt have so fuck yeah!"
Around 28. I still do not believe in a god, but gave come to accept that society needs a way of unifying and controling the masses or it goes to fuck. The benifits confired by a common belief in a higher power seems to outweigh the disadvantages.
>Hurr Durr atheism edgy let's all believe in magic sky fairy
Prove there's a god faggot
2 years ago, when I did DMT and read about gnosticism and hermeticism.
The whole edgy Christian thing was when Sup Forums started really going downhill. It's gotten all the way to Kanye now.
God I wish I was lobotomized and b truu beleeveer
that's not what atheism means, brainlet.
a = lack or absence of
theism = belief in god(s)
Oh the blue room. I love that porn video
Even if your christian your still an athiest for 99% of other religions...
When I started taking dicks up there ass. So around 8.
when i turned 18 i started thinking, aka using maths to solve everything.
I determined that it doesn't matter whether a god exists or not because the probability that we live in Base Reality is technically zero.
What this implies is that we can be almost certain that we live in a simulation. Consequently we are nothing and nothing matters.
Even if God exists, what's even the point? We don't really exist.
And even if this WAS Base Reality, we're alone. There is nobody in the Universe, which means either our future is bland and boring OR that we are going to go extinct quite soon.
In any scenario possible, wether God exists or not doesn't matter.
around 18 which was when i had to live on my own and support for myself.
you start to believe in miracles when having to provide for yourself
Wether you believe in god, in Allah or in the spaghetti monster, wether you don't believe in god or aren't sure, we can all agree on one irrefutable fact.
Niggers should be exterminated to the last man.
Amen to that!
Christianity is a nice little placebo.
Do you feel ashamed of your past mistakes? Are you scared about dying? Do you want your life to be enriched?
Well, boy howdy, there was this awesome guy who died for your sins. He's the son of God, yes THE God who created everything, his name is Jesus Christ and if you believe in him and his father and you live life as a good guy who feels sorry for him, then you will be forgiven for all past mistakes, you'll get to be in a sweet afterlife, and God just might tip the scales in your favor whenever a situation that presents itself seems like a dice roll.
You really got nothing to lose and only everything to gain. I'm agnostic, you can't truly know if God exists or not, but heck, from what I've heard of this Christ fellow, he seems like he was a swell guy to me. Honest and truly. I feel as though I get all the benefits of Christianity just believing that.
Why would you deduce that we're alone assuming this is base reality (or not)? If you still acknowledge that the universe is the size that it is and that probability is a thing, statistically there would be other sentient life somewhere out there.
>agnostic: i believe in the possibility of a god, but due to a lack of concrete evidence supporting such possibility, i also believe in the possibility that there is no god.
and yet you have to pick, because when you run your life, you either do it assuming there _is_ or _isn't_ a god. and 99.9% of agnostics act like there is no god... so they're atheists.
this exactly
hot take
yes, statistically there SHOULD be life out there. However, by now we SHOULD have seen signs of it.
Yet, there is nothing. A highly unlikely scenario, to say the least, but a possible one.
My understanding is that, according to probablities there should be life out there. However we don't have signs of it. Therefore we are either the first ones to reach such level of tech OR all previous civilizations who reached our tech advances destroyed themselves before reaching us.
Another likely scenario is that they are actively avoiding us OR preventing us from discovering them and others.
any scenario sucks.
I was an edgy atheist, up until about when I become 25 years of age, when I got into psychedelics such as acid and DMT. I don't like to put labels on myself but the closest to what I've become after psychedelics, is an agnostic. Because I still can't be 100% sure whether those DMT visuals mean something, or is it just a plain drug induced randomness. One thing I m sure of is that I don't know the truth, and that's enough for me to not be an edgy atheist.
>One thing I m sure of is that I don't know the truth
the only thing you can be sure of!
like 16, not religious either but just living day to day. don't care for worrying about something like that
>the only thing you can be sure of!
It sure fucking is! I can't wrap my head around how people follow some variant of a set of rules written by other people, and accept it as one-hundred-percent undeniable truth, and they are ready to die for that idea, when they never thought to dig to another direction.
The term Atheism is useless.
you are useless, user.
Anyone on this website at this moment is useless.
20 or so
Was born and raised believing in God, never went atheist. I just always knew that God existed, I have emotions, I question my existence, why are we alive? Good and bad and everything else. Doesn't need to make sense, but it does for me.
Honestly we have no fucking clue what an advanced civilization would look like. They could have dug out the entire center of a planet and live there. They could have evolved into energy based lifeforms hanging out in a time dilation next to the nearest black hole. They could be sitting in a mind linked matrix of 500 trillion beings converting matter atom by atom to useful material in order sustain basic biological necessities with likely very low requirements to begin with.
I started working in a bank and saw how much money churches get and how much of it really goes to charities. I realised I need to get into that scam.
Religion is a control and power scam.
"According to the ECCU study, churches use 3 percent of their budget for children’s and youth programs, and 2 percent for adult programs. Local and national benevolence receives 1 percent of the typical church budget."
I think that the likelihood of a god existing is so incredibly remote that I would bet my life on it. I've never encountered a logically sound argument in favor of deism.
However, I am not 100% sure, which diametrically opposes the religious morons who will say that they are SURE that their god exists.
Also, most people who refer to themselves as "agnostic" would not risk their life on it, which is why I use the term "atheist" to refer to myself.
Probably the time I started getting my cock sucked by a Jewish whore
Percentages are nice and all but you can't really understand until you do what I do in a fucking catholic neighbourhood. I can't say any numbers or names because confidentiality and shit but it's almost cartoonish.
Why would I need an imaginary friend as I age?
I mean you just described yourself as being agnostic. It's the only intellectually honest choice.
slam tight piggy
wrong. agnostic is not some middle ground between atheism and theism.
gnostic - agnostic = belief about knowledge, or lack thereof.
theism - atheism = belief in a god or gods, or lack of belief in god or gods.
Never went through it. Don't believe in anything but never acted pretentious and rarely ever mention it.
Edgy? There's nothing edgy about atheism. Atheism is the cold stark reality of life - there is no supreme being - anywhere. Man created god.
I stopped being an atheist, actually, the very same day that I woke up in hospital after having my for head and temples caved in by my father who went wild because i was an atheist. My IQ is now at a good christian level (67) and my faith in jeesis has reached new heights! The local priest says the lord showed me his mercy by sparing my ability to read and write. Cant walk though. Still. Cant walk. Not an inch. Nope. Good ol lord. Left me paralysed forever. But i can read, write and waste this shit life i have away on Sup Forums. With the rest of you god forsaken retards.
Be honest, what age did you realize the religion your parents indoctrinated you with as a child was all a bunch of brainwashing, lies, and inappropriate touching?
Never went through it in the first place.
God doesn't exist. There's nothing inherently edgy or, I don't know, non-edgy in this simple truth.
this thread is full of cucks
You are completely right
Actually 27 long life catholic and i just drop it completely i am not wasting my time anymore i face my challenges head-on without relying on a higher force, only my own
>Apparently everyone was edgy the moment they were born.
Around 25-26, first time I took mushrooms and realized there was way more to this place than pure materialism.
At 16 when I read the "Grand Inquisitor" chapter in Brothers Karamazov
Me too but i was 12 when i got to that conclusion after reading this masterpeice
Wtf! Wasn’t that chapter but it was that book?
i dont think people suddenly become religious just because god spoke to them
its more, the days are long, boring and unrelenting so they're just trying to hang on to some meaning. it's a coping / survival mechanism.