You have 10 second to prove you're not black

You have 10 second to prove you're not black.

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i went to the circus and didn't stay

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I know how to swim

Instead of getting out of the house and keeping in shape,
I stay at home playing vidya all day
and shit posting about how women are whores
because they date fit black guys.

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Small dick

KFC? No thank you, I'll have some plain toast instead

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avocado toast for me thanks

I hate fried chicken.

I'm black but I know my place

I have a job and know who my father is.

I don't use the words "Ain't" "gonna" "Dindu" "Nuffin"

I knew my father quite well. We'd often go on fishing trips together where we'd bond and become closer as father and son. We would walk into stores during the daytime and trade the money we earned from working for legitimately purchased goods and services.

My father is also my brother, and I do so enjoy a good cousin buttfucking session.

you can pronounce my name first try

I have complex thoughts

I laugh at nigger jokes.

My dad came back when he went out for cigarettes

Hey whadda you jimmies standin around for? Get back to work! (Cracks whip)

Fat women are disgusting.

Sir, you dropped your wallet.

I don't live off of government assistance

Lmao I wonder how many hours these dudes got on WoW and LoL, lol

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