YLYL bring out the best and spicest. Extra points for rare ones

YLYL bring out the best and spicest. Extra points for rare ones

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You start

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Even cartoon blacks can't keep their stories straight, first she's looking for the retirement home, then she's looking for her grandson's soccer practice. Deserves to be in Guantanamo Bay tbh

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>Canada has never fought a war by themselves.

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Wait, doesn’t that mean the US has never won a war without sucking another country’s dick?

They fought Mexico without any help I believe.

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HP Lovecraft was a lulzy dude

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i sorta like the dude
reminds me of some pot head

Lovecraft would never smoke something so degenerate and foreign. He is Providence.

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Fuck lost

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i have seen this so many times i always wanted to know how they responded to that

...shit, now that this user mentions it, I really want to know, too. What site even is that?

No you fucking didn't

How does he remind you of some pot head?

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this one always bothered me, why paint the yellow ranger green and the pink ranger white? theres literally a white ranger

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Probably with feminist screaming and then made an "edgy" Youtube video about it

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>imagine anyone on this shitty board remembers him

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I don't get it.

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It why we have Texas thanks beaners

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This happened to me a few years ago when i was new to Instagram. I found all the chicks from my high school who posted slutty bikini pics and I thought double tapping would zoom in. I liked and unliked a good 30 bikini pics from almost a dozen different chicks and then they messaged me calling me a pervert and shit and I had no idea why until a week later when my sister explained how Instagram works. A bunch of the chicks whose pics I liked came to her and told her what I did. It was pretty bad

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Not the hero we need, bit the hero we deserve.

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but steel iz heviya den fethas?

>Stolen joke...

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You member and I member user, and we always will; and that’s all that matters.

Still don't get it.

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Boomer humor

Some say his dog beer and chewed up porn stash can still be found in the dogs house to this day.

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>be dumb hoe
>no hobbies
>only exists to suck cock
>posts pic to get male attention
>gets male attention
tfw guys are so creepy

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Shitttt, i lost

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don't know why I bother, welcome to the cult of zyzz

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Are you sure you're old enough to be here???

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Shes a bitch needs to be hit. Then that fag needs his ass whipped till hes straight.

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Why did I lose so hard

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