Handsome, rich, 180 IQ
Handsome, rich, 180 IQ
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What's that, skip?
He has the best words
"one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water"
-stable genius
You are literally retarded if you actually think this guy is anywhere near genius IQ. He knows how to read a crowd, and that's it.
You mad?
And he almost knows where Colorado is located.
Daily reminder our president smashed the shit out of this and made her pay for it
No embarrassed.
>stormy daniels
He only had to remember 4 border states for his signature policy - and fucked it up.
Daily reminder that any fuck can get with a porn star.
>The ultimate dream for a fan of adult entertainment is to have sex with a porn star. Well, at Sheri's Ranch you can do just that! Imagine all of the naughty things your favorite porn star does in her videos, the raunchy positions and intense orgasms. Now you can experience the amazing sensation of porn star sex first hand.
i really hope he wins in 2020 because it would bring me great joy to see USA become irrepairably damaged
The other two are true but who in their right mind would find THAT attractive
>any fuck can get with a porn star.
nice bait
Good joke OP
The maximum is 60
We're gonna make america great again
1972 repeat
It doesn't count if you have to pay for it
Pretty sure you forgot a decimal point in that IQ score
FL all marshland and is well suited for floods desu
GA and AL not so much
It already is my dude
Love how snowflakes and liberals are seething tonight
They're gonna lose MASSIVELY in 2020
O.18 seems closer to the truth
There is no bigger snowflake than Donald Trump
one democrat hoax after another
People think Trump is stupid. He's gonna beat impeachment, win reelection, gut the justice department & fbi, clean house in the secret service, put loyalists in charge of the military, and stay in power beyond for 3rd term. Call him dumb at your peril.
One more year until 10 to 20
so hes going to going to go against the constitution?
how patriotic
>He's gonna beat impeachment
probably, lots of people are already too deeply invested in him at this point
>win reelection
honestly? No. But he has been using his power to fuck with the elections. But still? Not likely.
>Call him dumb at your peril.
Oh, he's dumb.
It's just that his followers are even dumber and his party is afraid to stand up to that.
He'll 100% be impeached
But he won't be removed from office
people dont seem to understand the difference.
Look at his twitter, trumptard. All he fucking does is bitch and blame everyone else
Authoritarians don't care about constitutions. They *rewrite* constitutions.
> 180 IQ
Troll lolloll lolloll
you write like a stupid low self esteem woman ... very cunty ... you probably think you're smart löl
>But he won't be removed from office
...so he'll beat impeachment.
Some people know the difference. Some people don't. For most of us, the distinction isn't important.
For others, enjoy your fedora I guess.
Isn't there enough valid Trump bullshit without having to photoshop it?
>you write like a stupid
The topic is Donald Trump.
If you want to discuss the personality of that user, start your own thread and discuss it there.
When/if he beats impeachment it will be a rubber stamp to break any law, corrupt any state election result, invite any hacking or inference. Democrats play by the rules, Trump doesn't. He goes the jail if he loses. He will do *anything* to win, and he'll win.
>literally becoming impeached is somehow beating impeachment
ok then
Trump is not going to be impeached. I have posted that alot.
The Dem's had to have a vote, they knew they would lose on appeal. Now there will have to be a new filing.
Give him a break. Made up personal attacks is all he's got left. It's not like he can defend Trump or anything.
Dont you worry. Hes gonna win. But, also dont forget to vote!
>Trump is not going to be impeached
The house already has the votes
They only need 50% for impeachment
Also there is no appeal process for impeachment
You can't beat cancer without having cancer, right?
You can't beat impeachment without being impeached, right?
lol fedora idiots
His IQ is 643 and you know it. He's the single most intelligent being in the galaxy
You beat the impeachment process by the house failing to vote for impeachment
Trump will beat the removal from office process but will lose the impeachment process.
Christ, that woman is rough
It is not on me, where you get your news. You are one of Hill's unaware, compliant followers, huh?
Cant wait til he wins. More libtard suicides on the way! I hope they all kill themselves. We dont need no weak minded individuals in this country.
You really think 16 house democrats are going to side with trump?
>We dont need no weak minded individuals in this country.
At this point, I am going to guess, you know nothing of the court case. That is why they voted.
>180 IQ
Hahahahaaahahahahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhhhhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahahhaha...only his 50 IQ supporters would believe that..hhhahahahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahah
don't forget 6 3 and POTUS
Never, because Democrats are bigoted against conservatives and will to anything (including, lie) to spread their hate.
Obama is half nigger so statistically his IQ is around 90
he's the most resilient motherfucker currently walking this earth. millions of people have been trying to take him down out of spite and their own foolishness his entire life. not one of them has succeeded. the time for introspection and fact facing is now. the world is awake. we're all in this together bro. go to usatoday or yahoo. both of them are saying it's time to face facts. he's a massive success and NO other president has kept their promises like he has. I know he shitposts on Twitter and you continue to take the bait, but you have got to face facts. c'mon brother.
>court case
Impeachment and removal of office is a process done by congress, the legislative branch, not done by any courts, the judicial branch.
It's spelled out right in the constitution.
>NO other president has kept their promises like he has
And that's the way it should be. Trumps reducing color in this country and it's amazing.
Hilary is not in prison
The wall isn't up and Mexico refuses to pay for any of it
Swamp is still full of lobbyist and scum
This is what happens when you get your daily propaganda fix from the MSM.
>hurr president misspoke
send money
The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
— Article I, Section 2, Clause 5
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.
—Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6
Figures Trump supporters don't know the constitution.
Why? isn't your maga lord going to take care of him? Or did it only matter to get a vote and back in the gutter you go?
>NO other president has kept their promises like he has
uh huh
What's wrong with this? I would be honored. Let me know when hilary gets elected btw.
You missed the whole thing.
>doesn't know the vote was to start talks on the possibility of impeachment
keep being foolish.
I know exactly what the vote was for
and all the democrats will vote for impeachment for when that vote is called.
>Trumps reducing color in this country and it's amazing.
one democrat hoax after another
I made this thread you ugly mediocre self esteem cunt lol
Most of these people will be hard working Americans. Cant say that if most of them are black or brown can i?