Coworkers start talking about video games

>coworkers start talking about video games

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>Why, yes, I don't hide powerlevels and I make it clear that I am a mentally ill loser, what gave it away?

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Damn, that is the first well-made Wojak picture I've ever seen

Fuck you cunt

Heh heh, I feel like I'm too old to celebrate birthdays, I don't even want to anyways
H-heh, not at all

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I'm not joking when I say this:
You're pathetic.


This unironically, I tell everybody my favorite game is Postal 1 now.

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Why didn't anybody tell me highschool was the only place I could make lifelong friends? Why didn't anyone tell me to get laid in highschool? It would have lifted such a burden off my shoulders to loose my v card

>talk to co-workers
>all the weebs have girlfriends
>the guys that like sports are all weird outcasts
When did the flip happen?

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Wait until you randomly lose your virginity and realize nothing changed. It's not like they send you an invite to the normal people's club in the mail.

Listening to edgelords will only bring you pain. They have never offered so uh and advice.

Life-long friend's don't exist anymore and it's by design hell you want a real solution to this problem I have it. This is not a joke just join a Muslim community I'm not religion but a friend of mine converted and in 3 years he was married with children they even helped him get a job.

>my weekend plans? might catch up on some manga i haven't read yet on the panda. mysterymeat3 uploaded a few new commissions

>ruin your country so that you may have some nepotism freebies
This is psychopath level cynicism.

Clown world timeline merged with ours in 2008

>This is psychopath level cynicism

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Coming from a 'jak poster.

>i pushed my few friends away
why do I keep doing this?

You don't want to be a burden. Like an animal walking off alone to die by itself.

OK stay sad and alone forever that will be an awesome way to live your life. Like I said not me but yah at this point I'm thinking about it I'm 31 and my last gf was when I was 18

What do the girls look like tho?
Do the weebs work out, Do the sports guys work out or do the just watch it passively?
Whos more attractive?

This image hurts me please never post it again

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Because maintaining relationships with people who can never know who you really are and don't even care enough to try is more work than it's worth. Don't worry, we're here for you at least, user.

It's actually university. Highschool is too bogged down in cliques and drama and a small pool of people that all disappear in uni. If you didn't make friends in Uni or go to uni as an 18yo undergrad, you're not gonna make any more real friends later on. its over.

I'm not fond of black people.

>Coming from a 'jak poster.

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This is far to accurate for my liking. I really need to get out but I’ve been doing this for so long it’s always awkward. Perhaps if I’m able to do that i will not die alone

I realized that I actually didn't enjoy their company very much and was only around them to have some semblance of social interaction.

I lost my virginity in highschool and I’m still this way

this show is to edgy for me but this bit was spot on

Man, this was my worst fear.
Glad I have the same 5 mfs with me for 15 now enjoying every weekend togheter.
Stay strong bro.

>Wojaker starts spamming pics and making posts

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High school in real life is bullshit, university is where it's at. Even I got a girlfriend, got laid, and got a circle of friends. I mean sure, it's all gone now, but hey.

Fucking this
I always say that Degrees of Lewdity is my favorite game and recommend it to everyone

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this is me. I have to lie when people a work ask me about what I do at weekend. I have to lie to doctor and psychologist about wanting to kill myself because if I tell them then I want to kill myself then I get put in forced mental health care facility

>another new year's eve you're gonna spend alone

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Oh, bullshit. Come on boys, it just takes some effort. Maintaining long term friendships is work and will be a chore sometimes, but there's no reason you can't do it. It's extremely rewarding and entirely possible if you decide you're determined to make friends instead of sitting around wondering why friends don't magically appear in your sedentary lap.

Accurate. I went to uni at 25 and I'm in my 4th year now at 29 and made zero friends.

>degrees of lewdity
my nigger

>tfw you commuted to a community college for classes only and didn't interact with anyone outside of that
A-at least I'm debt free, heh...

yeah but did you ever think people around you are dissatisfied too? maybe even more miserable than you are? and that they are just better at handling the shit life throws at them?

>can never know who you really are
No one is truly so sick or unique that it's impossible to be yourself, at least partially, enough so you can relate to people and they can do the same with you

>don't even care enough to try
We're not Disney princesses here, of course no one will come in and force you into a wondrous magical friendship. They don't really care, exactly like you don't really care about them. It's the default position and it's subject to change.

Relationships are hard but many adults are desperate for friends, even the normies. There are plenty like you, not meaning the original poster here, but everyone ITT. You just need to put in effort and keep trying, getting to know people is terrible and awkward and there will be a few misses but it'll be worth it eventually

>casual sex
if you arent with that woman anymore then you fucked up, the more people you sleep with the less likely marriage is to work out for you

Do you really think normal girls are gonna to feel an aversion to boning you at the last minute, despite liking everything else about you, just because you haven't boned another girl in the past?

The only people I've seen who actually care about it are, 1) characters in movies, and 2) guys weirdly obsessing about it.

ive been saying that kind of thing for years and nothings happened to me. you have to be really fucking bad to get admitted into one of those places.

You don't need friends at this age I need a family. Friends are easy to make and are mostly useless except for real friends and those are rare as fuck.

I just want real guy friends, people with balls to hang out with. Not snakes or faggots, just standard buds who aren't football fags. Why is that so difficult, why does every guy nowadays have to be a redditnigger or a pretender? Do I have to join a lodge?

dont you mean college? its way harder to get laid in high school, girls gete way hornier when they get into college for some reason

Im a non-LARPing schizofag an even I managed to get a girlfriend, move out of my folks house, and hold a job as a beekeeper while collecting disability-bux in the winter. I only have a few friends but we are really close due to our chared love of playing music as well as vidya. My advice is to embrace a hobby that forces interraction with other's. My gf's brother is a 28 year old manchild who should be a virgin but he plays tabletop games with a group of others so nobody has to hide their power-level and it resulted in him getting laid a couple times.

I really want to like it, but this whole "age ambiguity" shit is just too much for me.
I can deal with rape, tentacle rape, dog rape, assault rape. Child rape is too much, though.

>went to uni thinking it'd change everything
>1 year in met precisely nobody, went out 0 times and did nothing

It's gotten to the point where the voice of my inner monologue is just screaming.

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>Maintaining long term friendships is work and will be a chore sometimes
Even that's only in the beginning. I have many friends who I contact once or twice a year when I'm bored and want attention and then we have a brief renaissance and mutually slip back into radio silence. It doesn't feel weird either. Mid 20s people aren't too high maintenance, they either have something going on to keep them relatively occupied - or don't and thus are fine not doing anything

Why do you guys have a hard time talking to your coworkers? Just talk about COD or whatever AAA is out right now, what the fuck is so hard about it?

Try hunting and find friends there

This. Tell people I compete locally at tournaments, normies typically think it's actually cool.

There used to be wisdom there.

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Fuck, man, I also commuted to college, and I mostly interacted with others during breaks. That felt awkward as hell, and I hated it. Yet, I managed to do all those things, so it was much better than high school, even though it was not as good as university could have been.

I've only had sex with that one girl who was my girlfriend throughout university, and it was the best choice to break up with her, it should have happened much sooner so I could have focused on finding a girl who's not a dumb mommy's girl who doesn't care about our relationship as much as she should at the end of the day.

>I just want real guy friends
This is pretty much how I've been feeling lately. I've only really been friends with girls, and honestly I'd be fine with girls too, it'd just be so nice to have friends that I can confide in.

/soc/ is the failed normies board. Please go use it instead.

>i'm nearly 30 how did it come to be like this

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But it isn't ambiguous.
It's pretending to be ambiguous for, I don't know, legal reasons? It's clearly a little girl you're playing as.

This but replace Muslim with Amish. If you're too much of a pussy to make the leap into a world where you don't need tech to be happy, try Mormonism (yes it is schizo bullshit, but the people are the only decent Americans left who don't live in isolated communities).

>become a muslim bro
lmao, just get away from the computer and start doing some push ups

>tfw expanded my hobbies from vidya and robot figures to more normalfag friendly stuff like cinema and working out
>not just to have something to talk about but because I genuinely like that stuff and wanted to expand myself too
>every once in a while I accidentally flirt with a woman and they flirt back
>still no friends in college, much less a gf because I can't speak to people

And it's not even completely my fault. Pretty much my entire family from my father's side sre autistic shut ins or just extreme introverts.
I believe I'm a decent guy but I judt can't express myself right to leave a good impression and it's not like people give you a chance anyway.

literally no one cares about your age, you just stop being awkward about it and suddenly you're cool

If only Amish and Mennonites accept outsiders...

I'm not in America I'm in Italy...

You have to take the initiative, senpai. I'd been a depressed unsociable teenager before university, and I just started talking to people from the same major when uni started, and I managed to achieve things. You have something in common with the people there, they have also passed through the initial pleb filter, so most of them are likely most intelligent than the average person. Go for it with an open mind, and it will work out eventually.

Gf dressed up as Zero Suit Samus last night but got too drunk and fell asleep before we could fuck. What game should I play to deal with this feel bros?

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forced entry vol. 2

I did feel pretty relieved of the social expectation at least. I no longer have to awkwardly sit around and nod when other guys talk about sex, either.

When white people start creating real community's again Il join those but white culture/marriage/families are a joke. Hell stranger's are more likely to be more useful than my family.


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I mean I guess it depends on the city you live in, the people, the college, etc. but smoking is the easiest way to make friends. You go out to smoke between classes so might just well talk to people if he seems nice.
I did not even plan to make friends but I needed some notes because I had to skip a few classes, thanked the guy, went out for a cigarette, started talking and now I know there are a few people I can talk with
Honestly its extremely easy dude ask them a few questions if you see they are not interested just move on but most people will start talking for 5 hours. if you get lucky you find someone who does not fucking talk all day but is open for a conversation

>When white people start creating real community's again Il join those but white culture/marriage/families are a joke. Hell stranger's are more likely to be more useful than my family.
speak for yourself cocksucker

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My gf always lets me fuck when she's asleep.

But what if I say I'm not like the other, what if I say im not just another one of your plays?

>tfw bit the bullet and fucked a tranny off /soc/

I'm not a virgin now I guess

B-bro, stop talking about me. It makes me feel awful

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>normalfag friendly stuff like cinema
I fucking love movies but none of the normalfags have ever watched a Fellini film. How do you deal with it when your tastes just aren't normalfag friendly?

>just stop being something you've been struggling your whole life and predominantly the reason you're in this state to begin with
ok, now what, idiot

Why do you retards keep making new versions of this?
Stop licking your wounds, you pathetic faggots.

>be me
>at work
>end of an 11 hour shift
>unironically and literally overhear conversation between two 25ish men
>they're talking about games although they're COD/FIFA tier casuals, one of them says he's selling his ps4 with FIFA and 2 controllers because he never uses it
>conversation gets to this before ending:
>"yeah man, those were the days, I used to play FIFA all day before uni started"
>"yeah dude, same but then I realized I had to live in the real world"
>"yeah those just are phases you go through"
this unironically really made me think and killed all my desire to come home to some ace combat

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I love this image cause I knew all along “hit the gym” and “learn to code” was trash advice and 5 years later we’re starting to see people realize it.

Welcome to the plateau, now jump faggot.

I did this.

You just gotta remind yourself that your doing them a favor.

good, get your shit together

>hit the gym
>trash advice
lmao fatass

>lose your v card
Become a wizard and embrace the turbo autism

I hope when I die I go to some sort of utopian heaven where all my emotional, social, and physical needs and desires are sated.

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theyre just humoring you bud

>tfw completely open about my life and hobby
>I often mention how I rarely leave my house
>It's whatever

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Lotta good it did your bitch ass lol


My mom had more than 2000 female patients and more than 80% cheated on their parents multiple times.