Sup Forums I have a question in need of answering

Sup Forums I have a question in need of answering

ive been having bad thoughts of late. the type of thoughts that would have some people put on a list
not pedophilia or anything I mean.
I mean slamming hatchets into peoples heads and beating people senselessly with steel toe boots type shit

ill be fine one minute and the next ill find myself stuck in my head thinking about a remark some asshole said once or a bitch on my bus antagonizing me and the next ill be thinking of ways I should've beat them.
attacked them

killed them...

I told my mom about this and we started talking

they want to put me on pills b.

but if they do I might lose my imagination and im not sure thats something I can let go.
if I dont have my imagination where will I escape to when times get tough? where will I go?
im scared if I go to a therapist and tell them about these thoughts I might get put on some list.

I dont know what to do anymore b
I haven't known for a while.
im scared of what I might become if I let these thoughts fester but im also scared of what I might become when im on the pills.

what do I do b?

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Mods!!!! Dude is young enough for his parents to decide health care!

they "WANT" to put me on them

I live 23 miles away from my parents.

>I told my mom about this
You faggot. Those thoughts are completely normal to have once in a while.
Pills, on the other hand are not. Just tell them you got better before you get fucked up forever. IN A BELIEVABLE WAY

you're right user they are normal

but when you have them almost 24 hours every day and you find yourself contemplating bringing a gun to school then tell me if its normal.

well it might be normal for Sup Forums but it isnt for normies and its starting to scare me.

I remember holding a rifle in my mouth and the only reason I didnt pull the trigger was the thought "hey shouldn't I be doing this to the cunts at school?"

and then putting that gun in your backpack and only not doing it after I realized prison life might suck.

Story doesn't make sense.
You're still in school, but have free access to rifles and handguns that fit in backpacks. You call yourself a normie, yet want to go columbine on others with the ONLY thing holding you back allegedly were the consequences for yourself.
Sounds like you read articles about sociopaths for the first time and wanted to craft a story.
Get fucked OP

im in college

and the rifle story was 5 years ago
sorry I didnt feel like adding a fucking time stamp of every event.

thanks Sup Forums for the advice ill make sure to keep it in mind when I go on a massacre or some shit for getting called a name.

He didn’t say he had one, he just said he was planning too in his head.

There had been cases where the parents have guns and the children could easily grab them without anyone noticing, there’s a chance he might have access to weapons. But, it’s good to be skeptical.

Are you still in school tho?

Niggers, he already answered that

im in college yes.
yes you are correct I got the rifle from my dads gun cabinet when I still lived there.

Idk M8 i think that you should just not take pills.

im thinking the same.

You have pent up aggression. Its not healthy dude, it builds up and slowly grinds you down. You suffer from low self-esteem. I can tell because you fixate on aggressive thoughts related to unpleasant social encounters you've had throughout the day. If you had better self-esteem you would be confronting these rude people in the moment. Tell people how you feel after they insult you. Confront them and demand an apology or just rip into them with your words. Fight someone if you have to. You're not at risk of snapping and murdering someone. What you're really at risk of is becoming a passive-aggressive cunt and getting depressed. You gotta let it out in the moment instead of fuming in your room through tears of frustration hours later.
Trust me, it feels AMAZING to tell someone to FUCK OFF for the first time or to tear into them with a beautiful diatribe of curse words and painfully accurate insults and put-downs. Also you should take up boxing or long distance running.
I say all of this from experience OP. I was the same way ages 11-13. I would get so angry with all the people bullying me in middle school and sit in my room later and fantasize about all of the ways I'd humiliate them, kill them, beat them up, etc. Eventually I realized that they only treated me this way because I let them. Once I stopped just taking shit from people they stopped giving it to me. Then I took up running and boxing. It was an amazing way to burn off angst and aggression. I lost 90lbs and was a new person my freshman year of high school. I learned to have confidence in myself and my abilities, so eventually girls took interest in me, I made friends, and I started fucking and enjoying a healthy social life. I gave no fucks about people that talked shit, I gave no fucks about assholes, I just focused on myself, my friends, and whatever girlfriend I had at the time. Problem solved.
Tl;dr - don't take pills. Don't take shit from people. Exercise. Have sex.

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If you tell a therapist you are scared of committing these acts you won't end up on a list or forced to take pills. These sound like intrusive thoughts or obsessive compulsive behaviour. Both treatable without medication. They can't force you to take meds. Unless there's shit you're not spilling then no way is this grounds to section you - which would be the only way to force you to take meds. See the fucking therapist. You're clearly depressed.

I used to have these thoughts as well. Here is my advice my friend. 1st of all, pills want make your imagination dissapear. Try using your imagination to make it into something good, art or whatever. Keep as far away from firearms as possible, you can do it if you have the mental capacity for it. I'm sure you are a great guy, whatever your thoughts are, whatever provokes them, i'm sure it only means you are a sensitive individual. That's a power not a lot of people posses, use it for something good, stop focusing on what people think about you or you will just end up in a loop where you do nothing for yourself because people are cunts. Don't mind people talking shit or beeing deepshits, humanity is a jungle, waking up everyday is the same thing mentaly as being in a war, everyone will attack you, whether it's a stare from someone on the street, something mean your classmate/collegue will say, your country's politics and so on. Try to stay away from these thoughts because it will not get you anywere brother, maybe in a jail cell or a coffin. Find love in your life, that's what helped me and i never took any pills or drugs except for entertainment reasons. Find what brings you joy and focus on that. Give all your energy into something achievable, and when you achieve it, you won't give a fuck about any of these bullshit. And last but not list, learn to trust people, people seem to look as they are untouchable, untalkable, but try to make friends, good friends that care about you, learn to love, forgive, protect those that you love. I hope you will find peace user, i really do. Make sure you do, or you will end up like me, I'm really lucky for not being 2 meters under the ground by now, these thoughts can get you in very dark places in this world.

Jesus dude... the level of awareness in society about emotional (ppl usually call them mental) issues still scares me. Fuck pills, that's insane idea. Just find good therapist, work with this person because clearly those thoughts are coming from deep, unprocessed problems. Good luck.

>nothing to see here
>just another confused and butthurt frog poster

I dont know what to say.

thanks user, this actually makes me feel better.
I didnt think that others felt the way I did.
no matter how edgy that sounds.

ill try user.

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OP here
nice tripps asshole

but mine are better


lol thats normal


>nice tripps
like I said, just a confused and butthurt frog poster

First world problems. Get over it.


Breh, I feel for you.

I had the exact same thoughts in my early teens but that was probably because of hormones and stuff, I also had a depressive episode because of bullying and being a social outcast when I was younger (learnt a lot out of that and became a better person because of it) which might have lead to that.

It's just an impulse, you gotta fight it, it's also what happens when you bottle up your emotions and don't release them properly.

I'd recommend getting a boxing bag and that you start a regular gym routine.

Maybe I can help you. Seek me out through this video. Learn what I know and what I will one day know.

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im thankful some of you are taking me seriously.
not many people do.
I was always the "funny kid" who smoked pot sometimes.
I never felt appreciated or wanted.
nobody ever stopped and went user!
when I walked into the room.
I once got beaten with a dumbbell at my best friends birthday party once as a kid.
my siblings always put me down and I never thought of myself as anything else than "just another incel loser"
or whatever people call us these days.
even though its Sup Forums your words of kindness truly help
thank you.

I really feel like you are a nice person, all these thoughts, all the anger the hate or sorrow come to you because you are very emotional. This can only mean you are a good person user, channel all that energy into something you truly love. I've never been really loved, i never had a real home, once i was stabbed from my brother, i was "raised" in 4 different homes. What you need my friend is strenght, and you will only get that if you believe in yourself! You know what is good and whats wrong, you can feel remorse, you are not a psychopatch sociopath etc. You are perfectly normal even if your brain makes you think otherwise, browsing Sup Forums and doing weird shit doesn't make you not normal. Being a bastard to other people does. This sosciety need more kindness, and it looks like you can offer it! So go ahead bro, stop giving a fuck what people think about you, change your life, do what you enjoy and have fun! That's the point in life after all isn't it? One day you're here the next you could be dead. Why not live your life, the gift that this universe gave you and just have fun, we are nothing after all, all we are and all we have in order to still live and wander this planet is our emotions, even if that's anger, embrace it and make something good out of it. You said you like art, channel it there!

also sorry for bad english
i hope you get my point