What does Sup Forums think about mandatory military service?

What does Sup Forums think about mandatory military service?

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The Aliens are coming for you.

It's good

its stupid and makes for a weaker military

Depends on the situation. It makes sense for small countries who always have the specter of invasion looming over their heads.
Think Poland around fall of 1939

Is gay

Bullshit. As an American i believe in freedom. Will fight for it if need be but do not feel it needs to be forced.

I think it would make for a more disciplined, respectful, and civically minded citizen base.

Dumb idea, you're basically forced to be a mindless pawn for a government that doesn't care for you.

Also, 90% of the people on Sup Forums wouldn't be fit enough to join the military anyway.

Mandatory public service is a good thing.
Mandatory military service is just fascist world.

Nobody is fit to serve when they are drafted. That's while you go through all those months of training. Medical reasons are the only exemption

Pretty fucked

Vietnam comes to mind. In time of war, would you really want to be with someone who doesn't want to be there and/or doesn't believe in harming others?

Too many worthless teens. Plus think of the cost of EVERY 18 year old being paid. Also no more going into college at 18. Sports will be weird in college with a lot of mid 20s people. Pro sports will be thrown off.

sucks but on the other hand, it's a lot easier to maintain public opinion when starting a war with all volunteers.

Korea does it right, I'd be ok with that.

>Pro sports will be thrown off.
Oh shit we can't have that.

totally stupid

For a lot of people that's their ticket out of poverty. You go tell black kids they have to stay poor and make 900 a month or whatever piss poor wage the military charges. Oh and you get to be blown up in the middle east! Fuck the military. Dying for senator's stock prices in companies like Lockheed? Fuck all that shit.

It's cool. It is like a summer camp for adults where they learn how not to be pathetic virgins.

>Pro sports
>a lot of people
That's like saying playing the lotto is an investment strategy for a lot of people. Only a small handful are actually going to be successful.

Except you get to go die and kill overseas. How many current countries have endless wars and mandatory service?


A country without an army can't defend itself.

A people without defense is a slave for other country.

A professional army without citizens inside is servile to the politics.

Mandatory military service allows :
- to learn how to figth together, and not as stupid lonewolf
- to keep an link between the army and the nation
- to avoid the army to be used against the people

--> Of course, democratic country needs armies, and it's better if this army accounts citizen inside.

I would almost say that if the army is not professional at all, then the people would care much about what politicians asks to soldiers on long range missions...

And finally, to be able to keep a gun worth nothing if you don't learn how to use it in serious conflict.

Swiss got one of the best mandatory military service I think, and they own the most gun by inhabitant. And they don't have mass shooting stupid things...

How many pro sports are pulling guys in who are mid 20s? Besides that's just one example of why this shit is stupid. The military is mis-used as a tool of aggression.

How's their war going?

The only thing I'm saying is, I watch pro and college sports on the weekends, but I'm not going to make any government policy decisions based on what's good for them. They can take care of themselves.

The question was about mandatory military service, not war. Fighting a war is a different thing altogether.

Fuck that
fuck you OP
my brother killed himself last week cause his mind was shot from the military
fuck the military

make it mandatory reservist and I'm fine with it. Mandatory military service does put out better people overall, but as a side effect causes worse mental health overall. I've seen some of my buddies get real fucked up mentally even though they came out of military service a much better person than when they entered.

It's good to have an entire nation of people with at least minimal military training in case the gooks come for you.

Then change of country, if you're not willing to figth for it, maybe it's just not a good one.

Or maybe there is a problem in the way it's conduct.

I didn't do military service, but I did choose to be a professional soldier, and I don't get (more) fucked up than before I learnt those specific skills.

If my country needs me I would go gladly. I love my country and would give it my best. I pray one day, I get a chance to make a difference, to make a stand. No threat great or small would stop me from answering my countryman's call. Where so many have lay down their lives for my freedom I will fight for them and for those that will fight on after I am gone.

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It's only in the shit countries.

Probably would have changed my life for the better. I think it should be mandatory everywhere just for the discipline and fitness it can teach you. This way any fatsos can be shamed for poor self control since they would have learned to be physically fit in their training.

That's why you start them at 14. Add it to the school curriculum.

I think giving more people guns and training to shoot each other is a good thing.

I’m glad my country doesn’t have it or I would’ve went to jail.


It increases incarceration rates because of people who don't comply and deserters. I've had friends who lived in places like Israel who have deserted their country because of it.

It can, and often does, end up causing mental or physical injuries.

There's a ton more reasons but whatever.

Speaking from experience. Wait until they shit on you... you'll change your outlook fast

Depends on which country's military training methods you're using. American one is usually pretty good at doing more harm than good. British one's actually a pretty decent system built on respect and leadership.

But I was talking more about the mental damage of active reg force service. One of my buddies was armoured and on the outside, nothing looks wrong, and he's a great, happy looking guy, but you dig any deeper than the surface and underneath he's been scarred for life from some of the shit that he saw.

Conscription results in low morale, more soldiers shamming or going AWOL

This is nigger mentallity. Relying on sports pipe dreams to get out of poverty is just setting up a while community to fail. Just go to school and stop acting like a complete fuckwit.
Half the reason every hates niggers od the get rich quick scheming they have "fuck school, muh mixtape is fire"


Mandatory service is shit since a couple of old fucks determine where and what you'd die for. If any politician voting for war was required to lead a squad on the ground, then I'd be all for it.
As it stands a group of closeted politicians with their own self interests at hearts are directing people they give zero shits about over to die and kill other random fucks.

I think it's a waste of money. We aint at war with anybody significant. And anybody we would go to war with that significant, we aint gonna be doing ground invasions. We're gonna be doing missiles, drones, and maybe jets.

True, the Israeli army is known for desertions and lack of cohesion..

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explain this shit

freedom to die in a ditch faggit

Everyone should do 3 years, unless seen unfit for service. You must spend at least a year in a shithole country. That way i can stop hearing all you people bitching about stupid shit.

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Don't make it mandatory, but don't let anybody who has not served for 2 years vote.

I'd prefer to not fight in our corporate wars for oil.
If we had an actual enemy, then I'd be in favor of a draft, but we don't, so I'm not.

Good idea, Satan.

>says mandatory military service
>posts polish soldier