Rekt thread

rekt thread

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I hate fat people

>human shield

Attached: 1577242811944.webm (454x364, 1.29M)

>for coins
what the fuck

Pretty fucking badass

Attached: 1522187830929.gif (396x253, 1.66M)

That's bad ass, still completed the pull. Nice

She could easily escape, jet the fat cunt uses her as a shield...


aaaand its gone
(South Park bank dude voice)

What was that?

a crab

That escalated quickly

Lousy women drivers

What happened? Was expecting his tiny girl legs to break.

God damnit I wish I could find this with audio

being shot releases so much adrinalin that you return to only you instinctzs. in this panic filled miment the nigger resorted to the thing that is most natural to him. stealing the attackers bike

top fucking kek

the tendon connecting his bicep to his arm bone snapped

No sound. Wouldn't have known.

Pretty tough bastard, props to him

Her voice is epic

So feminine

Dumb bitch, she's so lucky she didn't hit someone


Was he yelling "Leave Britney alone!"


niggah slam the brakes on his bitchass to get him off you, dumb fk

dafk is she driving? a train in rails? how she fk THAT up? All you gotta do is go straight!

speed. she was going going full speed and texting. it happened in Israel. she killed 20 people.

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avengers endgame
2nd A
disgruntled thor

Attached: 1572536405521.webm (640x358, 338K)

Hmm... That looks familiar

damn i lost damn :)

ho god, wait is this rekt thread?

like shitty gta game

Attached: 1570167605824.webm (222x400, 1.53M)

Its a Tram

Bravo, I lol'd.

better quality

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niggers simios in action.

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doing god's work, user

Attached: Doggo getting rekt by fist.png (374x538, 395K)

Its ALWAYS a sneak attack for the nigger

Take your cock out your mouth and rewatch it. The shooter missed three times. Sup Forumstard

Attached: 1572615552081.jpg (842x614, 100K)

this rekt thread, need cops killing niggers plees.

How about niggers chimping out?

Attached: 1575051158071.webm (406x720, 1.87M)

Attached: backwards cop chase.webm (720x404, 875K)

Fuck you, pussy.

God damn it I lost

That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

Did his muscle just like... rip off internally..?


Attached: arm-slicing.webm (640x360, 888K)

Fuck this nigger cunt. White family being all "inclusive" n all that shit. There parents prob gloat about how good they are for hiring a black nanny. Black people piss all over us all the time n I've decided there all nothing but apes n should be exertimanted.

because it's fucking hilarious

>being this angry at a .webm

you make me think of annoying high school chicks who love horses and Justin Beiber. That's how bland your comment is.

Fucking normalfag. You clearly don't belong here. GTFO.

- t. angry nog

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That really pisses me off.

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Attached: 1575151642221.webm (222x364, 1.77M)

>oh no! I deliberately entered a thread full of things I don't like and now I'm mad! How did this happen?

kill yourself you faggot. Also film it and ask your mom to post the video here so we get good content.

nah I'm pretty white I just can't help but laugh when I see people like you get angry at videos on the internet. Are niggers pieces of shit who should be exterminated? Yes. But this is a rekt thread, we don't care about the skin colour as long as there are dead bodies.

>I just can't help but laugh when I see people like you get angry at videos on the internet
I'm not the same user who was bitching about niggers. But I do despise them.

Woman picks up her drink&sets to her right. Lol

Go ahead and punch your computer screen, break it and cost your self money because you got angry someone hurt your feelings. You know who does that? Children and retards. People getting rekt will still be funny and your ass will still be salty.

You have an interesting IP

That kid died later on right? Can't recall the story.

>well at least they didn't spill my tea

You couldn't do anything with an IP even if you got one. Waaah, someone said something mean on the internet. Internet police, help! End yourself, cuck.

A Picture with a stupid Filename...are you shitting us get of Sup Forums you Fucking worthless Cunt or learn how its done Properly!

God Fucking Primates

Implying a vague autistic comment like that is even worth a comment

Yep. Tendon snapped. Not good.

Forreal though. Shit had me rolling.

nignog got 9 years

Fucking Newfags don't know what a Copypasta is!
Go back to...what ever shitty side you crawled out!

It was always my favorite part of the video as well.

If I felt like commenting then it was worth it. Cuckchan is such a pain to post on, though. 2 MB attachment limit. No audio webms. They really need to improve this shit site.

Attached: bob ross.png (500x384, 220K)

OOoooooo ur IP is interdasting

Attached: tardly working.jpg (1006x921, 152K)

Attached: no women no kids.webm (700x358, 1.15M)

ill get the butt hurt mop

>Go back to...what ever shitty side you crawled out!
Unfortunately 8ch went down, so I'm forced to shitpost here for a while. It had been years since I had even visited this site because it is such garbage compared to 8ch. But alas.


Wrong Place...Wrong Time granny

Attached: Hasan Xhop.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Attached: oof.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Look out boys we got one of those le epic 8ch kids ooooh. Thinks he's above all of us garbage dwelling Sup Forums fags.