Say something nice about her

Say something nice about her.

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i bet she did not discover the ultimate crystal castle in the american dream
the back door
the biological weapons, real
the apocalypse, real
north korea, telefonos de mexico

She can iron a hell of a shirt

She’s Puerto Rican, dumbass

mexican or puerto rican, makes no difference, not white means it ain't right.

People like you are why she takes black dick in her ass

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She can take as many nigger dicks as she wants, the only thing she'll get out of it is Bango Bambo running off after getting her pregnant.

You obviously failed biology

It's a scientific fact that the breeding cycle of a nigger MUST end with the nigger male running off and leaving the mother and child to leech off social welfare. It's just their way, don't be racist.

It’s also a scientific fact that anal sex doesn’t result in pregnancy. All the nigger loads she takes have been shot directly into her lower intestine.

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nice smile

Niggers are tricky, they will pull the ye olde switcheroo and before you know it you're taking care of a disgusting halfbreed in a shitty apartment and tell your son that their dad went out for a pack of cigarettes.

There’s a nice user.

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except that it runs out her asshole and into her vag...

There's a good anti-nigger user

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she seems nice, has an authentic smile, beautiful teeth. she seems like someone you would feel comfortable around.

She’s all of those things

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Kinda makes you glad seeing she's happy, right?

Her hair looks small

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Yes. Wanna talk more about her on kik? Post yours if so

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sorry, mate. don't have kik. you're a lucky guy, though and I hope you appreciate her

Show your tits or get the fuck out

I hope this isn't your GF... Posting pics of people you like in places like this can be a recipe for disaster.