It's black and white

It's black and white

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trips of truth

It was recovering anyway dumbfuck


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Muscovite trips of deception. Obama’s world was much different. Housing crisis and Great Recession has us fucked. He did a pretty good job to get us to the point where DJT could get us to the level we’re at now. I’m actually curious how DJT would have handled 2008 and if it would have had different results.

shut up nigger cock lover

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your delucional, most republicans are.

Trump wouldn't have gotten us anywhere because he would've been too worry about his own property.


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COPE faggot

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Presidents typically inherit the successes and failures of the previous president.

>jobs gained
>shit tier summer jobs, temp jobs, college jobs, fast food "jobs"

fuck off faggot.

Donny's gonna lose.


Are you not considering that Obama was only in office one year and was cleaning up Bush's shit?


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Let's bet on it. There's a site hosting bets on the election and odds are heavy in Trump's favor. We can place bets in escrow.

Let's bet on it.

still a job retard


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ok, sure. where's the site?

This is a disproportionate response to my comment friend. Surely we can discuss the relative merits of differing political views amiably.

Reality is triggering to them.

Possibly. But he has a good knowledge of foreclose and bankruptcies so I would be curious if he would have been on the side of the consumer public and approached the failure of rescues banks to release credit sooner.

probably would have laughed at the banks and the government woulda bought back all the houses and kept the mortgages at levels that buyers can pay but make a law against it ever happening


those banks go bankrupt, fuck em, governemnt will guarantee the money to the people, arrest all of those bankers for running schemes, teach walstreet a lesson they wont foget for a 1000 years

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Trump is obviously the fore runner in betting at the moment, because the Democrats haven't selected their candidate yet.
In a straight Democrat vs Republican match up, most sites have the Democrats ahead.

>Implying oldfags can't come around to national socialism

"Too worry"? You sound like a law breaking, illegal alien, government dependent wetback!

most of us oldfags are smarter than that.
Sup Forums used to be about nihilism. get fucked with your dumb political ideologies.

autism speaks

Quick question op. When a president makes a change to the American system how long do you think it will take before Americans see the result?

Sup Forums used to be fun and not just your shitty recruitment board.


yes, I'm sure once Pol goes that more porn won't take its place.

no trump the horse face bitch will rip your dick off

You do understand that the economy is only loosely related to anything the president alone does, but if you WERE going to make any kind of broad generalization, it takes time to get a machine the size of the US economy chugging on one path or another, and 2009 = Bush influenced numbers, and 2019 = Obama influenced numbers, right?

He would have let the banks fail. As they ought to have.

You've gone quiet.


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Remember dems couldn't wait to bail out their jew banking buddies

Go ahead. Odds are stacked against Democrats. Get rich. Bet and post proof.

Those odds are actually pretty good.
Elsewhere, the Dems are favourites.
What's the wager?

So bet on the one its against Democrats the most to maximize your profits you fucking idiot. Christ no wonder you're losing, you don't even know how to play the odds.

Meadows is Trump's turd.

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well to be fair he did inherit a shit show economy bush left behind so can really give em all the credit

ill bite.. 10 bitcoin trump loses any takers?

I miss Sup Forums before it got hijacked by political shilling

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I understand that, you fucking moron. That's why I said they were good odds, compared to everywhere else.
What's the wager? you said let's both bet, what are you putting up?

its been this shit show post trump... i miss the raids and all the fun shit.... now it just a /pol fag circle jerk 25/7

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did someone actually take the bait..? i'll be damned

>It's black and white
No; its bullshit

AOC is powerless against the BWC.


Seems like he's just continuing the trend that Obama put into place after the economic clusterfuck that Bush left him.

yeah : nobel prize, 2 terms.

DT: impeach, indict likely, spits on women,

cuts health care.


DT's subhuman

>Thinking a global economic recession is the president's fault
Let's compare debt from those years.

nothing says "person worthy of leading the most powerful nation on Earth" more than literally raping a political opponent

ima Dem-only voter but i agree.


Note how much the Squad including OAC has calmed down and gone quiet.

More jobs were gained in Obama’s last 18 months than trumps first 18. Typical right wing lies and misinformation.


all u got?

one of the main rules in politics is to never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake.
Trump's reaction to the impeachment enquiry is a case in point. The Dems don't need to say anything, just stay the course and let his crazy roll out.

something shitty must have happened in 2008

>what do you mean that economic policies take multiple years to actually affect anything?
republicans are a disease and should be treated as such.