I’ve been told I’m attractive by family and peers but no female bitch makes the first move
I’ve been told I’m attractive by family and peers but no female bitch makes the first move
maybe chicks don't dig your ass seeing as you refer to them as "female bitch".
Checked, bitch lasagne.
>respec wamen
Fuck your family and peers
how's your current modus operandi working for you? Oh, right.. you ain't getting any.
if its not your looks its your personality
try working on confidence and respect
They’ll never make the first move
Married, you soiboi
>no female bitch makes the first move
you can type the word soyboy here, Sup Forumscel.
Not samefag, obviously.
Don't get married, wahmen-respecter.
abloo blooo googoo boo bah buh
arghl warghl barghl
on rare occasions they do. if they see you often then they'll drop subtle hints like twist certain information you've given them or use a highlighted feature of yours they like in conversation about their ideal bf.
your family just says that to be nice as for your friends, if they don't call you ugly (jokingly ofc) more than they say you're attractive, they're also lying. it's better to be nonchalant around females and have a "higher status" aura about you (walk, talk, laugh and joke with borderline arrogance but be humble as well to keep from being labeled narcissistic)
lol, nigger.
I don't speak tranny
Women need to be dominated by a confident man. It makes their pussy wet, lips cold, and nipples hard.
Hahahahaha oh you’re not joking, that’s how you really are?? Oh Sup Forums, thanks for always making me feel better about myself
Waits for a Woman to make the first move...Thats fine if you want to Marry soon but if you just want Pussy ...welll
Speaking from someone who was almost married and back out, staying single and hitting up other girls the best. If your lonely get a pet
Don't get married, soiboi. It's important
>he thinks he isn't Sup Forums
haha, you're in for a ride