I'm voting for Hillary and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it

I'm voting for Hillary and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

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Ok bran

k keep me posted

You're right

I don't know what this is, but it's gotta be punched in the nose.

wtf I hate Trump now

no u


Wow he got hit with the fucking ugly stick, HARD

You're right. I can't prevent you from being an idiot.


Nice proxy Bran.

How can a cute kid grow up to look like that

>Im being a retard and no one can stop me

Go nuts retard just ar eminder

67% of Americans do not Trust Hillary.

I can.

Vote for Trump and cancel yours out. :)

I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, kind foreigner.

Dang it.

hillary getting in is a good chance to be enough of a catalyst to get states to secede, especially Texas that is already on the verge.

Hypothetically I could kill you.

No, not Texas! Plz don't go :'(

Is that hypothetically a threat?

He used to be so cute ;_;
What happened to him?

Bong genes

Ralph Nader talks about Crooked Hillary.
