Would you make it?

Would you make it?

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I'd go around.

Is this Neverending Story? My nostalgia alarm is going off, but I only saw it a couple times and hardly remember it.

Goddamn those were some nice titties on the sphinxes.

Thats not how it works you little cocksucker

I never saw the movie and the wikipedia article doesn't mention sphinxes. What was required to make it?

Absolutely no fear if I remember right. The alchemist guy says "they can look deep into your heart"

>look at titties
>no fear, only boners

I literally had to leave the room during the scene with pic related.

>powered by your boner you are compelled to climb the sphinx to touch the boobs
>you make and realize they're stone so of course they don't feel good
>look down at the 50 foot drop
>become scared

>not flying over on falcor

i'm on a cocktail of psych meds to suppress my anxiety and panic attacks so maybe

It was actually a portal. You need to go through it to reach the Oracle. Going around it just leads you to nowhere special.

>mmmm I LIKE children heheheheh

Don't know, what's the challenge?

they'd probably laser before you even got close like a fuckin NOD obelisk, user.

This scene scared the shit out of me when i was little. Also was one of the first times i can remember being really really into the titties, and even at that age i had a "why am i getting chub to statue boobs?" thought.
I still can't watch the movie without forwarding through the horse dying scene. Such a good kid's movie.




This film is full of the weirdest fucking shit. Like most I was a kid when I saw it first, and had trouble sleeping for days after.

Which makes you more sad?


haha you dick

Can someone try to explain me why dont I like this movie? I love the special and practical effects, they're absolutely amazing, makeup too. But the movie overall, plot and the way it is told, characters, pacing, I don't like any of that

>has never seen any of the sequels
Should i even bother?

This scene was terrifying to me as a kid.

Wasn't the second one so bad the kid killed himself?

because it was a kid's movie (before kids became pussies) and it's not that good? what got it attention in the first place was the practical effects and their eye catching designs

>princess of fantasia tells atreyu she just used him to get a human child on board
>all the suffering he went through happened because fuck you
>princess saying people just read their whole reality out of a book
>princess then makes reference to the audience watching the kid read

we'll never have fantasy like this again

that kid with the freaky blue demon eyes?

I've never seen an actor over-act with just their face as much as that kid. It's like every other scene he has this face like he just watched his mom get beheaded or some shit.

how about flying through at top speed on falcor then?

That kid was handsome as fuck, maybe too handsome

they tried to shoot atreyu but missed

I bet if you just ran in a zig zag pattern you'd make it.


If you don't make it it's your own damn vault

What the fuck? I've never even seen this scene. Mom!

>neverending story
>it ends

walked out of the fucking theater right there

How did they get away with those uncensored nipples?

It was cut out of some versions. Namely when it aired on TV on some networks.

>tfw when you probably suppressed the traumatic memory