Upon rewatching Schindler's List, I get the sense that in another life...

Upon rewatching Schindler's List, I get the sense that in another life, he'd be a NEET on /r9k/ complaining about women not loving him. Anyone else get the feeling that if it weren't for the holocaust he'd basically be Elliot Rodger?

I've never watched it.

Shoulld I?

ITT: """Historical""" movies that never happened

He seems like the kind of guy that would jack off to anime

It's one of the greatest movies ever made. It was made with an attention to detail the likes of which is hard to find.

If you deny that the holocaust happened, then at least examine him as a movie character.

>It was made with an attention to detail the likes of which is hard to find.
Too bad it's in fucking black and white

Cheers, gonna dl it now senpai. I've been meaning to for years.

>Too bad it's in fucking black and white
pic related is my face

do you not see those facial aesthetics?

Colour was invented for a reason

Good for you.

That's because that's actor Ralph Fiennes in costume. here's what he really looked like.

The real kicker is that he couldn't even tell a Jewish woman that he loves her. To save face after the humiliation, he beats the shit out of her. If he were a young adult today, I bet he would've posted an autism greentext.

Well, he was a supreme gentleman
I pardon you...

Why did they edit out the scene with the holocoaster?


As a kid I unironically thought that people in the 50's lived in a black and white world because of old movies I'd seen on TV.

Man I was a dumbass. Sorry, AM a dumbass.

All joking aside, probably for the same reason they didn't portray Geoth feeding live people to dogs. It would have looked so unrealistic it would have taken people out of the movie. Plus there probably just wasn't time.

You are, but only because you are posting on a Mongolian woodworking vlog.

No, that's retarded.


>feeding people to dogs would look too unrealistic
>but gassing people with delousing agents and shoveling their bodies into super-ovens isn't

Also, poop diamonds and masturbation machine torture.

What is this masturbation machine torture you speak of?

Still pretty good looking guy, probably a chad in his youth. Not real NEET material

Looks like a photo of some random American serial killer tbqh. Sure he wasn't obese like a typical NEET but not many people were back in those days.

Just one example of numerous outlandish "holocaust" """survivor""" """"eyewitness accounts""""

Elliot Rodger? What?

This man got pussy every day just for being who he is, he wasn't desperate at all.

If he were alive today, he'd be derek vineyard

Because it doesn't make any fucking sense. How the fuck are you watching Schindler's List and coming to this conclusion? "Hey this SS Captain in charge of liquidating jews reminds me of a NEET who complains about women on Sup Forums". What the fuck are you even talking about?

""""quality"""" post. Kill yourself """"my man"""

>tfw look just like him sans the dumbo ears



That and how he complains about everything like a NEET not getting his tendies.

Well, bear in mind two-thirds of that film is fake and gay, so don't get carried away by your feelings when you could devote that passion toward reading about the conflict instead of being lectured by kikes.

is it tho? maybe you were just born in the wrong decade.

I'm sure i would easily be swept into the mood and kill many jews, especially women, with a gleeful boner.
Jermans had a lot of fun.

I've served my time in Sup Forums, and now I'd rather just be a degenerate.

Yes I'm sure any random loser on Sup Forums would have been cut out to be a captain in the SS and administrator of a concentration camp. I'm sure Amon Goth got his position by sitting on his ass and complaining all day.

I never said I was less of a loser than him.

Did a good 15 months in late 15-early 17. Meme war vet

I got out the day after Trump got elected. I got a purple heart and now my GBPs don't even arrive on time. This country doesn't take care of its vets.