Out-breeding. Already flooding to Europe.
What are some movies about being too late to save Europe?
Out-breeding. Already flooding to Europe.
What are some movies about being too late to save Europe?
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>40 years
Who gives a fuck? I'll be close to death then, I can't fucking wait.
>within two decades
more like 2 years lmao
I wonder if the white man will be edited out of history.
Good goy! Be a nihilist! Nothing matters anyway heheh
at least our new islamic overlords will scary all the trannies back in to hiding
>imaginary stats in imaginary expectations
Mail said UK and western Europe would be flooded right now over a decade ago.
Never listen to or read the Mail ever.
You sure aren't helping, NEET
>by end of century
Wow, 80 years is great to extrapolate from.
>falling for the replacement migration jew
It won't, if America can't stop Islam how exactly are a bunch of fedora tippers supposed to?
If people honestly, after all this time don't see the damage Islam will do to civilised society then fine, maybe they deserve what they'll get.
Probably I can't believe you cuck s let this happen
This isn't about race - if the spread of Islam isn't controlled, the whole world will fall back to the stone age. Islam is the antithesis of all progress. Where we stand now - this was achieved by a collaborative effort by multiple civilisations over thousands of years. And now we face the risk of all of this going down the drain.
hopefully we'll see the ultimate war in our lives
The same way kangs were.
classifying number of births by the stated religion of the mother makes zero sense
where are the Marvel fan vs DC fan births statistics?
>Millions coming in to Europe every year
>Muhammad most popular name in UK
>non European birth rate already greater than native birth rate in French cities
>not flooded
islam sounds pretty sweet actually, for straight males anyway.
I'm not terribly worried, as soon as whites start feeling actually threatened we'll just genocide everyone like we always do. It's been done countless times before.
>too late to save Europe
No it isn't, just burn the browns.
I dont give a shit since Im middle eastern, aw poor white man hes gonna lose his western civilization aww how sad....
>stone age
Um non more like 1400 A.D you racist shithead.
> no music
> no movies
> no electronics
> no free thought
Yes but it all sounds like a lot of hard work
Maybe a do-over is for the best?
This shit is just a flavor of the decade existential threat like the Red Scare or Catholics.
not true. ive been to several muslim countries and all of these exist. well maybe not the free thought thing but islamic doctrine works for straight hardworking men every time it can
I'll ask again once the rich tribal leaders and land owners get their seven wives and there's only goats left for you.
>flooded means people
Don't be a fucking idiot.
poor bait
SJWS wan't to get rid of all that anyway, at least we won't have to listen to feminists prattling on with Islam.
Christianity is a cuck religion created by the jews and the anglos fell for it hook line and sinker. It's literally about a man (Joseph) that raises another mans son. The jews have been playing the long con.
isn't this what Children of Men was about?
Just pretend you are a radical muslim and consume those products under the Taqiyya pretense.
Islam allows sex slaves, just kidnap a woman and force her to be your slave.
>daily mail
what is it with amerifats obsession with tabloid papers that are a joke in the uk
I need a yes/no answer
Does Islam condone pedophilia?
It's kind of a deal breaker
Kind of, yes.
Hey now, hey now don't dream it's over
To be fair journalism in general is a joke, I can't think of a single British newspaper worth purchasing nowadays, it's not about 'news' anymore.
Muhammad married a young girl (she was either nine or eight, one of his many wives) so I'd say they're pretty into it.
they're getting a TV show in the US now
I like their format and how they put bullet points and images in the story. Also they are literally never wrong. idk why people greentext at them
Because every white person doesn't call their son Jesus, I work in a bank and 90% of muslim customers are called Mohamed, there's even ones called Mohamed Mohamed ffs they're the least original people on the planet.
Look at the population pyramids of the west, vs that of mudshit countries
We will be outnumbered 100 to 1
Western civilization is dying, countries like Canada won't exist in the future.
wow so i can have sex slaves, multiple wives, use physical violence to fix my wives AND the queers will disappear? what can we do to speed the spread of islam and how can i convert now?
I'm pretty sure this is just fear mongering.
Besides, Muslims are some of the worst human beings. They will all get kicked out eventually for being welfare leeches.
>not learning the basics of Sharia just incase you have to be halal
i believe you're in the wrong board, fag
We should start calling our Children Jesus, for a laff.
just let some of our happy refugees take turns with your wife my good friend! soon islam will solve all!
Human rights, art, and science will all be destroyed by Islam
>asks for movies on Sup Forums
>wrong board
What did he mean by this?
>Besides, Muslims are some of the worst human beings. They will all get kicked out eventually for being welfare leeches.
That's not how it works in the U.K., we're too progressive to do that.
How fast would Sharia fix our nigger problem?
This is a film thread
It's not his fault your friends can't help discussing the image instead. Go cry about actual off-topic threads that are up right now
>implying anyone gets kicked out for being welfare leeches in the modern world
>Daily Mail
Get out of here already.
The joke is that Asian countries will be the last civilized places on the planet. Nobody's going to fucking kick them out. Germany will enable them to stone women on the streets. Everyone will be fine with it because of the media.
>Another immigrant thread
No wonder Sup Forums fucking sucks these days.
They're truly wearing out their welcome wherever they are in the world.
Eventually most people will be unopposed with deciding to kick them out.
Even though polygamy is legal in Islam, you have to treat every wife equally, i.e. you can't just take 1 wife on holiday and leave the rest at home, you can't make them live in the same room, all their living standards have to be equal, if one of them has a car, they all have to own a car etc. it's genuinely only less than 1% of marriages that are polygamous in Islam, it's mostly just a war time exception to repopulate the nation as quickly as possible.
Convert to Islam it shall be great
>t. tinfoil hat wearer
fuck off kike
dang. what about the sex slaves
Not in countries native to where they were born.
Economic refugees who cross through many safe countries just to take advantage are going to leave or be kicked out eventually.
Even Angela Merkel has said this.
Like who? What's the indication of this? Hillary won the popular vote. Billionaires control the media. Commisar Merkel is about to run a 4th term.
For every ten thousand people who don't want Islam in their country you can bet there is one liberal in power who only cares about keeping their job, these people love immigration, it keeps them in power.
You only need to look at London to see what a fucking disaster enabling Islam does to western culture.
>SJWS wan't to get rid of all that anyway
At least they don't censor the press and call them the enemies of the people. That would be embarrassing to defend. Amirite?
>t. Canadian
We would put them in chains ASAP, we dont like black people at all.
>Muslim births
>Christian births
You can't be born with a religion.
Just like those temporary turk workers were kicked out? No western government will ever reduce the number of shitskins, the whole POINT of their policies is to demographically replace us
This is why decades of subreplacement fertility is 100% fine in their eyes
>Economic refugees who cross through many safe countries just to take advantage are going to leave or be kicked out eventually.
Count all the "refugees" in history that have returned to their own countries.
>journalism is a joke
No, it's that you just don't actually pay attention to real journalism, or perhaps you just don't agree with concrete journalist due to whatever bias you may have? Idk.
>the BBC exists
The press hasn't been relevant for like fifteen years now, the internet has rendered them obsolete. I want facts, not opinion, something 'the press' doesn't seem to understand.
Yes, look at all the Sharia Law in London.
>the press don't have any power whatsoever!
>they have good intentions no matter what!
>they always tell the whole truth!
Sure thing, leaf.
got you f-am
jokes on you, i dont have and i dont want a wife
Are all those Indonesians going to Europe?
>he doesn't know
Where did you get that I'm Canadian? I'm not...
its just another pathetic (and successful) iteration of the threads that have ruined several boards on this site.
>White 'people' - aka snowbeasts soon to be saying 'WE WUZ RELEVANT
can't wait lmao
Right, so you think censorship is good as long as it's the people you don't like? Yeah, you stick it to those SJWs! You are totes different.
The battle of Vienna was for nothing
I'm Canadian, and this shit concerns the fuck outta me.
I'm gonna need a source on any Sharia Law legislation passed in London, buckaroonie...
gamergate was the worst shit to happen to this site
ive never seen a more pathetic bunch of faggots than gamergaters crying about muh feminism
the main problem with this site is that they brought back Sup Forums after /new/ became full of faggot stormfronters
This board has been in the gutter long before the election and redditgate
baneposting ruined it
What happens in the movie Europe is Marxists and Corporations work together to import millions illiterate criminals, who begin raping and killing constantly including setting up child trafficking rings where these child slaves get raped every day while the government protects them and pays them to exist on the dime of the citizens who are told to hate themselves by the government and media.
The entertainment comes from just watching how these people can keep up this facade living in a state of delusion where they have to either ignore or justify the bad things happening to them, because the consideration that perhaps importing millions of people from the middle east is a retarded idea and paying them to live is even stupider. They even voted away their right to self-defense so they have to be killed or go to prison.
It gets really redacto absurdum when the feminists in the movie have to perform extreme mental gymnastics to pitch how the hijab and being enslaved to a man is empowering to women just because their handlers are the Marxists and Corporations that comprise every party except the nationalist party, which is rendered impotent by the pseudo-democratic system that pretends to have multiple parties that are actually just 2 parties, a massive globalist party and a tiny nationalist party.
It's really a lot like Brazil the way terror attacks happen all the time and the people have to pretend it isn't happening right in front of them while the government tries to quietly brush it under the rug.
It has many 1984 elements like the government fining and imprisoning dissidents who wake up and discover the chaotic state they live in, resulting in a large underground thought network. You see this surface when a journalist comes to investigate and the people plead with him to stay away before they get intimidated into silence by the government and media, who proceed to lie about and silence his existence of ever having been there and being attacked by the migrants.
No, but his role will only be a short chapter in the history of humanity.
Do you understand what censorship even is?
Trump still does press conferences, his staff still take questions, what does him choosing not to waste his time on the same idiotic questions every press conference have to do with censorship again?
Both sides of the political spectrum are fucking moronic but you also to have to be pretty biased in some fashion to ignore just how obsessed the media is with Donald Trump, it's boring and just gets in the way of actual news.
They would be too busy running from brown people crowd chasing them to beat them to death.
White people gonna be the designated rage relief humans in the next decade
Don't worry, I'm sure a bunch of white LARPers on Sup Forums will be able to stop them.