How many weeks will Jenna masturbate to that Tweet for?
What a cruel fucker.
He should just pull off the bandaid and block her.
That's awesone
[Spoiler] just awesome [/spoiler]
>you will finally see John dropping Blunt for Jenna in your life time
Pretty good desu. Let's make it happen, bros! Keep the shitposting up.
If that happens I will literally drop whatever I am doing and go chase my own impossible dream.
It'll happen with meme magic, user. It's happening right infront of your eyes.
Haha I love it when memers churn out enough decent meme content to build up some dank meme magic!
Keep 'em memein'!!!
why did she find it so necessary to clarify
Oh Jenna sweetie no. Oh sweetie. *pats head*. Sweetie.
to him this is just a throwaway tweet that he'll forget about it in a few hours. To Jenna this will be the highlight of her month and she'll spend weeks rereading it and analyzing and wondering "what did he mean by this?"
>and I do not wear it in real life
Liars tend to go into more detail than necessary, user.
I wonder if Jenna would ever go down on Emily just for a chance to taste John
Anyone else kind of just want to see Jenna getting the man of her dreams? It's pretty sad desu.
Why does he torture her like that? It's not even tsudere it's just cruel.
inb4 Jenna rents out a warehouse and receates the lay out of the office and turns up each day to sit across from paper mache Jim.
>I d-don't wear the ring in real life! I swear! It's just a prop! I keep it for no reason
>you will never get a qt to long for you like Jenna does.
Why even live.
>virtually everything on her twitter feed right now - posts, conversations, retweets - is about The Office and Jim and Pam
I'm unironically the 277th retweet
it's too fucking embarrassing to look at.
Sup Forums BTFO yet again
>tfw John enjoys mentally torturing Pam, knowing he will never let her taste his sweet body
i feel bad for jenna. she knows how embarrassing it looks now and feels she has to explain herself.
john is a good guy for doing that.
>implying it's not Emily on John's twitter account callously leading her on, laughing to herself, and sending screenshots to her friends
I don't get why Sup Forums harps on this so much, like yeah, the girl who spent a huge portion of her life is still connected with the hugely successful tv show she was apart of
it's not like she was in anything else even close to relevancy, if you fags were in her position you'd be doing the exact same thing
>Bane posting
>Joker posting
>Jenna posting
Sup Forums really does have the best memes
That nigga is cruel.
that's just cruel
there's no salvation for you.
Go to bed Aaron.
truly we are in the golden age
Yes we would. And we would be made fun of. Relax.
this now a get thread
You really want to jennapost? Do this
post jenna feet
holy shit
mommy would be proud desu
shut your mout
Now this is jennaposting. Did Jim pound Pams soles?
absolutely he did
this only makes her look more pathetic
i mean, she probably had the whitest sneakers because of jim's footcummies.....
I want to be her pusy slave!
>one off
>one off again
>this will never happen again
Another 5 and I'm out
BASED pusyposter
>one off AGAIN
christ user
don't worry your singles aren't going anywhere
damn jenna's feet look like THAT??
>in real life
so she does when she roleplays?
I hope so
why are you aping a pedo
Great work! When John finally leaves her and goes to Pam it'll be a dream come true
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why this is a big deal?
Honestly, Jenna < Emily
>"it's okay Jim threw this sandwich away"
>"i think it was Jim I saw him from far away"
>"it was a tall lanky guy"
>"it was Jim"
You're an idiot
she was looking fine
What's her endgame
How do you ironically retweet something?
they're an acquired taste, but by god are they good
I thought I was a misogynist, why am I feeling any empathy for her?
awesome.....just awesome...
that hotel room is in Toronto
why did they take that shot there
Taking this dubs thread to the next level
>this will make john jealous, right?
Don't you mean Montreal? That's Olympic Stadium in the background, where the Expos used to play.
the fuck did he mean by that? Jenna didn't mention a teapot.
he probably thought she said "all the stuff"
Jenna Fischer was really good in Walk Hard.
I felt a jolt reading the word Montreal here. I'm fairly certain in 7 years I spent here I've never heard my city name posted here. You guys are fucking closing in on me aren't you?
damn those are pretty nice... she doesn't have those gross lines like a lot of over 30 women have. I wonder what her solegame is like
perfect combination of adorable and sexy
Yea I jerked hard to that film if you catch my drift
Got Jim drunk and high and now he's back in my room i'm soooo happy!!! he'll never leave me again. i won't let him. ever.
Who was in the wrong here?
alright jenna, whatever you say darling.
She's a bit of a qt, imo
you can just feel the hollow sympathy as jim plays along for her benefit
I really thought she was going to have an affair with this guy