I'm rewatching twin peaks in preparation for the new series and holy shit did i forget how rapidly this show takes a nose dive in season 2. I just finished the episode where the killer is confronted by cooper et al. and I'm wondering; why was laura's murder such a secondary interest this season, why was the soap opera parody taken so seriously. why does no one give a shit about the mill going up, and what is with the sudden personality changes, characters being introduced/dropped at the drop of a hat and complete disregard for the clues, hunches and detective work that had previously been involved in the unravelling of the laura palmer mystey?
i mean some old fuck recites the "that gum you like" line and that's it coop's got his man. Fuckin weak. I hope the new season is more in line with the tone and more focused approach of season 1.
Rapidly downhill
>22 eps in s2
No wonder it was dogshit
David Lynch and Mark Frost lessened their involvement in the show at that time. The network forced them to reveal the killer early so they just lost interest in the show.
season 2 is a pleb filter. I'm seriously excited to see if they're selling noiseless drapes in season 3
The network, not getting that Lynch and Frost had invented modern television for them, insisted the mystery be revealed. They did it perfunctionarily because Lynch was absent.
The third season is going to be INLAND EMPIRE with real money. I barely expect narrative, let alone focus. Once it's done, and people complain for some reason as if they expected something else, I think Lynch will either retire to his other artistic interests or else make his feature-length cult commercial biopic of the Maharishi he's talked about making.
Nah, it's pleb FILLER.
Fire Walk With Me is amazing.
I truly hope Season 3 is just as great.
Why do normies lie on the internet.
It's pretty obvious from your post that you had never seen it previously.
That massive dip in quality should've stuck with you and caused you to skip that 6-7 episode chunk of uselessness.
>Fire Walk With Me is amazing
it really is. I can watch almost anything in a movie, but its really difficult to watch the final scenes of the murder. Last time I had to fast-foward. Everything leading up to it, to, is so visceral and heartbreaking
first 7 eps of season two >> season 1
Honestly, I think you are right, the narrative will be extremely loose.
A magazine said they had 400 pages of script. They are missing 600 pages of script if you go by the industry standard.
That like no dialogue and all description. I'm kinda weary of the show now.
A lot of people hated it because it lacked the silliness of the more soap opera-y parts of the show.
But Twin Peaks was always its best when it was about Laura and solving her murder. FWWM is exactly that.
How am I the only one who isn't bothered by those episodes? Yes, it does slow down a lot and wander, but the atmosphere of the series as whole sustains them to just being comfy. I cannot take the addition of Windom Earle though, that shit is just too stupid
This. Pink Room best scene and best music.
Windom Earle is truly a low point for me.
He was just a fucking Batman villain by the end: the shitty costumes, the chess game plot that never resolved, the dead dude in a giant pawn.
Windom Earle was light years better than the arc of James running off and shacking up with what's-her-name old rich cunt.
At least he added something to the story and was somewhat relative to the mythos of the story overall.
Totally original opinion dude, well worth posting.
Not that user, and never seen Twin Peaks, but I never skip an episode, even if I've seen something before, even if I loathed it. It's morally wrong.
>than the arc of James running off
but you can say that about an arc involving James starting with the pilot. Honestly that singing bit between him, Donna, and Laura's cousin is the absolutely worse scene in the series and makes me want to die watching it
I'll admit to being scared of what the new season could bring.
I'm old (forty-six) so I watched this stuff during its original run. The delightful anticipation was amazing, although it dipped for season two.
Just not sure, can they pull off the magic again?
>singing bit worst scene
i will agree with that
have you ever watched SG-1?
>people complain for some reason as if they expected something else
Just like what happened with Fire Walk With Me. I'm so excited for this new season.
Fair enough.
It's just hard to justify watching several hours of content in which the narrative is in purgatory to the point where the actors involved didn't even bother watching the show at that point.
the james plotline and the arc about Horne thinking its the civil war were both cancerous
Fuck no, that looked like 100% dogshit garbage.
>the arc about Horne thinking its the civil war were both cancerous
objectively wrong opinion, m8
I see what you mean, but when I watch Twin Peaks, there's so little of it I'm going to watch the whole thing.
the brain says no
but the heart says yes
I don't think they could if they wanted. I think Lynch is going to go full nightmare territory.
He said before that the series ties heavily into FWWM, and that movie was extremely dark compared to the show, and mind you this is on showtime, they can get away with nudity and ultra violence.
I don't think it's going to be happy.
The show's very seriously about dichotomies, but dichotomies that never quite separate. Take the black and white zig-zag pattern ...
For Laura Palmer, she's got a light side and a dark side, right? Dark side boyfriend: Bobby. Dark side friend: Ronette Pulaski. In the book, it even goes into how she corrupts Bobby Briggs.
So her light side boyfriend is James and her friend is Donna. She wanted to keep them separate ... when Donna intrudes (Fire Walk With Me), she punishes her "chug-a-lug, Donna" for even attempting to know her.
Similarly, Laura is angry with wholesome James for attempting to know more about her than she wants to let on. She mocks him just before she runs off and gets herself killed.
After that, we see James as this corny guy who is still one of the "good guys" despite the motorcycle. Both he and Donna are broken by Laura's death, each of them looking to leave their comparatively warm and wholesome lives to explore where Laura went. Donna does this by her emulation of Laura. James, for a long time, still thinks that a little song can bring that back.
If you think about it, guy with a guitar doing some sing-a-long thing is corny, but it's also non-threatening, fun, and genuine in a way that James is desperate to hold onto. It's painful to witness because he sticks out like Mister Rogers in a porno. He's trying to hold onto something that's gone.
And when he realizes that is when he blows town.
civil war arc is both kino and pleb filter
even if you didn't like the arc, the ending hits hard
Ben is a great character. The scene of him watching the film of his family breaking ground for the Great Northern turned me from hating the sleazy sack of shit he was.
nice analysis user
>sticks out like Mr. Rogers in a porno
did you make this up? It's hilarious
fuck your pessimism bruh i watched the whole thing ten years ago before the gold box release, i know james and donna fuck off to do soap opera things and i remember how terrifying the last episode is. I just forgot how swiftly a nose dive season two took and was looking for reasons why. first post cleared things up nicely i must say. as for being a normie i'm posting on a fucking ecuadorian bed spread forum.
I'm nearly done with season 2, and it was weird how they made James still really love Donna but sent him off to get laid by the weird lady. It seemed like that plot was supposed to last a little longer but it started and finished before even the Nadine/Ed shit that's going nowhere at a much slower pace.
oh and I'm sketchy on watching the movie, I don't like horror movies. Jumpscares get me every time
Its more oppressive and eerie then straight horror, but there is one or two really freaky jumpscares
I'm rewatching now, about 4 episodes after the murder ""resolution"" and I agree. The Norma and her mom subplot was very bad but the rest are still so comfy and fun. The new song they added is nice, Coop is still going strong, and even stuff like the Nadine story are just entertaining. If you really like Twin Peaks, then the episodes are nothing to get through. The first bit of season two had some amazing moments, but even those had moments of widely varying quality, and so far, while these episodes stray widely from the murder mystery, they aren't much less enjoyable. I think the quality duo is very exaggerated; it's neither that bad nor that long, and at the very least it's entirely worth it by the finale.