This is unironically the best cause anyone has taken up in the last decade.
Also fuck Coke, it objectively leaves a worse aftertaste.
This is unironically the best cause anyone has taken up in the last decade.
Also fuck Coke, it objectively leaves a worse aftertaste.
Other urls found in this thread:
Cops would probably turn their back when I rape that chick.
Whats the controversy?
allahu akbar my friend
>of all people it should be altrightards complaining
>it was really just sjws that got it pulled
toppest of keks
I don't understand the message they're trying to put across. Are the protesters at odds with the police officers? If so, why do they cheer someone giving a can of pepsi to one of the police?
>>a friendly protest of all white supermodels smiling and clapping
>>somehow an allegory for BLM
are SJWs retarded
They put up a mirror and the lefties screamed foul.
Wait, what happened? I assume SJWs didnt like the ad because I'm assuming the ad was about Pepsi being able to bring people together or some shit and this was made amidst cop hate because of BLM and the message is that something as simple as a pepsi can save it. Am I close?
Sup Forums wins everytime
just from the screenshot i'm assuming sjw's are butthurt becasue the "protesters" seem to be portrayed as all white which is hilarious.
They're not riot police, they're just doing standard crowd control. Basically the kids are doing a Spring Break youth celebration with Pepsi sponsoring it.
People equating this with BLM or Occupy or whatever the fuck is projecting, nothing more.
This. But Sup Forumspol/ getting worked up over it somehow being SJW is also retarded.
>Literally giving money to a megacorp in exchange of cancer diabetus beverage
You (((people))) don't even realise how lost you are...
BLM hated the ad because the police weren't shown murdering a black child who was just out spreading the word of Jesus Christ and getting his life back on track.
nah look at the video the mob was all sorts of colors and sexual deviants. But at the end of the day whitey was the one to save the day by drinking a nice ice cold Pepsi (tm)
So then why was the alt-right butthurt over it?
And don't tell me they weren't, you were seeing this shit on all over Sup Forums and Daily Stormer.
BLM act like they inventing protesting lol.
Didn't people here also get asshurt about it?
Spot on.
SJWs [alt-left] are the ones butthurt about it, you dunce.
stop drinking (((sugar))) drink pure water from our mother Earth
Sup Forums is always like that though that said the ad was full of Queers that's why.
>Kendall Jenner
She's definitely Iberian-blooded.
Yeah I know jews are white too.
pepsi is sickening. Coke has a perfect amount of bitterness
Both are shit and adictive af, they are literally feeding you shit.
>expecting Sup Forums to not be angry about diverse people having a good time
Sup Forums throws a fit over the smallest thing so them being triggered isn't exactly worth paying attention to.
But yeah, SJWs going full "that's a serious topic pls don't trivialize it/use it for profit!" is the reason it got pulled.
Nah, that's the thing, they had a token black, muslim, arab or whatever the fuck that reality star filfth is and people still cried their eyes out.
On the other side people were upset the ad was normalising protest, especially seeing as they went out of their way to include police officers(all of which were white men, heh) in the ad like some big bad the cool multicultural kids were gonna topple with their pepsi infused progressivism.
A train-wreck all round.
Lets get this shit started.
>dumb states call it coke
>smarter states call it soda
>flyover states call it pop
sounds about right
What are the other names? Especially the dark green ones in the middle of the blue and red areas.
live by the sjw
die by the sjw
Thats just dumb.
If I want a Coke, I'll ask for a coke.
If I want a Fanta, I'll ask for a Fanta.
None of that soda pop bullshit.
>sjw faggots call it soda
This is how we'll identify the traitors on the day of the rope.
only heathens call it pop
What the fuck else could you call it?
>waaaaaaah waaaah
shut up fatass lol
fizzy lifting drinks
soft drink
The only place where the call something something else and get angry at everyone for not changing it something.
Do you actually call Dr. Pepper "Coke"?
sodie pop
I haven't seen the commercial yet. What did my friend mean by this?
According to wiki, the greens in Virginia and the Carolinas literally call soda "cold drink" like retards.
Read the thread or watch the commercial you lazy piece of shit.
Cherry Coke > Coke > Pepsi
You can take that Vanilla Coke shit and fuck right off.
The screenshots are a fucking treasure
brand shills and idiots push it till it becomes normal.
all mp3 players became ipods.
smartphones were iphones.
all video game systems were nintendos.
>tfw Michigander
>tfw all my friends laugh at me when I say things like "pop" or "doorwall"
No no lol leftist protestors don't look like models you leftist cuck but nice try
I struggle to understand the outrage even after watching the ad
It's a sliding-glass door.
The worst part is that I didn't even realize this was a regional term until a year or so ago.
didn't show all the cops gunning down the blacks and trump kicking the muslim out and groping them.
Truly the ultimate ad kino.
Who cares? Without Jews, we are nothing.
>Also fuck Coke, it objectively leaves a worse aftertaste.
>Pay advertising company to create an advertisement that will create massive controversy and get people worldwide talking about your product and featured on the nightly news and online newspapers
>Whoops sorry guys we will pull the ad now ;)
>Coca Cola has comfy polar bear >Pepsi has coalburners, niggers and mudslims.
nummy nums
>Not calling it
>burpy beverage
>tasty tongue tingler
>refreshing ingestible nose cleaner
Pepsi > Coke > Coke Zero (new recipe) > Pepsi Max > Coke Zero (old recipe) > Dog shit > Diet Coke
>pepsi > coke
stopped reading there
>don't have to pay for advertising, just the production of the ad
brilliant 2bh
>drinking soda
What's it like being over 250 lbs?
>Pepsi > Coke
coke>pepsi>cancer causing, fattenening "diet" sodas
nuff said
Coke Zero Cherry is soooo fucking good
>Pepsi > Coke
He's right though.
how can anyone prefer pepsi over coke? it tastes like a coke knock off but without the extra kick. like they haven't perfected the secret recipe yet.
Fat dumb Americans. 'Ya'll want some pop?'
No I don't. I want a specific drink. Lemonade, Cola, Fanta etc. they're called Carbonated drinks you fucks. Fizz.
>Drinking disgusting carbonated sugar water
>Caring about ads
Wtf is wrong with you people
Liquid diabetes
why are amerilards like this? their brains are so tiny they cant retain what the fuck is their fave carbonated beveage is called so they call it "coke"? only children speak like that.
I'm super confused what that ad even means
Pepsi is too sweet too me.
It's using protest culture and protests against police to sling soda. Not complicated
Looks like Pepsi is working overtime to damage control and salvage any publicity they can get from their failed ad.
the sand negress was pretty qt.
>literally everyone gets prime screen time except white men
>white woman sandwiched between two niggers
black k-on a cute
From Chicago,Live in the Pacific North West.
I call it soda and/or pop.
People in Southern Louisiana call a soft drink a "cold drink" lol
Juggalo faggots don't get an opinion
water>coca cola>dr.pepper>welch'sgrapesoda>cola champagne>>>>>>>>>>>pepsi
Coke in glass bottle>Dr. Pepper>Cherry Coke>Coke>Root Beer>>>>>>>>>>>>Pepsi
mcdonalds coca cola>everything
i dont know how they water it down but it ends tasting better than the original. the water doesnt make it taste excessively sweet i guess
Somebody pls post the pdf
What was controversial about it? That it was idiotic?
protesting is one of the most useless, unproductive things ever.
pure fucking virtue signalling. just an excuse to go out and feel cool and young and pick up on people. that's all it is.
include me in the
>Also fuck Coke, it objectively leaves a worse aftertaste.
Is it opposite day?
It's well known that Pepsi has a better initial taste, but has a nasty aftertaste that Coke doesn't have.
I agree with you. No serious legislative change has happened due to a fucking protest. The real change always happens behind closed doors.