Why is this racist?
But not this?
Why is this racist?
But not this?
The italian one is innocent in the sense that it added "color" to the man to represent the detergent's coloring factor.
The japanese one lacks this extra layer and makes the black look inherently dirty and unwanted which then gets cleaned away.
the Italian one isn't racist because you can't be racist against whites or interracial relationships.
Is this 1950s? Why is it racist to imply interracial relationships are bad?
saying minorities are ruining the country and europe is "racist"
oh wow first response was 100% right
Neither are racist. People have too much time on their hands to get their panties in a wad.
It's a Rorschach test. You are the one who is racist.
Nah, fist response is just an SJW sent to this site from leddit.
Viva italia based il papa that's why
I don't know what this is, I don't care what it is, and I agreed with the first response. Thats it. I don't know how you would get a photo from a reddit page if you don't go on reddit
They are the same.
the difference is that the Chinese one is funny
They are both racist. They just differ in who they are trying to make look bad.
japanese version makes blacks look like dirty shits that need to be cleaned
Italian Jew media controlled version Makes whites look like whimpy hairy poor little white bois that can't compete with what this site would call a "bull"
Black bad = racist
Black good = not racist
Serious Question
is this accurate?
really tingles the ol noggin
Nonsensical post
So saying color is inherently better than non color is fine but saying dirt is worse than no dirt is not? Complete idiot.
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:35:58 No.73231490▶
I think you should stop reposting year-old threads
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:36:07 No.73231498▶ (OP)
I don't understand the Italian one.
Why you wash a guy in a laundry, and he ends up getting covered with shit after that?
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:36:27 No.73231502▶
China has the right idea. wtf is up with Italy?
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:37:31 No.73231518▶
Italians are total cucks.
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:37:50 No.73231524▶
real life -> desire
wow even i can see that and i am american
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:40:12 No.73231570▶
maybe detergent that enhances/doesn't fade colours?
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:42:32 No.73231600▶
中国为家, 意大利为谁呀?
Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)12:45:04 No.73231653▶
One clip is for whites, one clip is for coloureds.
Are you all NEETs who get their laundry done by mommy? It's honestly not that difficult, that's why women are doing it.
>you can't be racist against whites
go back to r3ddit nigger
I'm mad at Italy for this. Thought they were better
I don't save this type of shit, but there's an anit-black fat nerd version of that cartoon where the script gets reversed.
They're both racist.
But SJWs only care about racism against non whites.
you can only be racist against white people
it's simple
He saved exactly because the opposite is happening to him and his waifu is getting banged by whitey
Black guy in the first one is actually jacked as fuck and has a desirable body. The second is just some Asian pretty boy.
I'm not white, faggot. I just recognize evil / divisive tricks when I see them.
>but there's an anit-black fat nerd version of that cartoon where the script gets reversed.
yes, cuz some Sup Forums weeb got anally blasted by a meme
"reverse memes" are the ultimate sign of butthurt after archiving and/or reporting.
it isn't
niggers are dirty
Very good point. One is "racist" because it besmirches blacks. The other isn't "racist" because it besmirches whites, and white men in particular.
I believe you when you say you're non-white at least
mongrel subhuman
hey answer already
Are you the guy on the right?
Because based on these I'm thinking yes
don't just reply multiple times :^)
Why do you hate white people so much? You probably are white so what the fuck is your problem?
How do you interpret that from his post? Are you looking to be offended?
girls literally orgasm from watching boyband music videos and they're all scrawny
I don't get the second one. His skin color didn't even change.
Only Americans give a fuck.
Oh sorry this was for you!
Nah senpai, whoever made that meme was obviously pissed that """his""" gal was getting the white mamba and it his only way to express his sexual frustration and anger at white people
"White Rhino"
"Great White Dick"
"Colonial Rod"
You're all faggots.
The Italian ad is selling a detergent that doesn't wipe the colour out of your clothes.
The Chinese one is selling a "whitening" detergent.
Neither are racist, they're just bad taste.
>mongrel subhuman
Try again.
Many people would argue that sexually humiliating white men isn't "racist," while slandering blacks is.
I feel like the 2nd is in response to the first am I wrong?
The first one was a chink copy of the second.
You didnt add the new archive link. We gotta keep the list growing!
I'll stop when you've collected 151 archive links. Get to work.
That's funny Korea can't make anything original even racism.
That's too much chink to handle without a back brace.