Writer's strike

oh baby its that time again




>let's make a movie
>about wut?
>Avengers 12, we will take the script from part 3 and flip it upside down

Seriously, they don't need writers. No one is doing anything anyway.

Flicks still have writers? I thought everything was handled by computer algorithms now.

I was about to ask that too

from what I can tell there are no writers in Hollywood just storyboard artists and actors who ad lib their lines

It used to be all ad lib.

can I be a scab? I'll scab.


youre thinking of Sup Forums.

I'd say college interns could write better than 3/4's of the writers now, but I think that is who is doing the writing now.

take your bets what shows die

no one will even notice this time since everything on tv is shit

So what franchises will be affected?

Oh no they'll have to write good movies again.







If they get what they want, won't they just strike again in a few years? The time between strikes will get shorter and shorter.

Fargo is about to come out, I'm a season behind on Bates and I haven't even started The Americans yet.

Let them strike until they starve. Start again with a new brood of writers.

>sign up as writer scab
>write BONNE BLURPH 4000 times on a sheet of paper

The last strike killed Journeyman and helped Big Bang Theory stick around longer long enough to get good enough to stay on.



I miss My Name is Earl more than Heroes

Why is hollywood so greedy?

Second season already did

Journeyman was fucked from the beginning. Heroes was bound to be shit too, that show was all about origin stories and NBC execs forced the writers to throw away the central conceit of a completely new cast every season when the originals got so popular.

I would argue Pushing Daisies, Life, 30 Rock, and maybe Chuck were the only shows to actually suffer in terms of popularity due to the strike.

Game of Thrones gets cancelled, a text-only epilogue is added to the last episode of season 7 wrapping everything up in under 100 words with Gurm's signature at the bottom.

The Walking Dead gets replaced with an unscripted Negan spinoff where all the main cast are dead and Jeffrey Dean Morgan adlibs a symphony of profanity and hokey phrases at bit actors.

>attractive person parrots dialogue you wrote
>only has to avoid looking straight into the camera
>gets paid shit tons more than you

What I wanna see in Hollywood is a taste of that socialism they're very keen on selling to us goys.

Instead of:
>join Actors/Writers Guild
>work your way up to hopefully get paid millions to make shit

why don't they 'spread the wealth':
>join actors/writers guild
>immediately get paid as much as A list actor or best screenplay writer

seems fair.

Can't wait till China owns more and more of Hollywood and these smucks are thrown onto welfare while sweatshops full of chinks write out tv for the next 50 years.

>May 2
>going on strike at the end of the regular TV schedule

most of those douche bags overvalue themselves like crazy, fuck em.

Please, oh lord, be you merciful, strike down the snake that is The Walking Dead

>The Walking Dead gets replaced with an unscripted Negan spinoff where all the main cast are dead and Jeffrey Dean Morgan adlibs a symphony of profanity and hokey phrases at bit actors.
So the show has its best season ever

Just in time for the next Bond film too. Quantum of Solace was about the best example I can think of where the writers went missing halfway through.

So just like last time every show is gonna get even worse except South Park and reality shows since they don't use guild writers?