*BURPPP* God's not real Morty

>*BURPPP* God's not real Morty
>the redditor takes a step back from the laughter to remember that G*d is indeed an opioid for the masses
>Y-y-your parents are fucking idiots Morty every*URP*body is stupid except for me
>the redditor laughs at the joke but knows deep down that he and Rick are one in the same, misunderstood geniuses with no need for human companionship
>The redditor gets Rick's edgy sense of postmodern abstract humor and posts a detailed review of the episode praising it's artistic merits
>mmmm get schwifty
>the redditor's mind buckles beneath the weight of its own genius and he escapes into a state of intellectual nirvana

Other urls found in this thread:



That is a massively gay tattoo.

who would have thought retards would get retarded tattoo.

this doesn't really detract from the quality of the show though. it just means retards watch it as well


woah such deep lore



are we all gathering around to talk about the show we dont watch and the website we dont browse again ?


Somebody's mad.

>shilling your YouTube channel, but this time without your trip

I can't believe you fags haven't realized Roiland comes here and posts this shit so you'll all keep talking about Rick and Morty.

There is no such thing as bad publicity. You retards are the most gullible corporate pawns on the planet.

I'm making fun of the viewership, not the show. I actually enjoy the show.

>having nothing better to do but surf from thread to thread mad because you don't like a cartoon
I'm content now

he's mad, and I helped make him that way!

>panning camera
Holy shit someone is actually standing there filming this retard. I love rick and morty but this guy is a fucktard.

Link you reddit account so I can give you schwifty points and some mulan szechuan sauce :--)

Who said I dislike Rick and Morty? I just think you're a pathetic Redditor idiot.

Go to bed Justin

pls take this down

Why is this show so depressing?


gimme the sheshwan sauce morty!

good quality thread
here is a bump friendo

But the little kike almost getting raped by a jellybean was fucking funny. The show sucks when it preaches like a faggot.

>Rick acts like an athiest around other people

>When he thinks he's about to die he prays to god

He likes to act edgy but there are things in the universe he doesn't understand and scares him


Hey guys...You know God Spelled backwards is Dog? Just throwing that out there.

Serious question: Why is it so easy to trigger religious people? Why are they becoming increasingly more thin-skinned?

Because you people are having 10 year olds destroy themselves with drugs.

Kek. Ooga booga! I'm le atheist boogeyman!! Think of the children! *tips*

You alright friend?


Doing great my dude, how are you tonight?

Because the righteous know what is to come and it is no joking matter. You've chosen your side and it's too late to change.

