>You will never drive behind a log truck because of this scene.
You will never drive behind a log truck because of this scene
Other urls found in this thread:
That's unlikely to ever happen due to industry guidelines for properly securing loads.
>You'll never drive behind a brick truck because of that one video
you know the one
I've seen just about the worst of the worst on the internet, and that guy's screams still get me.
You were saying?
please tell me this is literally impossible
why is this allowed?
how do you even prevent something random like this other than not driving behind something like this?
It was the dumbasses fault for not stopping and hitting the back of the truck. Was probably texting, he should have been killed. Natural selection.
If it's not that, then it's just a regular old truck running you off the road because they were in a hurry. Truck drivers and the people around them die all the time. :^)
During production of FD2 they tested the physics and found out it wouldn't happen the way it did in the movie.
>any scene involving getting in your car and then it does this when you touch the door
your mom knows how to properly secure a load
Why does driving have to be so scary bros?
there's industry guidelines but there's nobody really stopping jack the trucker who's been up for 50 hours and just took a hit of meth from ignoring them..
Are you saying Final Destination 2 was not scientifically accurate?
assuming this is the one I think it is, this is the worst video I've ever seen. And it really makes me fear such trucks.
So they tested it, found out it's not working but still keep it because "cool looking" scene? Why even bother with testing it?
Because it's from a time when people gave a shit about things that were interesting and not necessarily financially efficient?
nice pents
To scare us if it actually did work that way.
I'm going to stop everyone RIGHT NOW before you look at this video
This is regarded as one of the most disturbing videos on the internet, and it's not even redeeming in shock value. Basically everyone that's ever seen it including the masochists on Sup Forums regrets it and wishes they could unsee it.
If you want the anguished screams of another human being knowing they just lost a loved one in a horrific accident that was impossible to avoid and impossible to undo forever implanted in your mind then go ahead
it's QUINTS newfag
fuck everything.
the brick thing is more unexpected though, which feels worse
Physics don't quite work that way, the log wouldn't fly straight off the back like that. As long as you don't tail gate you'll be fine.
>mfw never driven on a truck route since I saw this video in a rekt thread
never leave the house
I've seen the aftermath of something like this. A few years back going across the Atchafalaya bridge heading west from Baton Rouge. The wreck was going east towards Baton Rouge. The logs slid forward completely destroying the cab of the truck and a few cars ended up sandwiched between the log truck and another truck. It ended up delaying traffic a couple hours on the opposite side (my side) due to rubbernecking. It was horrible.
Yeah, my dad works emergency room trauma and my mom used to do ER as a nurse. There were a couple of cases he told me about involving cars, but the worst one was of a trucker ramming a smaller car, group of teenagers, into the back end of another tractor trailer. A couple of the kids were decapitated and the rest were critical but conscious. Took a while for ambulances to get out there so they were just sitting there covered in blood and gore for a while.
it's not even that bad lol, definitely seen worse
You will never drive in China because
>Nights of fire!
Why do bad things happen like this ;_;
I don't drive anywhere close to any truck after all the videos they made us watch in driver's ed, I either speed up at least 5 over the speed limit to pass or slow down 5 under to let them get at least a quarter mile ahead of me.
Seen, but heard?
just re-watched it, it was actually kind of funny lol humans are so pathetic
It was not BEHIND a brick truck, though.
I'm still wary even driving next to a TT given how many times I've seen one fishtail.
>t. Former UPS driver.
Who the fuck cares? He probably remarried and replaced all his pictures of her in his house with his new bitch. Fucking babies from Reddit, I swear.
I went and watched the flick for the first time. Felt pretty bad. Then a friend on facebook posted that one video of the victims of yesterday's gas attack and I swiftly pushed brick truck out of my mind.
Some time ago in the russian "ru-chp" community I saw a vid of the woman, smeared in blood, cry... no, wailing in front of her dead son and husband bodies.
The gore itself is not so scary and disturbing as seeing that.
Back to Redchanit with you
>yesterday's gas attack
I live under a rock, what happened?
Only good sand nigger is a dead sand nigger
Syrians were gassed, but most likely by their own people to setup a an attack against the Russians.
)))Somebody(( dropped some Sarin gas in rebel-held Syria.
>Who the fuck cares?
really user really?
Believe that there is a God creator of everything and his son Jesus who died for your sins and this life doesn't matter at all compared to what comes after and that he probably has a sense of humor
Because people choose to have children and so perpetuate the cycle of misery that is life.
>not driving behind something like this?
That brick is flying forward user. It hits the car recording the thing not the one behind the truck.
>mfw tailgating 18 wheelers on freeeways for maximum aero
we're all gonna make it bros
>never leave the house
>house collapses and kills you
>traveling at the speed of snail on purpose
>cries aren't in english
>no subtitles
immersion ruined
nigga truckies are hopped up on so much meth and stims they drive faster than the richkid in his new birthday bmw.
>he thinks log trucks are a problem
this happened in Chile. that which you see is the collision of a bus into another bus. some say the driver went in too fast and couldnt react when the other bus stopped. now, whats more interesting is that between the two there is a small city car which got completely compacted, like a soda can. inside the car there was a couple, a guy and a woman of about 25yo, both of them had just ended doing some charity work for children and were heading back to their home.
did he died?
serves them right, anyone with a brain knows charity just feeds the problem
no idea
I drive for Lyft 12 hours a day, and watch Russian dash cam videos religiously.
I have no fear, just makes me a better driver
the reason you should never drive behind a rig is because your head will get taken off if anything goes wrong. look up how lax the laws are on those rear bumper bars, its nearly non existent in murrica. want to know more? look up the testing videos. you'll never drive behind a rig again. automated, heavily regulated trucking can't come soon enough.
somehow when it's chinese It's just not as tramatic
maybe because they have no shortage of replacements and arr rook same
Ye, but not instantly
>Rescue workers rushed to free the young man's body, but he was pronounced dead at the scene, having suffocating because his lungs were crushed and he was unable to breathe.
You should know better than to ever visit China and if you do you should know elevators and escalators are off-limits
Jack the trucker doesn't secure the load
that's not to say that freak accidents don't happen, but don't blame the trucker for improperly secured loads
>duplicate file exists here
damn you
>China is literally the final destination movies
Who voluntarily drives behind semi trucks? Forget log impaling, what about windshield cracks?
Based on all the videos I have seen, I am pretty sure their escalators are made of ground up human bones and they just need to feed them occasionally to keep them functional.
ive seen it happen at least twice. one was straight through the drivers side. there were a bunch of ambulances there, that dude probably died
I don't know but its the most annoying thing in the world when you get stuck near people who pass them as slowly as possible (especially another big truck) and don't even think of speeding up to make it better for everyone else or waiting until the normal people pass.
Taking the stairs it is.
>nobody presses E-stop
triggers me erry time
>mfw driving 60 mph on the highway and hit some black ice going downhill
Lucky as fuck I didn't roll the car over and only walked away with two flat tires and some busted steering alignment
you can hear the woman screaming too. she was still conscious after she was hit
I don't think Chinese escalators have that safety feature and if they do it probably doesn't work
>hull dull elevators are the problem
>its the most annoying thing in the world when you get stuck near people who pass them as slowly as possible (especially another big truck)
The big rigs on EB Hwy 58 from CA->NV leapfrog and parallel each other all the time. I can't fucking wait for automated trucks, because truckers are all assholes.
yeah logs don't actually bounce
Sup Forums stealing memes from LiveLeak now? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
>Going 70 mph in the middle of the night on flat country highway
>Check speedometer
>Actually its's not 70 it's 90 mph
>Check road
>Actually it's not a flat country road it's a downhill curve
still funny after all these years
next time you do that, shift to 2nd or 1st gear. do not brake
wonderful, full of life children never being born in the first place is an even bigger travesty.
never seen this video and never will
Yea at the same time there are a bunch of assholes making their regulations, so they get fired for speeding and fired for not going fast enough and don't have much choice.
>full of life
>never born
re-read the sentence you mong
>Traffic jam on the CA 99
>Both middle and right lane are full of big rigs
>Big rig tries to cut me off and take the left lane
fucking hell, these truckers need to stay in their lanes.
>The tanning booths death
Fucking Jesus...
>Heh, you "humans" are so pathetic.
I thought 8nigs was deleted?
I read it several times before I posted.
I still don't see how something that was never born can be full of life.
Also if life is misery (which you never addressed) being full of life is still being full of misery.