What's the best Gordon Ramsay kino?

What's the best Gordon Ramsay kino?

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The one where he yells at people without providing any solutions and everyone worships him.

Why would someone take a Brit's opinion on cooking seriously? British cooking is pure garbage, only one small tier above American. They have awful taste. Why not import Italian or French cooks for your meme reality shows?

Pineapple is shit on pizza, Ramsey is right.

Gordon is French trained you dolt

>He's British so he must only be able to cook British food

American cooking is bad but you kike italian?

Well the margharita pizza was invented in the 1500s, after tomatoe s were imported from the new world. Italians made mainly vegeterian pizzas or seafood pizzas untill about 1900. When NEW YORK CITY pizza shops started offering more cheese and real meat like pepperoni.

Even in italy today the average pizza you get will be an american pizza.

But yea. We have no culture.

I could put peeps on my pizza and enjoy it, who gives a fuck

and who was making that New York city pizza? Quakers from the original colonies?

I will pay you 40 dollars via paypall to watch you eat a peeps pizza. 12 inch.

Americans. People that left their shithole country looking for a better life.

God bless America.

>say this but then go out of your way to describe your heritage and insist you're 7/53rds German
American patriotism seems very circumstancial

His YouTube channel is pretty good desu senpai. He does the series where he travels around the world and hunts shitty vermin animals like hogs, crayfish and certain birds that are fucking with the ecosystem and cooks them into delicious kino food.

Pineapple anchovy is godtier, who cares what a footballer thinks

Nobody ever does this, especially not to claim German heritage. Who wants to be related to the biggest failures in Europe since the Roman Empire?

Anchovies are fairly disgusting but why dont they make pizza with sardines?

Sardines are way bettter than anchovies.

Anchovies are an acquired taste, as in you can't just be a tantruming child and stop eating them after your palate's first encounter with the ultimate flavor.

Sardines are bland food for old men, they're nothing like a cured anchovy. Green olive and anchovy pizza is also great, try it when you grow a pair.

Don't listen to his lies, pineapple on pizza is delicious

When did he say that? Pineapples on pizza are great. If he really said that he is dead for me.

he's right. you should never put fruit or meat on a pizza

that is not pizza

I'm gonna enjoy the fuck out of my pineabble pizza and there's nothing Gordon can do to stop me.

The *only* acceptable toppings for pizza are mushrooms, olives and maybe artichoke hearts. Maybe.

Every single American claims Irish heritage. 59% claim at least 1/8th Cherokee.

>tfw Irish/Italian master race

>i know better than that chef with 15 michelin stars to his name

>bread with fruit juice and cheese
>somehow topping it with fruit is wrong

not seeing his logic here tbqh

>artichoke hearts
how about no

>no fruit
So just cheese then?

Any criticism about pizza makes you a pizza snob. Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking good. The only thing you can complain about is toppings like nasty ass olives or mushrooms. Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza. Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY". That vocabulary just doesn't exist for me, it's fucking pizza I see it I'm gonna eat it. I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones. Fucking superb with a bit of ranch.


Pineapple on pizza is for faggots. It's absolutely atrocious.

Gordon is wrong on this one.

Objectively best pizza is Pineapples and peppers.

Luckily not everyone's a fat retard like yourself.

t. pizzapleb

The real question.

Did you know that all europeans today are the decendents of cowards too scared to go to the new world?

>as opposed to rats who abandon ship instead of trying to fix their countries