How could the writers fit so many clichés in one episode? It's actually impressive. To name a few:

How could the writers fit so many clichés in one episode? It's actually impressive. To name a few:
>Ezekiel's battle cry
>Backup showing up right on time
>Negan giving the finger while ten people are shooting at his truck
>no one being smart enough to shoot the tires

Also why are fans of the show defending pic related and pretending the whole tiger thing was "epic"? Has the show been dumbed down that much and all the audience cares about is romances and missing dead characters?

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The most common defense I've seen is people saying that because it's a show about zombies it is inherently unrealistic and should have no standards.

That and if you try to criticize it there will be an army of retarded fans to tear you limb from limb.

normalfags and reddit are cancer.

I agree. I can understand people still watching it because they've been doing so for years, you might as well stick around until the end but the people that have been watching since the beginning and still defend it even though it is noticeably much worse quality and just plain lazy makes no sense.

dude the tiger was fucking awesome xd

>there will be an army of retarded fans to tear you limb from limb.
Don't know what you're talking about. This show is Reddit's punching bag.

I've been a fan from the start and I think there's absolutely nothing to defend past the premiere episode of this season.

I'm pretty sure the writers are actively fucking with the fans because they know that normie won't stop consuming it.

I don't browse Reddit but I always see retards defending what the show has become on Twitter
>"Maggie doesn't deserve to suffer anymore"
>"I still miss Glenn and Abraham"
>"The whole tiger scene was amazing, I was on the edge of my seat"
It's just ridiculous

>suburban Virginia
>a fucking lion comes out of nowhere and starts attacking people

what a dogshit finale.... it looked like it was so cheaply made. They couldn't do a SINGLE wideshot of the battle. It was all just close ups of people shooting and dieing. really dissapointing. also, i never gave a shit about sasha so who cares if the bitch dies. For sure the worst season of TWD ever! (even worse that s2)

at least shiva's CG looks pretty decent

dunno what the fuck they were thinking with the junkyard and that doe

The whole thing has become some weird medieval future. Really, really, really bizarre. I just don't feel like it is remotely accurate to how things would progress years later after the outbreak. They are just out of ideas I guess

this show has no end game. what the fuck even happens once negan is gone and everyone co-exists in villages? some other raider gang will show up, or maybe it'll all get fucked once again and everyone will keep wandering around. great.

That's why they really have to focus on making funner individual episodes with actual good episodic writing. These arcs don't really mean anything. There's no point to them.

i dont think the fanbase would accept holodeck type episodes

they crave the serious melodrama that doesnt lead anywhere

>I just don't feel like it is remotely accurate to how things would progress years later after the outbreak.
Well I'm sure you know better

wow what a tiger
goes through a crowd of baddies and picks a random henchman

and magically noone sees the tiger until it pounces

How the fuck did no one see that Tiger? This looks like a skit from a Will Ferrell movie

Damn, Coral's hair is like impeccably styled.

can someone post what happens next until part when tiger kills negan?

Where did the name Coral come from?

didn't go through a crowd
everyone was focused on Negan

Andrew Lincoln's accent

Scratched my head for a few seconds then I got what you meant. Someone named Andrew pronounces Carl that way. I only watched first few eps so not really familiar with current show. Thanks.

Aside from some occasional Negan shenanigans and Eugene autism I absolutely hate this show. But I've invested so much time watching already that I can't quit now. The first episode was kino and the first season was pretty good as a whole but it's literally CW-tier at this point.

you can see there are more henchmen off to the right of negan, the tiger went beyond all of them without anyone noticing

yeah it would have been better had they had the saviors in the background react prior to the attack


Wew lad, we're better than that.

you have to suspend disbelief. there is no way that any of the regulars would survive the very first episode. they survive week to week because it is a soap opera with zombies.

Fear the Walking Dead is even worse.

it was a lion dipshit

it was a liger dumbass


It's shit, but it's still a fun watch.
Season 7 was pretty great, subjectively.

>right of negan
and the tiger came from the left you tard

oh. negan didn't die. i wanted to see tiger eat negan alive.

who were the groups that saved rick and carl?


We are the zombies, user. We are the zombies


>>Ezekiel's battle cry
He's a theatrical character.

it was a drider wewlass

The Kingdom aka Caesars Legion ruled by Cyborg.

it was added later with cgi, they didn't see it at the time

ywn have a big belly half jewish samoan to protect you

EZ Kal is dat nigga

Cyborg looks like a retired Morpheus here.

Ezekiel has a big bulge

for you

Damn, Jerry looks like that!?

no he just has big balls, I have the same problem on photos.

>I have the opposite problem on photos


>Also why are fans of the show defending pic related and pretending the whole tiger thing was "epic"?
Not really defending it, but shouldn't this also be leveled at the comic for having it in the first place?

not just randomly attacking people…
it knows who is bad… btw how anybody knows who is on which side? do the kingdom folks know everybody from alexandria and the other negan dudes?

so it was just an excuse for the guy falling down?

The tiger was a guy in a morph suit.

If you want to know why, this was actually one of the best episodes this season, not to say that its a good episode, but because everything else has just bee that much more shit.

TWD fans are grasping at straws at this point, show used to be pretty good but now its just a complete joke.

Sad, isn't it.


>despite the zombie outbreak NOT ONE of the Nuclear powerplants on the Eastcoast experiences some sort of meltdown
>backup systems are running for 2+ years without maintenance (diesel must have been run out at this point for like over a year)
>multiple molten cores could be bleeding right now into Ricks water supply
>nobody gives a fuck in TWD about this danger

i've only read and seen this season because Negan was interesting, but the differences between book (which is already really bad) and the series are striking

the added women's tribes, Michone as love interest, the horrible fat lazy hunched lesbian, the women being strong rebelious delta force bad asses while the men are little girls, Rick being a pussy instead of planning from the start, Negan's wife doing it only to save the burned husband instead of doing for selfish reasons etc

I dont know how they write shit like "Carol might be the best fighter in the room" (and her acting like Rambo self exiled being called by a general to go back) without giggling (it's a frail grey old woman wtf)

>zombie apokalypse
>zombies known for biting
>run around in shorts and exposed arms anyway

Lol the only person who could do jackshit about that is Eugene, if only he gave a fuck.

it was this cliche but done with a little old lady


The worst part was the absolutely terrible camera work and editing during the shootout that cancelled any kind of possible "epicness".

Breaking Bad being that channels whole source of hope.

>Mad Men was not normie approved

Why does everyone talk so much shit about season 2? I remember the farm arc being pretty good.

For a moment I thought that was Tara on the left.

Underrated post

does someone have a gif or webm of the titcow lesbian being shoved to the floor by the old matriarch?

Or Carol using stop sign on the zombie's heads like a lightsaber on butter?

nobody could do a thing.

>all Soldiers, LEOs (besides dumbfuck rick), Elite Troops, Secret Service are dead for some reason
>retards like Rick survive

Carol wins in the end.

I'm actually for this.

>decay heat takes 2+ years to bleed off

wew lad

i've only seen this season but I imagine all of them were like modern day Steven Seagal considering how "operator" those still living are

Michone is the only one who seems to live in a physical world. Even Negan holds that bat like it's an effort to even move it

>implying the backup systems would run long enough for it to cool down to a safe level
There is only enough diesel for maybe a week.

the rods also have to spend like 20 years in the pool before getting removed.

I spent all season wishing for a decent finale and all we get is this shit...
I would honestly drop the show but there is literally nothing else to watch in this time of the year.

Ezekiel's battle cry is all about, i think, him being the King and faking/taking it really serious? He told some people about this but never showed it and this was his chance?

It's a silly zombie show that has a long history of dumb writing. Why do you faggots keep acting like this should be Hamlet every episode?

>Dat belly button

>Negan giving the finger while ten people are shooting at his truck

You're spot on with the rest of it but that was perfectly in character and gave me a good kek. Ezekiel's battle cry made me cringe harder than anything I've ever seen before though. I can understand him doing the KANG routine in his little town, but when there's bullets flying and shit the last thing anyone would do is start screaming KILLETH THEM ALL MINE GOOD MEN FOR THEY ART THE ENEMY VERILY.

Except in some scenes the tiger is like 500 lbs huge and others its the size of a black lab. KEK

>>Negan giving the finger

That was some Cartman tier edginess. Bully leaving the fight with retards.

Looks like he has a stiffy.

The build up before the shootout was really good.
Negan pulling off the reverse ambush with garbage gang, Rick being up shit creek without a paddle and not giving Negan any satisfaction even when Coral was about to die.
That was the epic part really.

The battle itself was a cringeworthy clusterfuck.. i cant argue with that. I wish they just got a pro to coordinate it and at least make it look realistic, like idk, giving all the people with plot armor convenient places of cover where its feasible they wouldnt get shot.

>eugene is capable of manufacturing fucking bullets.
>tells no one until half the season is over.

Nuclear reactors don't just melt down randomly you moron. In an emergency situation like this the government would have deactivated the reactors very quickly, so long as the staff didn't flee the plants immediately.

>Gives us another bullet and this time we WILL kill Negan, please.

>whitewashed ninja zombies from memory
>raise a stink about a ninja tiger

Radioactive mutant zombies WHEN?

eugene gave the powder recipe and casting diagrams to rick in last season's penultimate or finale, rick is shown in this season's premier kneeling down in the jail niggy donatello built looking at it. it's never brought up again. it's understandable people overlook or forget this shit, but im a eugene watcher tracking the show's development of him contrasted to his comic development.


what's he like in the comics?

Nuclear Power plants would be a great place to hole up in a zombie apocalypse. They're already protected from intruders by fences and security measures, due to national security concerns, and nuclear plants can be maintained with a very small amount of engineers / scientists working the equipment, meaning not too many supplies are needed to keep them running for the personnel at least. Maintenance might be an issue, but I would assume in any apocalyptic scenario government would place a very high priority on nuclear facilities first because nuclear accidents would cause vast harm to any survivors / the country itself, and because Nuclear power plants would be a vital resource to maintain electricity generation so that society can continue functioning, and its fuel source lasts much longer, and is far more energy dense than coal / natural gas / oil, especially when those resources stop being mined / drilled.

The thing I really dislike about zombie universes like TWD is that we have no hint at all that there is a surviving government, the government has contingencies for many situations, and the first thing the gov't would do in a situation like this would be secure the most important assets it has such as power facilities, and secure the president and government in secure locations, like extensive bunker networks and whatnot that already exist in secrecy. The main problem would be supply flow, but the government has requisition depots all over the place with pallets upon pallets of water and food supplies, guarded by the military. Those supplies would just need to last long enough for the gov't to maintain some level of control and clear some areas for agricultural production and whatnot.

he never turncoats, has a moment of overcoming his cowardice like in that scene where rosita is giving machete lessons to alexandrian civilians, and manufactures bullets for rick in the war. i think he even has a savior bodycount. eventually becomes chief engineer like in the show but for the rick-maggie-zekiel alliance

his comic salvation arc went to the show priest. rosita also pityfucks him.

>Negan recruits Eugene specifically because he can manufacture bullets
>Just lets him fuck around at the Sanctuary eating pickles and decorating the fence
Does Negan not want bullets or something?

is anyone else bothered by Ezekiel's obvious wig?

pretty good guy all around then.
Also rosita is the tanktop + shorts + cap girl right?

Also here's a pic of my local Nuclear plant. It has numerous inner and outer fences, more secure than a prison facility, except it's specifically designed to keep people out, not in. I think it would be pretty damn easy for the gov't to secure these sites and keep them operational in a situation like TWD.

I doubt they even need them, they took Eugene not because he could make bullets, but because he was the one that made it, showing that he has some technical skills that he can contribute to the sanctuary.

You know, it's pretty sad.

If you watch the show's pilot you might be duped into thinking you are in for a personal ride, an exploration on loss and family and humanity in a world where everything you knew is gone. The coma sequence is a homage to 28 Days Later, which deals with those exact themes. But then it goes on and you realize it's just Dragon Ball Z with zombies.

The group moves to a location, things go bad, and generally there's a bad guy. Everything gets destroyed. Then they move to a new, nicer location, and there's an even badder bad guy, and everything gets destroyed. Rinse and repeat. We've now reached a point where a tiger swoops in an saves everyone and no one bats an eye.

I understand being entertained by it, but I'll unironically state the following: If you EVER try to argue The Walking Dead is a good show, at all, you're a fucking retard.

You can't keep any place safe. All it takes is for one guy to have a heart attack in the middle of the night and the whole fortress gets overrun.

It's always bothered me that these communities don't have districts and checkpoints so that if a person turns in one district, they don't have free rein to roam over the entire community.

yeah, abe's latina hotpocket. not-daryl puts an xbow bolt in abe's face, rosita and eugene then fuck for comfort sex.

he becomes pretty lowkey after his salvation arc in the comics, i actually like the direction and added role his actor and the showrunner made the character take. he likely won't survive next season.