did he do it?
Did he do it?
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I think the entire point of the show is that the entire family, innocent or no, isn't fit to walk free in civilized company.
The point is the prosecution's was unable to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, so he should not be in prison.
Except he's in prison you mong. You can't blame the DA for this, it's all on the jury.
Yeah, obviously, but the County nonetheless fucked up the investigation by manipulating evidence and allowing those two cops with conflicted interest to work the scene.
The retarded kid also got railroaded and manipulated to hell, and should have been let go since almost everything he said was pure coercion, with the exception of helping dispose the body.
As for Avery's guilt, he was really the only one who could have feasibly done it. The bulk of her corpse was found on his property, and was clearly burnt in his burn pit, since the rivets of her jeans were found in that fire.
You have five seconds to explain why the tampered blood sample wasn't the smoking gun.
Explain it right now. Explain why when that was discovered, the whole case wasn't immediately thrown out.
Hard mode: You can't use the word "corruption"
Uh, real life isn't tv.
nice explanation
The burden of proof is on his defense team ot prove it WAS the smoking gun. That's how the legal system works.
Because his DNA was also found underneath the hood of the car, as in skin cells, which were not available to the police to plant.
Also, the hole in the Blood tube was not proof of tampering, that's just the hole from the vacuum tube by which the blood is taken.
The blood was not planted in the car. The Blood in the car had no preservatives found in Lab Blood samples
Yes, 100%
The only thing I came away from the show thinking was that everyone in Wisconsin is an inbred broken-brain animate lump of cheese and they all need to be gotten rid of.
I was less disgusted by that horrific recent episode of my 600 pound life than I was by the Avery "family" in this show.
What is it with liberals and only wanting specific arguments tuned to their bias?
Him pointing the shotgun (loaded or not) at that woman he knew in the middle of the night really made it hard for me to ever sympathize for him. And yes, he and his family were all borderline retard hicks who would have a hard time fitting into any community. He didn't deserve to be framed but he almost definitely killed her.
>he almost definitely killed her
he DID kill her
Honestly, what are the arguments against him killing her?
Who are the apologists implicating, the cops?
Yeah, the cops were corrupt idiots, but they didn't put an innocent man away. They should have just let them do the case legit, and they would have got him.
I feel bad for Brandon, I hope he gets out
>They should have just let them do the case legit, and they would have got him.
No. A sure thing is better than playing chance with criminal justice.
He looks like Pat.
>Avery called her phone with *67 3 times
>the bullet in the garage was proven to be from the .22 he owned that had Teresa's DNA on it
> They found Teresa's camera, phone, and PDA in the burn barrel
>6 bloodstains that belonged to Avery were found in her car (MaM only shows one)
All this evidence was left out
And now every dipshit millennial with a Netflix account thinks he's a literal dindu nuffin thanks to an incredibly myopic documentary.
I mean, I hope it helps Brandon, but if Avery gets out, I'll be pissed
If I had been on the jury I would have let him go even though he was guilty because he had done his time in advance when he had to sit in jail on a wrongful conviction.
He should have gotten a competent defense attorney - but since it was Wisconsin I guess that was asking too much lol.
No he dindu nuffin
Well, that's retarded because he's a killer now, and letting him go gives him carte blanche to do it again.
There's no doubt he got fucked over, but you can't just kill a random lady because some other lady falsely implicated you, because she was coerced
One crime, one time, it's fair.
All of them are circumstantial
>One crime, one time, it's fair.
What an incredibly selfish & sheltered perspective user
It's easier to trick a man than convince a man he has been tricked. That is why everyone refuses to accept Avery's trial was fair, because if that is true, that would mean they were fooled into believing a tv show and they simply can't have that.
Thankfully, the rednecks of wisconsin are more enlightened than that.
>The Blood in the car had no preservatives found in Lab Blood samples
IIRC, the test for that was pretty new and unreliable and they couldn't disprove that the blood might have tested negative whether it had the preservatives in it or not.
The Trial WASN'T fair, especially not the one against Brandon.
Avery undoubtedly killed that woman, and that he's locked away is good, but that doesn't change the fact that the cops were wrong to tamper with a case they explicitly weren't supposed to be involved with.
The man served his time, he just did it in the opposite order. There's no issue here.
>There's no issue here.
ITT: Americans not understanding what reasonable doubt is proving the real point of the show that the jury system is shit.
>leave out important facts and information so he appears innocent so you can get a season two
are the producers of this jews by chance?
Jury system is perfect, problem is the general population's interpretation of reasonable doubt.
did he do it?
>"I'd rather gen innocent men go to prison than a single guilty man walk free".
>season two is the same story again, but this time it's slanted against Avery and edits it to favour the police
>The viewers heads explode when they have two different television shows telling them what to think and have to rely on themselves, which is, of course, impossible
There is no reasonable doubt. He's the only one who could have killed her without resorting to an incredibly contrived conspiratorial Narrative which implicates either the cops themselves or some other family member that isn't Steven despite him being there.
The fact that the bulk of her body was found on his property in his burn barrel was more than enough.
He's the one who was obsessed with her, as well.
whos your waifu
Actions > words
no one gives a fuck about innocents in jail because they did enough shady bullshit to land themselves there
It's more like
>I'd rather an innocent idiot inbred killer go to jail for a crime he did commit but might've gotten away with than a guilty man go free
Reasonable doubt
doesn't matter if he did it or not.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who suddenly became reinvested in the show whenever they cut to that sexy ass reporter with the glasses.
>It doesn't matter to American Criminal Law if the person did it or not
care to explain?
Evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt is the standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction in most adversarial legal systems. Generally, prosecutors bear the burden of proof and is required to prove their version of events to this standard.
Do you understand now?
hurr durr things would be different if that was ME im not like THOSE people lol
The prosecution presented a mountain of physical and circumstantial evidence linking Avery and no one else to her murder even if we throw out completely the coerced testimony from his nephew. All the evidence that was collected pointed to Avery committing the murders. At no point was anything discovered that implicated anyone else. Just because the prosecution didn't do the best job of handling the case doesn't meant they didn't provide more than enough evidence for a jury to be convinced of "their version of events". If I remember correctly that was the main issue his defense ran into before they tried the framed defense, that there was no real evidence implicating anyone else known or unknown in her murder.
I still can't believe that guy is still in prison after he should have been released in Nov 2016.
>they didn't put an innocent man away.
They did when Avery was accused of rape in 1985. Making up a new charge was cheaper and better PR than getting cleaned out by a lawsuit.
No. It was so obviously a set-up. The real murderer was Adnan Syed
You may be the big guy with the dubs but I. AM. THE. PRIZE!
every state has hillbilly families, but wisconsin beats everyone else in alcoholics. there, they're called professionals
>No argument
Lmao at ur life pal
Of course. He was in prison for like 10 years then released. No one is normal after that shit. He raped and killed that women, and he deserves to rot in prison for eternity.
Yes, but of all the American stereotypes, midwesterners are the worst. They're all disgusting and ugly.
Even the deep south shitkickers will usually have some alpha males and dime piece babes in their midst.
States like Wisconsin and Illinois have nothing. Even midwest black people are worse than other black people.
>Get jailed a year for armed robbery
>Later commit shooting spree
>"Oh, he served his one time. Let em go."
I'm glad we don't have people like you running things
Doesn't matter
The fact of the matter is that he did not recieve a fair trial, wheter he did it or not doesn't matter anymore
Maybe not to a cuck like you.
he did kill her, the police just added some fake evidence because of the previous trial
Free OJ
>Fair trial is a inaliable right
>Caring that a mans rights were infringed makes you a cuck
I think you have it backwards friend ;^)
>muh rights
go back to tumblr you SJW cuck fag
Inform yourself what the words you use mean before using them you utter retard.
Kill yourself, don't even look it up because it's too late for you.
>literally just gives an example of what I said
Not the smartest kitten in the litter are ya? It's like you guys aren't even trying. I could get you idiots to confess to murders even faster than that retarded kid.
This officer and some other people were in on this whole thing I thing.
First Andrew Colborn, Pam Sturm, Mike Halbach and Ryan Hillegas finds the car. Maybe on the avery salvage yard, maybe not. It's possible they have not found it on the salvage yard, and then later placed it there with evidence in the car.
Here's when they first finds the car (you can hear people in the background):
Here's after they have found the car, something seems off here when they ask them "how many times were you on the site", doesn't it?
And here is Pams bullshit story: