Since trump selected Mike Pence , he's doubling down on cancerous social conservatism and I won't have it

I'll be voting Gary Johnson in November

Nice blog post faggot why don't you go share it on fagdit

Wow really made me think OP now i'm a #cruzmissile

>I'll be voting Gary Johnson in November
So you will be wasting your vote come November... got it. Well done.

You and every other red pilled person on this board. The only people still supporting Trump and the cuck are full on shills.
muh third party is throwing away your vote
muh gotta vote for the lesser of two evils
Kill yourselves cuck faggots.

>le wasting vote meme
good goy

>Gary Johnston
you queer :D

omg i hate trump now

These are the types of cucks who shilled for the liberal Romney in 2012.

Fuck off cruz

might as well not even vote then. enjoy your 8 years of hillary

you mean the Gary Johnson who wants to let all of the niggs out of prison, have entirely open borders, and legalize every drug under the sun?

The Gary Johnson who quite literally once described himself and his brand of libertarian as "flaming liberals?"

alright OP, its obvious you were always a Berniebro anyway.

>Since trump selected Mike Pence , he's doubling down on cancerous social conservatism and I won't have it

>I'll be voting Hillary Clinton in November

I am now a #Garrybullet

>people in this thread think VP actually matters

gary can't win

enjoy helping Hillary cuck you up even more

nobody cares, faggot.

I am now a #Garrbullet

kys nigger

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are stealing more votes from Berniebot/Hillshills than anyone.

>VP doesn't matter
Tell that to McCain

Wow, I'm now #FineWithStein

>1 posts by this ID

W-what exactly am I seeing here
> T. I'm only 12 years old


The VP has something for you

This is you, isn't it?


wtf i hate trump now

>girl cum

I'm with you OP. Pence is a fucking retard, and if this is any indication of how Trump will govern, I want no part in it.


>the socially-conservative party's nominee for President selected a socially-conservative Vice President

>somehow his socially-liberal supporters thought it wouldn't be this way

VP "race" Pence forgives you
Sup Forums doesn't though now fuck off

MtF tranny my man.