Was there a point to this character's subplot other than "Yas Queen destroys evil Christian oppressive religious male"?
Was there a point to this character's subplot other than "Yas Queen destroys evil Christian oppressive religious male"?
It also lead to the king's suicide
tommen a cute
Fantasy writers are notorious for padding out the length of their series as soon as it starts selling well so they get more money out of the whole thing.
Whatever miniscule amount of quality the work has is quickly watered down into nothing.
That character and its related subplot exist only because GRRM had to stretch out the King's Landing plot with something.
>Was there a point to this character
Nothing in GoT has a point anymore other than "get the story to the ending"
>Yas Queen
What the fuck does that mean? Is this some American meme?
I just don't get why they were carving shit into their heads. Of all the things to pull out of their ass that was the most baffling
i just know a cute when i see one
>Was there a point
That tradition in religious circles is much older than GoT my friend
Yes, it's a feminist meme. The English language is being butchered to death my foreign friend.
He was a pretty good character actually, a lot more cunning and interesting than most of the new introductions they have made to GoT in the past couple seasons. The way they killed him off felt kind of cheap though, I think his story could have been fleshed out a lot more.
What exactly does the 'Yas' part mean? Once I know that I can solve this puzzle
Im guessing 'Yes', but I'm not an american.
It means yes when you suck at spelling and grammar
So 'Yes Queen'? That still makes no fucking sense
Im pretty sure it's some nigger meme
Bernie vs Hillary allegory
>t. retard
It doesn't take a genius to figure it out
it also took out all her opposition in her own family (Kevan), and most of the Tyrell family
>tfw 134iq and I just don't get it
What's the point of this series?
In the show? No. In the books? Yes.
The rise of the religion was entirely because of normal people getting fucked over by the rich people and it was foreshadowed for ages. Then it played well into Cersei being a lunatic.
>he fell for the IQ meme
I'm surprised you can read at all desu
To explain tax policy