Just wanted to leave this here

>While clothes shopping for my three sons at Target, I came across the boys' t-shirt pictured above. It depicts a chimp wearing headphones and is captioned, "Is my sister done talking yet?"
It's supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be a joke. But it's not.
The "joke" here relies on an old, sexist stereotype that girls and women talk too much. It draws shamelessly upon the misogynist idea that what girls and women have to say isn't even worthy of male attention. Better to drown out female voices than hear them out.
Target, I'm female, so judging by this t-shirt, you may not want to hear me talking about this -- but we need to talk. And you need to listen, so take the headphones off.
Here's my concern. This kind of stereotype is harmful to boys and girls alike. Little boys shouldn't be taught that girls' voices are unimportant, or that it's acceptable and funny to ignore them. And little girls shouldn't be faced with the microaggression of brothers and peers wearing shirts like this.
This may seem like a small thing. Some people will read this and say, "It's just a t-shirt. Learn to take a joke." But in a culture in which women's and girls' voices are devalued, their ideas and interests trivialized as less important than boys' and men's, why would any responsible retailer sell this?
I am asking Target to remove this shirt from its stores now. And, more importantly, I'm asking for Target to adopt a policy of screening t-shirts for sexist content, and to decline to stock anything that perpetuates misogyny. The retailer has committed to desegregating its toy aisles and children's home goods, so how about putting an end to anti-girl rhetoric in boys' apparel, too?

fuck off roastie, it's just a tshirt.

you better post tits to get the thread going.

It's kind of maddening how they never mention the reverse situations like anti-boy rhetoric in girls clothes. Just makes them seem like annoying cunts with an agenda. It's always women are the one with the bigger problem.

The chimp is a nigger right?

>muh headphones

WW3 with turkey can't happen soon enough

I want these stupid oppression olympics contestants to have real problems to worry about

If this truely offends you, then please, kill yourself now.

tits or gtfo

>Women talk too much? That's a sexist stereotype!


>you need to listen, so take the headphones off

How the fuck about no.

The ironic part is I couldn't even read the entire OP because I just stopped giving a fuck after

>It's supposed to be a joke. But it's not

I can't wait for WW3, honestly. I also pray every single day for a plague. I don't want everyone to die, just most people. Like, 60-70% of the population, of course I mean all the spics, niggers, liberals, SJWs, mulattos, coons, porch monkeys, welfare babies, unironic/ironic Hilldog supporters, the list could go on for a while really


All women do is talk. Blah blah blah.

just yesterday I was in target with my wife buying school supplies for her grad school. I came across a notebook that said "Girls Rule The World". I wonder where the outrage over that obviously misandrist and bigoted message is?

Please take your microaggressions and fuck off into infinity. You are worthless. Not a constructive member of society if this is what you waste your time with.

Also, please move to a place where women are truly treated like shit. There are a lot of countries you can choose from, but the US isn't one of them.

Bye now.

There are shirts making fun of boys too but the real sad part is you're to much of a autistic to relize the monkey represents the boy being a sub human ape.

>I read the first couple of words
>Then looked at the picture

My god has that T-shirt ever been more relevant


They have shirts like that for girls aimed at their brothers lol. Maybe not the same exact phrase but there are girl specific shirts aimed at poking fun at their brothers

A real man knows how to meditate and cut the chatter out of their mind while appearing to listen.





Haha, is this a normie meme? It's fucking awesome.

i dont go into target or walmart because they have prepubescent female clothing at the front enterance. i really hate seeing pre teen undies when im shopping for tacos

literally at the enterance to every store ive been to. what the fuck

Lol this T-shirt is funny cause the monkey is listening to hiphop

Goddamn youre a despicable human.
Hows sociopathy feel?

WW3 would just kill mostly white people brah, just like the others.

leafy OC

Fuck me you do go on, don't you.

people that wear clothes with words on them are showing their low IQs.

yes, even children

not this time. the "others" have asked for equal rights. they will get them, even in war time.


>But in a culture in which women's and girls' voices are devalued, their ideas and interests trivialized as less important than boys' and men's

Is that why we have Women's History Month in public schools, and why we remove outdoor recess (which has always favored boys) and why 95% of school teachers are women, and why more girls go to college than boys, and why the new Star Wars has a literal stronk womyn lead, and why rape is now the literal worst crime ever, and why rape culture is a commonplace topic in the MSM, and why you can be fired for "mansplaining", and why every new Marvel comic is now made by women for women, and why everything in general is designed to "empower" women?

>women talk too much is a sexist remark
>so let me make this long winded article explaining why that isn't the case

youre on the wrong website roastie.

nobody cares what you have to say.

she goes on a demented ramble proving that the shirt is not a joke but a sad reality

They will just sit on the sidelines, profit off the war where they can, then after the whites are done killing eachother migrate to replace them in the workforce.

Fuck bottom left is a hottie


I have a NASA shirt and tons of t shirts from restaurants and shit. Nothing wrong with that.

She's proving that shirt right.

>NASA shirt

Go back to Qatar

You're a billboard, faggot. A mindless consumer expressing self-identity through branding. Branded like cattle because your mind is just as owned.
