Just watched this for the first time. Did anyone else spend the first 2/3 of this movie waiting for the apocalypse to happen? The situation didn't seem that much different from standard rural Australia (except for the psychopathic bike gang but that doesn't require an apocalypse).
Mad Max
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I thought standard rural Australia was where all the MM movies took place?
Well is is an origin story. Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior is better.
The first Mad Max is a really good movie but I fell asleep watching Road Warrior. Thunderdome is pretty good too.
Mad Max takes place in a dystopia.
Society has collapsed yet it's not full apocalypse yet.
> Thunderdome is pretty good too
Something is wrong with you.
Mad Max: 5/10
Road warrior: 8/10
Beyond Thunderdome: 5/10
Fury Road: 8/10
"The Event" had already happened but the complete disintegration of society wasn't immediate.
Seems like a pretty realistic way of showing how it'd be going down, don't they say that the world pretty much falling apart except for that town that Max polices?
>Road Warrior 12/10
I might be crazy but I could have sworn this movie ended with a mushroom cloud/nuke being dropped. Am I thinking of something else or is this some Mandela effect shit?
Alright I guess my expectations for the world were determined too much by seeing Fury Road. It makes sense now looking back, but the world just didn't seem that bad. Police existed, and everyone seemed to be living a relatively normal life.
The only setup in the movie is that it says it takes place a few years from now.
I guess I have to watch Road Warrior now to see the world deteriorate.
George Miller has said that there is a timeline and Fury Road takes place between one of the other movies but he's also said that these movies are kinda like Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy in that Mad Max is just a title assigned to a nameless hero.
Nah he just chains up the last biker to the car that is going to explode, gives him a saw and drives off into the outback.
Mad Max lore kinda imply that postapoc situation happened kinda slow(or is happening all time),
so no sudden horrible big wars/ nuclear catastophies.
World just slowly died out, forests turned into deserts,governments stopped caring.
Also, idk if anywhere was mentioned but I guess Mad Max stuff happens in Australia, so
setting is kinda on spot.
I would like to see other continents in MM universe....
Also, its more dystopian than postapoc.
This movie is practically set in the same world but is slightly more explicit in explaining it. Society basically going out with a whimper and a handful of forces trying to maintain order while humanity just stops giving a shit. Like Detroit on a grander scale.
It's got the most quotable lines from any of the movies. It's objectively the best.
Mad Max is during the apocalypse.
Road Warrior is the start of the post apocalypse
Beyond Thunderdome is when societies start forming again
Fury Road is almost getting to the point of post-post apocalypse.
>Did anyone else spend the first 2/3 of this movie waiting for the apocalypse to happen?
I spent the entire movie waiting for the apocalypse to happen.
I've spent my entire life waiting for the apocalypse to happen
If the game has ANY canonicity (considering how much it's tied into Fury Road), then the apocalypse was a slow decline, largely a steady decrease in even basic resources like water, basically *everything* becomes scarce till a big tipping point where nuclear war happened.
There was no "event" or D-day.
It was slow Enviromental and economic degradation. The movie played into fears imagining that the gas shortages and economy of the time (mid 70s Australia) would never recover and the country would become overrun with biker gangs and lunatics.
In Mad Max "lore" there was only limited nuclear exchange and it was no where near Australia. The world fell apart because of wars, riots and collapse of any governments capable of controlling a desperate population.
The Road Warrior intro states that there was a World War and that cities were wiped out and resources grew scarce. Mad Max took place in an either during or after that war but being rural Australia it wasn't bombed to shit and people were still trying to go about their lives.
Well there was an event, nuclear war; and things veered off a cliff from there.
Though I have to wonder if there was not something else to explain to cataclysmic environment of FR. The Great Salt for example, either they're getting lost on Lake Eyre, or that's the remnant of the ocean.
remember in Fury Road when she said that they could ride across "the salt" for 60 days? remember how that makes no sense because you would literally go around the entire globe driving in one direction for 60 days? BRAVO MILLER
Well of course they wouldn't know that, they've not seen a map have they?
they said they had enough resources for 60 days. If they didn't find anything within that time it was game over for them.
yes they have? max, furiosa, and anyone else older than them are old enough to remember when the world was still normal.
Cue over-dramatic emotional-impact music
You're misremembering shots of thick storm clouds towards the end
>it's a reddit is upset Mad Max 1 isn't exactly like Mad Max 2 episode
muh desertpunk post-apocalypse fantasy
>Police existed
They disband the police in the movie.
>Did anyone else spend the first 2/3 of this movie waiting for the apocalypse to happen?
No. Mad Max is amazing because you're watching a clash between the final moments of regular society with an apocalyptic society, What made me love Max's character arc in it so much is that he's a cop slowly witnessing everything he believes in fall apart eventually succumbing to what he was trying to prevent all along. When Max killed Johnny it's not a big deal because he finally got his revenge but instead because it's the final part of civilization as we know it falling apart.
Doug?! Is that you Nostalgia critic?
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