Only guy who wears turban

>Only guy who wears turban
What did she mean by that?

well he's white so she is really saying that white men who appropriate culture are more evil than anything.

Wasn't he a good guy who got possessed?

Seriously though, what's the canon here? Obviously the turban is to hide the voldemort-growth on the back of his head, but what did he tell everyone when he just rocked up wearing a turban? It was his new look? It was a religious thing? What did Voldemort do the entire time underneath the turban with his face pressed against fabric. Wouldn't he need to sneeze? Did he listen to Quirrell taking a shit? So many questions.

Where is Voldy?

She wrote it when she was poor and redpilled. Then she became rich and bluepilled.

Sucking me off under the table mate. Slob on thy magic knob mate. Fuckin' hell mate. Snape Rape Date mate. Fuckin' Hairy Miney mate.


> little kid
> loved Harry Potter
> read books and watched movie
> really like Quirrel for some reason, no idea why
> start wrapping long sleeve purple shirt around my head whenever I was alone
> too embarrased to wear it in front of anyone, but longed for a world where I could proudly wear a purple turban everywhere

I'm glad I outgrew that weird Phase.

> longed for a world where I could proudly wear a purple turban everywhere
seems like your wish might be coming true here in the UK

That appears to be subtle racism, possibly the only redeeming feature of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

I am your fan, man

He's telling everybody it's to hide a scar from some vile creature he met on holiday.

>tfw Sup Forums is always right

So why didn't anyone realise he had the face of wizard hitler on the back of his head?
Is security at Hogwart's that bad?

Just a reminder that the Weasley twins magically nailed Voldemort in the face with snowballs. They enchanted snowballs to bounce off the back of Quirrel's turban.

Yeah. He's muslim. So fucking what?


My mom sucking your dick

In the book he says it was a gift from some sultan as a reward for helping him out.

>I-I-I'm lying in bed
>I've just lost my virginity

Nothing but niggers fucking white girls

JK's Mansion full of sandniggers.


Hermione was black all along



I was "fan" of quirrel too, he was just too cool and mysterious character. I also felt bad because his character was forgotten so quickly and nobody really questioned his motives or background.

Emma Watson's unfortunate posterior

>Dumbledore doesn't notice that one of teachers has Voldemort head
>Dumbledore doesn't notice that one of the teachers is fraud
>Dumbledore doesn't notice that one of the teachers is not who he claims to be

Its a +5 Intelligence turban, mages wear crap like that all the time.

It means that JK rowling has an extremely lame sense of morality. Characters in her books are either good guys or bad guys. No good guy ever does anything bad and no bad guy can ever be redeemed. The books try to teach kids to resist authority, but Harry litterally defines himself as a person with his loyalty to the authority of Hogwarts and Dumbledore. Azkaban is the Wizarding world's prison, where the enemies of the good guys state are endlessly tortured until as Ron says in the book "most lose their minds" they way she presents this suggests that she believes it's justified and right,. Despite these books being allegedly anti fascism, they seme to endorse some sort of twisted brand of protofascism.

It means that despite all her culture's brainwashing, subconsciously she still fears it. What an islamophobe, amirite?

>No good guy ever does anything bad
>no bad guy can ever be redeemed.

Snape was never a badguy thougj, he was just undercover the whole time. As for Dumbledore the "bad things" are trivial compared to the good things he does and feel slapped on in an attempt to make the character look like he had more depth then he really does. It's similar to how GRR marring gives many of his villains a token good quality to make them look less simple.

*G R R Martin

What bad thing did Dumbledore do ?

Being gay

>writes books about how the media lies about everything
>retweets clickbait articles


Snape was okay with having Voldemort kill James and Harry just to spare Lily. That's pretty fucking evil.
Raised Harry as a pig for slaughter, knew he was going to die and basically planned for it to happen.

Is quirrel working with Voldemort or is he like his prisoner, don't really understand half the Harry Potter shit because the explanation is usually huh magic

Also, Snape is an asshole to Harry and everyone close to him throughout the entire series and Dumbledore was literally a nazi that possibly killed his sister.

They're not black and white, but in the end she wants us to see them that way. Both Snape and Dumbo are treated like heroes and suddenly all that horrible shit they've done doesn't matter anymore, because... JK wills it I guess.

A racially pure world

That's a big hat.

>because... JK wills it I guess.
because they won? You know, like how shit works in real life

Like clockwork
Thank you man


Voldemort casting the Cruciatus on J.K. Rowling.


Harry has every reason to hate them, but he names his kid after them, only because JK decided they're good guys from now on.

>Dumb >le dore

Hmmm I wonder why he didn't notice it.

What the fuck, Varg? I thought you were cool...


I keep trying to kill myself but I won't die I just won't die

my wife Luna

If you are one of the richest, most influential and militarily powerful men of Europe I'll give you a free pass on the hat.

She's my wife you faggot

>turban guy is literally two faced


[7/7 Intelligence] "Hey Voldemort, do I have to feed you?"

>only guy who wears turban
What did they mean by this?

Every country dispensing it's nukes on each other, and I watch from a camera inside my bunker as the world ends and all the filth of humanity is wiped clean from this world.

Isn't it weird how audience couldn't see 2 out of 3 trials in that wizard tournament?

What did you mean user? Was it a stupid idea to have bleachers full of people literally just looking at a lake?


Yeah, first looking at lake, then looking at the maze, only dragon trial made sense

this movie was pretty great.

And even for that trial they missed the most exciting part because Harry decided to fly off and fuck with his dragon on the roof of the fucking castle

no more stupid than F1

Wasn't that part only in the movie?

I'm so goddamn happy this is still alive and gets a new introduction every time

Whichever one of you autistd has been posting this for years thank you

>Dumbledore peered over his desk at young Harry, twinkling in a kindly sort of way. The boy had come to him with a terribly intense look on his childish face - Dumbledore hoped that whatever this matter was, it wasn't too serious. Harry was far too young for his life trials to be starting already. "What was it you wished to speak to me about, Harry?"

>Harry leaned forward in his chair, smiling grimly. "Headmaster, I got a sharp pain in my scar during the Sorting Feast. Considering how and where I got this scar, it didn't seem like the sort of thing I should just ignore. I thought at first it was because of Professor Snape, but I followed the Baconian experimental method which is to find the conditions for both the presence and the absence of the phenomenon, and I've determined that my scar hurts if and only if I'm facing the back of Professor Quirrell's head, whatever's under his turban. While it could be something more innocuous, I think we should provisionally assume the worst, that it's You-Know-Who - wait, don't look so horrified, this is actually a priceless opportunity -"

Someone else

is this a robot or a very fat very lonely man?

is the humor that the post is retarded or is it an attempt at trolling? has it become a tradition?

Might have been, honestly

Haven't read the book since I was a kid so I can't know for sure

I've always wondered what happened with that in HPMOR

I never finished it, but I got about halfway through and after that little line, they never seem to mention the fact that Quirrell has Voldy in his head again

Do they come to any conclusion in the end?
Can't be arsed to pick it up again

Grow up

I always really enjoy seeing what new phrase opens up this pasta.

Stop supporting Trump

Where are Harry's other relatives? His parents were only in early 20s when they died

>Goblet of Fire
>One of the best books, but by far the worst movie
>Order of the Phoenix
>By far the worst book, but one of the best movies
What did she mean by this?

Order of the Phoenix was one of the worst movies.

Goblet of Fire has my favourite ending sequence, but it's not the best book, mi familia


Plus it's got peak Emma to boot

for you.