Since the first trailer will most likely be dropping next weekend let's get some discussion going. What do you think we'll see in the trailer? Will we even get any plot details at all for this movie? The Force Awakens trailers tried to be pretty vague but it was fairly simple to piece together the plot. I hope they take it a step further this time and just establish the tone without any possibility of figuring anything out.
Since the first trailer will most likely be dropping next weekend let's get some discussion going...
>waste the motherfuckers! waste 'em!
I hope they cut down on the profanity.
TFA gave such a good impression on what clusterfuck of fanfiction feel the rest of this mess will have that iam not interested.
The Phantom Menace was released in 1999
They'll probably only established a tone with some hints via voice over. I'm not expecting much. The Force Awakens is a huge mess, and even the good parts like Kylo Ren are so inexorably linked to the shitty, ill-conceived parts I'm not sure there's much hope for the next two movies.
I don't even care anymore tbqh familia, they killed it when they made retarded soft reboot and destroyed OTs legacy and it's characters
Return of the Jedi destroyed the OT characters. Only Luke had any payoff in that one.
the trailer will be some political slight against Trump about joining the resistance and there will be homosexual Muslims tons of minorities and even a transgender Droid. at this stage Star Wars is leftist propaganda RIP
>Will we even get any plot details at all for this movie?
Probably not, but I think a well-underlined concept would help to sell the film.
Nice howler monkey photo but we're trying to talk about Star Wars
That last trailer for TFA was unironically one of the best executed trailers in recent times.
Perfectly edited providing enough intrigue for the movie while not giving away almost anything.
How do you "give away" a film that has no exposition or character development?
I guarantee that it will have some nonsense shots, Snoke narrating, and then the final clip will be Luke doing something cool/a call back for the fans.
>let's get some discussion going.
Lets not. Why dont you just sit tight and wait for it to drop instead of trying to shill.
>while not giving away almost anything
because they didn't have any other decent material to show
So where are the leaks, Sup Forums? Usually about this time we should be getting some leaks.
a fucking tree
itll be standardized generic trailer and end with a lightsaber
That's not even confirmed
>What do you think we'll see in the trailer?
nothing. disney won't start showing anything significant until the movie is 2 or 3 months from release
In no order. Panoramic shot of beautiful alien city. Close up on lightsaber. Close ups on Kylo, Luke and Rey. Shot of X Wing flying by fast with hard to describe structure behind it. Tie Fighters and accompanying iconic sound effect. Shot of alien planet surface that looks a lot like a location that's been heavily set dressed. Explosions with lots of sparks and smoke. Long zooming in shot on something supposedly important which we don't yet understand with ominous/thematic dialogue over the top, perhaps talking about the stakes involved in the plot. Shot of Carrie Fisher. Fast cut montage at the end with hints of big action involving a duel and space battle with someone with a horrified expression probably shouting "nooooo".
Ends with villain dialogue saying something ominous that implies he's grown more powerful or there are more powerful forces at work eg "you thought you knew the nature of the force, i will show you the true power of the darkside".
Cap this.
I see it
darth baddie will have a lightsaber with.... wait for it.... 4 BLADES!!!
>Luke turns to the camera breaking the fourth wall
>"You know, I think I'm getting a little old for this."
>dashing smile with eyes that shine
>The Force Awakens trailers tried to be pretty vague but it was fairly simple to piece together the plot
Not really though, you had no way to know it was about finding Luke
I really have high hopes for this movie, i've been pretty invested in the behind the scenes stuff and I think it will be really different from TFA.
TFA was good but I think it relied on epic nostalgia too much and they kind of shot themselves in the foot bringing fucking everything back from the old movies
Really sad too considering the concept art & early plot ideas were unique and then JJ Abrams came on board and said "no people like episode 4 so just make that again lol"
>I think it will be really different from TFA.
based retardbro
>Fade in on Luke on the rock, "who are you?"
>Rey twirling saber
>vistas, vistas, vistas
>Luke sitting in falcon
>Leia and Chewie
>Finn dressed as officer with chink girl
>Luke voice-over
>shot of Ren in silhouette
All playing over tinkling keyboard playing a classic star wars song
There will be a shot of many Gorilla AT-ATs
Maybe. I really hope its more serious this time tho. TFA dialog was way too heavy with the comedy aspect, it reminded me of the avengers where they'll do something and then say a gay quip and the audience roars with laughter
OMG I can't wait to make my reaction video thanks for watching be sure to like and subscribe ;^)
The trailer will most definitely have some typical known star wars music piece even if it's just for 1 second. It will also definitely show Leia because they will show this at some convention and they want the applause.
They need to show at least 1 nostalgia character so Leia it is.
They will show half a second or so of Kylo swinging his saber at someone.
And probably half a second of some big battle like a big army probably because if they copy Episode 5 (although Rogue One kind of tried to) they will probably have a big ground battle in this one.
Some Yoda or Maz voice or Luke voice will say something that implies Rey is in danger or turning to the dark side.
>tfw the world has gone to such shit you cant even make a trailer or even not make a trailer at all without getting assblasted for it
>Will we even get any plot details at all for this movie?
Yep, they will reveal it's remake of ESB
The entire script leaked months ago
>making Star Wars theory vids in between your job at the call center
None of you pieced the plot together. It was only known through leaks.
How did you see the trailer early?
There'll definitely be a contrived scene where Leia and Chewbecca interact because neckbeards got so triggered about it last time
I was triggered myself but to be honest the whole "Leia knows wookiees mourn their own way" is an okay fan explanation. JJ had to be a complete retard and say it was a mistake though.
I feel this won't do as well as TFA
>ex-husband is murdered by your child
>completely ignore his best friend and partner like nothing happened and instead hug some girl you've literally never laid eyes on before that moment
yeah how could anyone criticise this? lol triggered nerds!
>expecting good characterization/writing from Star Wars
>the alien explains that he tried to kill your son
Awkward... Remember she's a general, she can put him on the frontlines in this movie
Even so, you have to be really stupid if you are writing fiction and overlook this detail. Especially considering it's a huge budget movie with allegedly the best writers they could get for this job.
and this justifies leia's ghosting chewie like he was some irrelevant background extra? it was shocking
>It's a Star Wars fans obsess over tiny details episode
Oh boy, I love reruns
Good point there. The argument and tension would have been too much for the hack Abrams to handle.
>dude just turn off your brain lmao
Let's not criticize anything, everything is awesome :)
>it's ok when lotrscum and pottertards do it :^)
hide the thread if it's so offensive to you
I just think it's more glaring that they didn't even address the locations of Luuke, Luuuke or Bigger Luke. Why didn't Leia inform Prince Xizor about Han's death, they were goo friends?
What was Snoke's tax policy?
Autism: The Post
Except Chewbacca literally is a pet while Rey is a person
Go ahead and enjoy your television and film discussions you disgusting racist Nazis
You won't be around to discuss this masterpiece once it releases anyway
>still no trailer
I like Rogue One, but this will be Shit.
yes, a pet who speaks a complex language and can repair and fly interstellar spacecraft
Sup Forums is already a containment board for losers with no friends.
I don't get it.
pls shut this place down
Rian Johnson is a completely different director than JJ.
Sad that he has to work with the shit that JJ set in motion though
I'd like to thank the scientists at
Some of it is okay.
Rey, Finn, and Poe have more potential if used correctly.
well JJ purposefully left the important mysteries out for other directors to deal with, and even the most abysmal characters like Rey and Maz can be fixed with some good writing
if Kylo was that good in a shit flick I look forward to him in a better one
>yfw you're hit by the existential realization that Star Wars is now being made by people who don't give a fuck about storytelling or lore beyond figuring out the best ways to repackage it to separate as many manchildren as possible from their money because they'll watch and praise anything that has the millennium falcon and no mention of midichlorians
Yeah, that's why I have high hopes. By the looks of the movie (behind the scenes, leaks etc) it seems to be different. I remember reading Jakku was meant to be an ice(?) planet or some sort of jungle and then JJ came along and said he wanted it to be like Tatooine which sucks
It's gonna be a fucking garbage remake of Empire Strikes Back and you know it. They even said it would be "darker" then VII.
Somebody drop a nuke on Disney HQ so they can stop raping Star Wars' dead corpse.
Why would it be dropping next weekend?
This is what annoys me desu. He couldn't think of anything original or even look into old stories from books or comics. He just tried to make A New Hope 2.0. The whole film is just "make everything more extreme" for no reason. Starkiller base was the worst thing about that movie and served no purpose
>TFA was good
You people are what's killing the film industry. Do us a favour and rope yourself, brainlet.
Buy a decent microphone next time, please.
Star Wars 40th Celebration. It drops on Friday at 11AM EST
>yfw the movie is so doomed that they push the trailer farther into may 4th.
This is what makes me sad about the future of the franchise. I remember someone brought up Darth Plagueis to a panel of the TFA cast and crew and no one knew who the fuck he was. He's even mentioned in the movies lol
It kind of made me realize that some peoples knowledge of the movies are only the original trilogy because DAE prequels shit?
If TFA was supposed to be the absolute best they could have made, their efforts put to the max, with all the liberties and budget they could need, and still resulted in... well what TFA ended up being, I'm quite worried about this new one.
Here's a timestamp of it, it's really embarrassing
This is really sad. Not knowing an actual character that was mentioned in a movie, not even EU, what the fuck.
Times have changed
We world controllers now
This is why it's laughable when people are optimistic about the story in the movies. They don't give two shits about the story outside the OT, and they're too incompetent to do anything besides repackage it.
If you wanna see more Millenniun Falcon blowing up TIE Fighters and worthless Stormtroopers getting gunned down for that nostalgia, I guess Disney Wars is for you. If you're not a brainlet, and actually care about the plot, you might as well just read some of the good EU books and play the better Star Wars games (I recommend the KOTOR and Jedi Knight series.)
>the good parts like Kylo Ren
What did he mean by this?
>no character development
Finn goes from loyal Stormtrooper, to cowardly deserter, to Rebel informant and hero
He means that he's a retarded 6-year old who screamed in the theatre to his mummy "OMG MUMMY WOOK KYLO WEN JUS STOPPED DAT BLASTAH SHOT OMGGGGGGGGG"
Yeah in the span of like 30 minutes. Great character development. It's almost as if they forgot they have to make 2 other movies out of these characters and just tried putting it all in at once
>Finn spends entire life in the military
>"Lol get BTFO fellow Stormtroopers in leaving"
>breaks out some random dude he's never met and instantly becomes butt buddies
>later is completely okay with gunning down his brothers
>is okay with blowing up the Not-Death Star with all his brothers on it
>but yeah he's a hero alright
>Darth Vegas
Jesus Christ.
I HOPE they feigned ignorance because Snoke actually is Plagueis. If not, that's just inexcusable.
>Best friend is killed by a rebel
>30 minutes later defects to the rebels by freeing that same one
What did he mean by this
>Rebel informant
tfw le resistance gets the highly classified information from a janitor
That pains me but when he says Darth Vader I just knew they were being serious and probably think Vader is the only Darth to be mentioned
This needs capped immediately. This guy definitely gets it.
You need to go back.
If you guys want to blend in you have to stop this spacing shit.
>TFA was good
>le contrarianism is intelligence meme
fuck off
Also to add onto this, instead of doing their research, they decided to just add some generic palpatine like figure controlling kylo who will be boring as fuck and bring nothing new
to be fair, no one actually give a fuck about the prequels, and even most normies who enjoyed the prequels probably hardly remember Plagueis, in all 3 films he's only mentioned once offhandedly. He's hardly important.
I thought it was a good movie in the sense that I'd watch it and have a fun time. It would still be one of my like 3rd least favourite Star Wars movies and if the next two movies are anything like TFA i'll probably just give up on it entirely