Redpill me on Greta Thunberg
Redpill me on Greta Thunberg
She has little itty bitty nipples
glownigger. simple as
manufactured and forced
downie fas mutant
A goddess
fake and gay
Will grow up and realize that she was used by the jews and start polluting in rebellion.
Really scares the shit out of right wing incel faggots for some reason.
How are you going to rebel when you realize the same you Trump zion goy dicksucker?
It was a sad day when he left us
Really cute.
the left trotted out a goofy-looking autistic child and the right ad hom'd like they wanted because they're also autistic.
10/10 bait
0/10 jailbait
ugly and retarded
This. I literally couldn't give less of a shit about this girl, it's literally just people who hate her giving her any kind of relevance at this point.
just ask mr. Soros
The rest of us stole her childhood and dreams, Soros her virginity
perfect skin
Eat bugs and pay taxes for the jew goy
I miss Terry, he really was a king
Nice shooped photo faggot
Oof, sequential dubs
4u friend
say what ?
she is de leader of anonymous. Don't tell your parents yet
Some rando with likely fetal alcohol syndrome whose bullshit caught on at home and now the shekel fuckers have perfect opportunity to use her for their agenda
She should change her name to Theta Groinberg.
A marketing campaign to increase taxation, reduce worker liberties and salaries through legislation. Green legislation. The major backers are top tier economic forces who use her as a trojan dildo to gently pry open all your assholes.
And most will think it was the right thing to do. The only thing to do. Because a ugly little retard was told to tell you so.
the most adorable wittle cwimate change activist evar!
>see right wingers screaming "She's an actress, she has an IMDB!" all over a while ago
>go to her IMDB page
>all self credits for climate activism shit
"Conservatives" are so disappointing. Let me sum up the actual right-wing philosophy for you: every man for himself. OK, great, except they want to sit on their asses and with sweep-it-under-the-rug, do-nothing policies that will kill billions and cause an ACTUAL immigration crisis. At least admit your intent and build a fucking death ray or something you absolute pussies. I'd be more sympathetic if it were actually Thanos.
Whoo think was him...!?!
>perpetuating the idea that this is a right vs left thing
She's really a 25 year old midget who got a face transplant.
Risk of another suicide attempt...110%
Other women HATE her! Local booblet uses climate change to score with Hollywood celeb. How? Watch Al Gore's movie
A sex slave who gets passed around the elite like a fat blunt.
kbh i'd grab her ponytails and fuck the shit out of her
i would fuck her and love to cum on her face
Greta is an EU vampire sent to block out the sun with hybrid smog and make the earth safe for George soros and the rest of vampire kind
the fact that she is Swedish is all you really need to know
But she white
Retarded but still white, no way she a swede
She’s awesome and right. However, she needs to distance herself from the Antifa Socialist shitheads to get anywhere. It’s perfectly possible to have environmentally friendly capitalism (provided it’s not accompanied by massive population growth) It might even provide a much needed stimulus as most western yields on stocks are shit and have been for years. UNITE behind the science, and it IS science now
A very famous swede actually but her little sis stole all the tits
Don't try and pin all her bullshit on us.
She is not right lmao. Not denying climate change but her ideas are really schoolgirl level stuff that all sound good, don't work. Like seriously higher carbon taxes that will simply hurt the working man due to it driving up the price of literally everything? The true polluters, the companies wouldn't care they have financial contingencies in the billions for exactly that, they simply pay their fines until they can be assed to install new filters or whatever. Maybe should've stayed in school little girl
She's right in that we've got to do something, but it's down to policy makers to decide what
just sit on your ass while i save you AGAIN
Village idiot
ur retarded
From what?
but mommy can hold a tune pretty good
the unelected unaccountable and unspeakable bureaucrats that run the EU
Why does she look like Ben Shapiro?
so who is in the plan ?
Just another jew puppet op
Exactly This
Who gives a fuck what we're doing when China is fucking it all up. Freaking joke
Thank me later even though I will surely be banned
well at least trump withdrew from Kyoto so you yanks dont have to pay the Chinese to fuck it up
way too big user
Saving this for a new deepnude then
of course if you REALLY want to get banned
ppppppppffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt what about her super powers ?
al gore tho
The irony is I would have never heard so much about her if it wasn't the constant pissing and moaning the "men" do in regards to her. Sad really.
Damn, her sis looks good. WTF happened to her potato brained aspie sister. This Greta bitch looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.
holy shit its a girl on the internet !
She's /ourautist/
americucks of Sup Forums are too lazy and fat to realize their fuckery
you can call her bea but do not scroll down the the vid of her dancing in shorts it wont make you a better person
This. Gretards little sister is smoking hot. Gretard looks like Quasimodos deformed bastard child. Thats pretty fucked up.
what movie?
all of my wut?
She triggers the incels and trump cultists. What more is there to know?
there was a time kid when just ordering a drink on a plane was pretty pleasant
Holy shit! Her little sister got all the looks and talent. Yet this brainlet butter faced retard Greta gained all the fame. That's kinda sad.
her parents sold her to George soros and bill gates and now she has to poop in a bucket and endure 30 foot waves when crossing the atlantic
Right? I'd love to have some relations with her
i suspect Greta may have peaked a little early but Bea will soon be famous to
No it's not. You ugly neckbeard faggot should know that the world usually is all about looks.
>she has to be very old in order for most of the fetal alcohol syndrome face to be covered up
sooooooo you wouldn't ? you know thats gay right ?
this -she is the doll of her parents and a few companies that make money from the brand(s) she created
Her new bf.
HAHAHAHA greta on suicide watch