Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Other urls found in this thread:
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Ever been with a younger guy?
How many of you have done ass to mouth?
Anna here, hello everyone! I’m here early for once.
No, just older guys and one who was a couple of years older than me, but we didn’t have sex.
Not me.
Im not a woman but I'm a bitch ass nigga feel free to ask me things as well
Got a good chuckle out of that, thanks user.
Hey anna! Good to see you on time! Lol
I believe it normally refers to the man withdrawing his penis from his partner's ass and them taking it directly into their mouth without it having been washed off.
Thanks! How’s everything going so far? Still doing well?
Would you eat my GF's pussy?
What he/she said.
How long have you been a girl?
I'm identifying as one since June 17.
But anyway how are you??
For 29 years going on 30
Ya like Wilkin's Coffee?
even if you still sport a full fledged penis?
Yes, just like OP.
Do you agree that most women are worse drivers than most men ? Are you a good driver ?
At what age did you first become aware of the fact that men found you sexually attractive? How did that realization make you feel? Do you think you really understood what was going on?
ABM treaty violations routine infant circumcision WTC 7 not hit by airplane 30% of Black babies aborted Social Purity Movement Russian puppet president OJ Simpson not guilty genderfluid children transitioning hormones Apollo Affair tranny drag show story hour crack epidemic beating of Rodney King ban on sudafed Kosovo intervention methamphetamine no fault divorce with alimony fentanyl death of Trayvon Martin alcohol age restriction tied to highway funds FBI Israeli dual citizens in Senate amendment to ban alcohol USS Liberty Omar Mateen sex ed in elementary school condoms on bananas in schools dancing Israelis Ferguson riots age of consent per-province Timothy McVeigh 2016 Dallas police shootings Okinawa rapes CIA gay marriage assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the word ephebophile NSA Ted Kaczynski Stonewall riots Tuskegee syphillis experiment gay related immunodeficiency syndrome Roman Polanski statutory rape extraordinary rendition trade policy to force gay legalization suspicious Jeffery Epstein suicide Sedition Acts Abu Ghraib police militarization Contras murder of Seth Rich United Fruit Company Edward Snowden Agent Orange Julian Assange white phosphorus Warrantless Wiretappig depleted uranium munitions Patriot Act Syria invasion Libya invasion Iraq invasion Blackhawk Down Somalia Gulf of Tonkin Bay of Pigs
I unfortunatly only married one. I dont own one
have you ever had a partner with out penile pearly papules (pic related, mine)? If yes: were you disgusted/worries, do they feel special?
ur peepee looks funny, lol.
Since I was born.
Sounds like me when my retarded cat decides to roll off of the bed ha!
I can’t recall how far along I was before seeing an OB, probably just after eight weeks, so I wouldn’t sweat that too much. I’m glad you’re not having any severe nausea, it was utter hell on me, some of the foods I loved just the smell of them made me feel so sick. It was like that for the first couple of months and then it just magically went away. Here’s hoping your feet and ankles don’t swell, that wasn’t fun lol. I mostly tried to ignore those symptoms and focus on the good stuff. And yeah, I’d quit that job, it sounds like a really toxic work environment and stress is something you DO NOT need. When you leave you should just be honest and say that you had to leave for the sake of your baby, because his/her safety comes before any job.
And not much happening with me, finished my TB treatment and Julius took me down to Disney World to celebrate. Only went to Epcot, but it was fun.
Never had it.
I haven’t had but one accident in all the years I’ve been driving so I’d say I’m alright.
Maybe 11 or 12? I had an idea and it made me vaguely uncomfortable.
No, I personally find them weird looking, but it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker.
At which age did u realize you didn't had a vagina but a penis unlike other girls?
Are moms girls?
I always had a peepee. I just identified as a girl.
My dog is like 100 pounds so when he rolls off the bed something is gonna break lol
Yea I'm hoping things dint get too severe. I suck when it comes to not feeling good. I'm a huge baby. Weirdly enough I feel like my sense of taste has gone away a bit and that really sucks!
My job doesnt even know I'm pregnant because they already told me they would let me go if I was so I've been keeping it a secret but after this bullshit Idk if I should keep going. I dont wanna risk my baby. My husband would lose his shit.
You went to disneyworld? It's in florida right?
I live not too far from disneyland and it's so freakin magical. I wish I could go more often but it's so expensive :(
ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested! Message me if you’re interested! add me on discord @ DumbassFaggot#8613
If someone has given birth then yes, they’re a girl.
For me it seemed like my sense of smell and taste heightened to the point where I couldn’t enjoy food as much, everything tasted too sweet or too salty. It sucked lol. Hopefully things won’t get too bad and you’ll have a smooth pregnancy.
And yeah, if your job is stressing you out then quit, it’s fucking retarded that they have a stipulation that you can’t get pregnant, that’s incredibly illegal. Do what’s best for you and your baby.
We’re about four hours north of Orlando, and I’d never been (would like kinda stupid for a woman to go by herself). And it’s ridiculously expensive! But we went to a timeshare thing and got our tickets 80% off, just had to sit through a bunch of bs.
We have a friend that works at disney and she can get us in for free but we arent super close with her so we dont really ask her much. She got us in once last year but idk how often shes allowed to do that.
But now since I'll be having a baby it seems like a perfect excuse to visit again in the future! Lol
Reminder: Women are mentally and physically inferior to men. Their words should be taken with a grain of salt and they should receive constant physical and verbal discipline for their own benefit and pleasure.
What do I need to offer you to get you to this kind of surgery. (In a hospital so no risk and zero pain).
trannies don't count
kill yourself
>not liking labia minora
When did you first realize you were gay?
kill yourself
I'm not gay. I'm in to permanent female orgasm denial. I prefer the look of a clitless cunt.
That thing has already been eaten by everyone at the buffet from the look of it
>I'm in to permanent female orgasm denial.
Literally could not be more gay.
Exactly! You’ll want to take advantage of as many free trips as you can in the coming years.
I’m happy the way I am thanks. And besides, I can cum by having my vagina stimulated without touching my clit, so it would be pointless.
Femanon here.
I also enjoy 'touchless cumming'.
It only takes some insanely rich guy buying me lots of pricey stuff.
If you can cum without clit stimulation, then you really should consider the surgery. It looks way sexier. :)
No, it's a BDSM thing.
Would you go clitless if your. Insanely rich boyfriend or husband asked for it?
>The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a foof would take anything posted here as fact.
go away
no one shares your weird fantasy.
its like a hardcore niceh bdsm thing about permanently altering your body to deny yourself pleasure. Of course the average person isnt down, you autist
What does females think about straight guys that wears female underwear?
Gay as fuck obviously
if he wears female underwear, he is not straight.
Well given that I'm straight (men doesn't turn me on at all) and that I wear female thongs on a regular basis I think your wrong. I haven't ever talked about this fetish with any of my former girlfriends and I wonder if it would be a turnoff for my current GF.
I'm sure she'd be fine with it. Lots of girls love hanging out with gay guys
What did females think about that handsome mysterious looking guy who recently killed himself?
Is 5 foot 9 tall enough? Should I literally stretch my fucking joints until I'm taller?
Shut the fuck up stupid fagget midget mother fucker go kill yourself
Sir yes sir!
Sorry but yes you're too short
Rate my cock
Sorry but yes its too short
As long as your taller than the girl that's all that matters
jk Im not Anna
That’s perfectly fine user, as long as you’re taller than 5’5” I seriously doubt most women will care.
Good lord.
Ive dated & fucked girls taller than ms and it was very fine
OMG fake Anna stop it
They probably didnt respect you as a man really
Should I quit /nnn/?
Tiffy Chan here!!!!!!!!
Joining in with the Q/A
That is one scrumptious cock user mmmmm could suck that all day
When have I ever talked like that?
You do you user, porn’s a hard habit to break.
They respected my charisma and my dick tho
Bitch pls
No because she has a micro clit!
Tiny man.. focus on finding a girl with very low self esteem. Then she won't focus on your lack of height
Sure that's why
Stop pretending to be me
how often do you experience hostile misogyny?
Does a man doing edging feel better?
how does it manifest?
Hi guys! I’m actually a 38 year old greasy fatass who frequents Reddit!
weirdest fantasy, go
Actual Anna saying goodnight, this thread went hell really quickly.
Real Anna pls send me Boobs pics