Celeb Thread - /Yo what the hell Mr. White, where's the celeb thread bitch?!/ edition

Celeb Thread - /Yo what the hell Mr. White, where's the celeb thread bitch?!/ edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yo what the hell yo? Post some celebs bitch.

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Billions of blue blistering boiled and barbecued barnacles!

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Attached: Dennis Lanni aiming his Keiichi Nitta bazooka.jpg (652x430, 218K)

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i triple dog dare ya

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Uncle Terry is alright guy

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Who are these nasty hoes?

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you ok? your leg went numb then you disappeared and people thought you dieded

Random skanks Terry takes pictures of with a polaroid camera in his basement. He's a hack, don't know how much nepotism went into making people think he was anybody.


Don’t know any of these bitches

Thanks, making sure it wasn’t just me

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no offense user but I don't think you know what you're talking about.

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Every single one of his pictures looks like a shitty polaroid in a basement and they look like they're scared he won't let them out unless they pose, then he cokes them up and fucks them. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm jealous of his hustle but he's absolute garbage, in both photography and as a human.

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im glad

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>Who are these nasty hoes?
instead ask why Olga Kurylenko the star of these films:

gave her anal virginity to uncle T~Bone?
...and why tom scientology cruise got Uncle T~Bone's sloppy 2nds?????

Attached: Olga Konstiantinivna Kurylenko.jpg (408x650, 161K)

uncle T~Boner really did score when he came across Olga Kurylenko before she blew up into an A list film star....no one has match Terry's level when it comes to these lewd shots of her, BEST PHOTOGRAPHS OF OLGA IN HISTORY \m/

+ $cientology Tom got Uncle's sloppy 2nds


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I cleaned up all the shit off the floor, guys.

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proud of u, but i'm still on the floor

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Get up!
ur not shit bb

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I think it’s safe to say every guy here boned a better looking girl than this more than once in our lives. Waste of posts

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OP this post is deader than dead. Close it and give up

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I'm stealin this

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STFU bitch as.

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Comment filter:

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Attached: Hi, i'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the budweiser splooge bottle chugalug with Keiichi Nitta ! (424x649, 183K)

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