Does anyone here use CBD oil? I've been researching it and am still trying to figure out of I should get some or not...

Does anyone here use CBD oil? I've been researching it and am still trying to figure out of I should get some or not. I found a good guide on but I'm coming here to see if any of you guys have anything to say about it.

Attached: cbdoil.jpg (1560x1960, 826K)

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It just gives you a placebo effect. If that is good enough to you while paying that much, then go for it.

Trend of the year that promises to cure everything from anxiety to a broken arm. Pick some up with your other homeopathic remedies.

The main problem with the commercially available stuff is the dosage. They'll sell you a bottle containing 250mg of CBD and tell you to put drops under your tongue but the only research I've read (wish I could remember where so I could link to it) suggested a dose of 300mg in one go as being effective.

honestly it's just like alcohol-free beer. wack.

This shit isn't for getting high you underage faggot. Stop taking shit without researching.

there are people in this world terrified to go to a doctor to get diagnosed with something that will require medication, so they try "anything" even CBD oil, find it has little effect on their serious mental illness, and denounce it.

speaking from my own experiences, i have some intense anxiety which is triggered by that "what if?" thought process. CBD oil nullifies this process and allows me to just be like "hell yeah i want to go for a walk right now" or "deadline monday? it's gonna be my bitch"

it has no thc in it,therefor its useless

i find it funny whenever my trump supporting parents see a commercial on tv about cdb oil and think its marijuana though,this is how retarded people who support trump are

it's an extreme waste of money because they overprice it by 8000%, if it was like a dollar per 300mg, then i might be worth it. they're going to milk it for every dollar they can until the real shit (marijuana) becomes legal nationwide.

yeah that's just like saying on the bottle of tylenol you can only take 2 at a time but if a doctor prescribes you tylenol, your dosage could be 4 at a time every 4 hours etc. because someone would drink a whole bottle of CBD if it didn't recommend a dosage

It’s working really well on my wife. she replaced a generic Zoloft prescription for post partem with daily doses of CBD oil and so far the only real change is we started fucking again.

what kind of moron is going to use oil to heal a broken arm? LOL,murica

no THC does not make it useless. how many times have you enjoyed the calm after smoking weed, but got fucked up WHILE smoking? CBD is the calm after the storm.

4 more years of TDS for you

Did I say at any point that it gets you high? It supposedly helps digestion, anxiety, insomnia, joint pain, etc. with no pharmacological reason or correlation. Fucking moron. I'm a 32 year old psychiatrist.

do you understand how essential oils work? that's why even candles are fucking $25 for a decent one. you are using concentrated oils from like hundreds of plants for just 1 drop

Buy CBD Flower off the internet.

Just the shit you hear from people hyping it up to try to get you go buy it. It's a trend that'll die down in another year, just like fidget spinners.

if it's reliable (and fairly priced) shit, get it.

but if you're in a state where it's legal, get pot instead, faggot

My mother in law tried to take it for back pain. She said it didnt do shit

Because it doesn't actually do shit. Fad of the year.

it doesn't help fat cows who back only hurt b/c they are fat!

She had an injury. She recently got a electric shock thing put in her back that is remote controlled. She claims it helps a lot

Sciatic nerve compression from inflammation

Piriformis stretch.
Cures sciatica.
If she wants to get better, she needs to do it.

Just googled CBD oil and google suggested CBD oil for dogs. What a joke

Im not sure what her official diagnosis is, but I know she had been to tons of doctors and all kinds of procedures. She used to be on opiods and probably addicted. She says the electric implant actually works

It helps with anxiety and pain a little, but you'll have superior results with hemp flower.

It doesn't cure it but it can help alleviate the pain for a period of time if you are also relaxed.

Been getting

Shits the highest CBD flower I've been able to find. I love it it reminds me of how weed used to feel back before one hit would take you out of this world. Very chill.

Too fat Fell off Toilet. I guess it's still an Injury

Depends on what you're trying to use it for. I've tried a cbd vaporizer and smoked cbd flower before and can definitely say flower is the way to go by a long shot. At least for me.