What kind of ridiculous bullshit happened at your high school?

What kind of ridiculous bullshit happened at your high school?

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Not much just a shit ton of pregnancies between interracial couples.

some fat redneck guy fought a skinny black girl, the black girl won

One year ago some random came to stabb a guy because he took his gf. It finished only with a cut on an elbow but still he legit wanted to kill him

Dude was lifting a bar weight sitting on the corner of a bench and dropped it, popping one of his testicles.

England lol

In my primary school we had some jackass ride a motorbike around the school oval, terrorising kids.

This happened not once but TWICE.

Both times I was in the school library reading Harry Potter novels lol.

Nigger vs spic race wars. White and Asian kids basically watched from a safe distance.

Lots of people dying and fucking up from drugs. One guy took acid, freaked out and ran into a highway. At least 4 people have od'd. A few in prison for robbery or other shit. All this in a quaint little suburban town.

mr tonks of ccvi in guelph ontario got arrested in the early 2000s for having cp on his computer at home. it was a pretty big deal.

Kids actually play sports and study. Of course, it's still an All-White school. In the nearby towns where niggers have moved in, there are shootings at football games (so now there're played at night), teachers assaulted and very low SAT scores.

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shootings. rich kids. gangs. LA. late 80's early 90's, we had the highest murder rate in our high school year of any non-mass-shooting (think columbine) high school in US history.

kids have it good today. this is a time of peace in the US. the late 80's and early 90's were a bloodbath. what's happening in Chicago is TAME. all of the whining and snowflakes is hilarious compared to LA's gang wars.

white guys were actually tough as fuck back then. not the cucked faggots of 2019

lies. Asian gangs were some of the deadliest.

got any good stories?


>be 16
>badass haircut
>ready to go to school and show off
>walk into the school and head towards the lunchroom
>I’m hungry I want breakfast
>kid runs around the corner I’m about to turn
>kid has his eye covered up with his hand
>blood everywhere
>start running
>eventually see my buddy turn the same corner with a bloody kitchen knife in his hand
>my highschool sweetheart moved away

running, retards asking me "what u claimin'foo", we couldn't wear red or blue, it was a retarded time. we saw a young girl of 16 rattled by an automatic mac 10.
some filipino crips with tec 9's let a little civic on daytons have it, 1 girl out of 4 passengers survived but she was never right again.

just a lot of running, parties were off limits. smoking joints in the basement, getting drunk, and being resentful of gangs. interestingly there was no racial component to it, as a white guy I just hated the gang shit. It didn't become racial until Rodney King and Reginald Denney.

helicopters every night. they had serious armament. they were also making big money with crack on both coasts (which was why they were killing each other: territory for sales).

You mean besides it being a drug ridden cesspool with half of the girls being pregnant?
>We once got a day off school because the air conditioning went out.
>some one got a hand job in my math class once
>people started calling in bomb threats anonymously because it gets you out of class, but they just move everyone to the bleachers at the football field while they do their sweep for an hour or 2. This happened like 3 or 4 times a week by the time I got expelled
>there was a well known fight Club on Fridays after school in a vacant lot nearby, some kid got a brain hemorrhage and died. I think it turned into a fight Club for college kids later on
>someone got 3rd degree burns at a bonfire one time, everyone at school went on and on about how his face was deformed but it wasn't that bad tbh
>people used to break the plumbing and flood the bathrooms on the second floor
>there was an elevator but students were eventually banned from using it since it essentially became a vandalized hotbox for a bunch of stones
>the year before I got there there used to be this time called "break" between the first and second class. It was removed from schedules entirely because kids would have sex and get high every day during that time
>I overdosed on xanax in class and got expelled to alternative school

I went to high school in NH in the 70's.
We had clubs and activities after school. The kids in the Target Range club would bring their long guns INTO SCHOOL and keep them in their locker until after school when they would go to the range on a bus and shoot

This was like 2010 btw

If your NH school was anything like mine (90's)... the lockers didn't even have locks on them.

Nothing special except for known whores (and i mean literal whores selling their bodies for drugs) and a lot of drug dealing since we somehow had a lot of people on our school who took drugs and im not talking about the ayyy lmfao dude weed type of users, MDMA and speed was common and none of the guys dealing ever got caught and they were all on coke including me. I have no idea how most of us did not get kicked out or why the teachers didnt call the cops except for one time were nothing happened in the end anyway, but i think they probably didnt really want to believe even though they heard alot of rumours.

Nothing really happened at any of my school, only thing worth mentioning is the time I got rip-roarin' stoned during lunch in H.S.
>be me
>with to bros
>one bro says "lets go to my house and smoke at lunch"
>consensus achieved
>bro lives like a block away from H.S.
>bro tells us to hang tight while he runs inside
>goes in and comes back out carrying something
>it's a fucking bong
>says "lets go down to my friend's house"
>continue journey
>get to dude's house which was like 5 houses down
>go into back yard
>goddamn we're fuckin SMOKIN'
>fat bong rips for like 20 minutes straight
>bowls kept being packed
>lunch almost up
>we head out back to school
>backpack feels weird on my back
>get to school
>6th period starts
>teacher tells us class is outside today
>ask classmate what are we doing
>"We're just gonna kick back and relax"
>start getting paranoid as fuck
>keep asking him
>he keeps repeating the same exact phrase
>"We're just gonna kick back and relax"
>start to panic
>teacher brought his guitar because some of us students play too and wanted him to bring it to jam
>teacher starts playing shit as everyone is chilling
>see a plane in the sky
>ask bro that smoked with us "SEE THAT SHIT?"
>get shushed
>teacher asked if I wanted to play something
>try to play "Layla" but fucked it up
>teacher gives me that "I know you're high" look
>next period call my dad to pick me up
>get home and go to sleep
>next day everyone gives me shit for being too high to play the intro to Layla


>got high during lunch
For what purpose

We were fucking stoned, that should be explanation enough

tard bowling

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Jocks got all the decent pussy

Guy was car surfing slowly when his friend decided it was a good time to ghost ride the whip. They were both smashed obviously. Guy hood surfing fell of the car, dashed his skull to bits and then got run over by the unoccupied vehicle. He died.

We had some touching rally for him after the death. They brought in councilors. Nothing of value was lost he was a total dickwad and destined for a gas station at best or most likely prison.

School-wide nigger riot the day we got out for Christmas vacation.

during the 2016 elections we had an online vote and after voting you got a sticker. the sticker was the same diameter as the drains in the sink so the bathrooms would get flooded by people who kept leaving the sink on. The bathrooms were upstairs.

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2002 Grad.

A bunch of fights, 4 people died accidentally in car accidents, and our principal in graduating year had to step down for possession/trafficking cocaine! No joke. It was hilarious because it was a christian school with a dress code.

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no one ever fired a gun. Like wtf is this, Europe?

V interesting response thank you, why were parties off Iimits? too dangerous? how bad was the raciaI tension after the riots/now?

My principal got caught flashing his junk to women some years after I graduated. God knows how long he had done it for because he got caught the second the I phone came out and some woman just snapped his pic and his dick

At the beginning of the year I would start filling my locker with garbage. I'd have to use binder covers to hold it in from falling out every time I opened it.
Each year during exams I would clean it out all at once, it was awesome. Everyone I knew was loving it and everyone close to my locker had to watch painfully.
There were even rotten cafe sandwitches in there. When I got to them in the spring they were black.

>one year i was 5 lockers down from one of the biology/chem rooms (where they'd be known for odd smells. Other than that year, I never got questioned by a teacher about it even once.

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There was loads of gangs at school. Now when I go passed the school the kids all look normal.

.22 lr is one of my favorite cartridges. low recoil for faster follow-up shots.put a can on it and load it with sub-sonic ammunition. damn near silent.

a previous student at the school had left papers or some shit saying he's gonna blow the school up with a bomb, had to evacuate and got to go home

this retard in class threw a pencil at a classmate, it was stuck to her fucking temple while she was crying running away

last year


>some retard set up pipe bombs around the school in various lockers
>had a shotgun ready in his locker
>nobody knew about it
>one day, people find a bomb
>he panicks and realize he's been caught
>he went to the swim locker with the shotgun and killed himself
happened a few years before I was there, but wew lad.