Let's see how many normies are here right now
Let's see how many normies are here right now
Not one I must be normal.
fuck diagonals man
Y'all are fucking pathetic.
Said the pathetic looser who is to scared to admit failure. Faggot
J for Just depressed and antisocial but have a few people i care about.
Complete looser here AMA.
What is the longest you have gone without a hug?
well fuck, now I'm sad, they all fit me, I think I'm just gonna go have a good cry in the corner and play with my rope for a bit, I won't be back :(
My whole life.
I don't believe you. Your mom or grandmother has hugged you at some point.
pretty much bingo in every possible dimension guess i am fucked.
My parents are dead, and my grandma was beating the shit out of me every fucking day until I was 16.
Gess I'm not doing to bad I do spend 2 hours at the gym everyday
Lot of it is due to having fucked out off my hometown to the other side of the country. I rarely go out or go to college with the plans to interact with people IRL so most of my social interaction is over texts now. Friends can afford to visit me like once a year tops, it sucks
\Bet you can't even figure out whether red means:
> I agree; or
> I disagree.
Maybe you should make your
> Bingo
a bit more intuitive to the average Sup Forumstard.
Just sayin.
I don't tick any of these boxes. Who's the failure now?