Sup Sup Forums

sup Sup Forums
thats my frst thread on 4ch after 2ch
ask your questions

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where do you work?

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Whats your house address?

first time here? What's 2ch? Can we call you a newfag yet?

2nd parkovaya st .9 Moscow 105037

2ch is the russian board simillar to 4ch
u cant call me a newfag at all

my first thread on 4ch,but not my first board

GTFO russian normie

fuck off im not a normie

Yes you are. If your nationality is russian then you are a normie automatically

im using 2ch,thats similar board as 4ch
2ch hk Sup Forums

2ch is just a copycat of Sup Forums

2ch exists since 2006
3 years after 4ch

Well yeah that's my point retard

>2nd parkovaya st .9 Moscow 105037
>Кoллeдж aвтoмaтизaции и инфopмaциoнных тeхнoлoгий №20
U live in an IT college, nigga?

aight. welcome drugo


wow. typical Russian building. Do you wear Adidas too? Drinking vodka to fight depression bc of lack of sun, uh?

to be honest i have adidas tracksuit
but i dont drink vodka,i dont like it

>whats 2ch
Hello there, newfriend

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why don't you move to America and stop being a faggot?

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i want to move to America
but i have no money

apply for a work visa once you have gotten your degree. or apply for a student VISA now, then apply for FAFSA (American grant program that you don't have to pay back) that you would be eligible for once you have your student visa that would help you pay for, or pay for all of your schooling and housing here so you can finish your schooling and immediately get your work visa, then begin the process of getting your citizenship here when you have finished school and are making money. it takes about 5 years to get your citizenship, but as long as you're staying out of trouble and paying your taxes, you can continue to renew your work visa until you get your citizenship. then you're an American for life.

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thank you ,user
but i cant speak on english perfectly

Иди вoзвpaщaйcя нa двoщи, пёc.

is it worth it though?

i think so

you're welcome, friend. that doesn't matter either. we have the most in depth foreign language programs in the world. that includes programs for native Russians and Russian speaking students. you would have to learn how to speak English, but you can do it. you've probably been told that the USA is evil and we don't want people coming here, but I hope that I've changed your mind about that a bit. real Americans want nothing more than people like you and anyone else that wants to come here through the proper channels coming here. I've been to Russia and I know life is very hard there. life isn't easy mode here, but you will have a fighting chance here and real opportunities behind every door and people willing to help you if you're willing to help yourself.
yes. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do, user. god bless brother.

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thank u

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