Gun to your head

>Gun to your head

Which one would you fuck?

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Front left then back left

take the silly gun away. i would eat out and fuck second left several times.

The gun.

the dude top right.

2>1>4>3 (left-to-right)

#3 (numbering left to right). She looks like she knows her way around a dick

Far right, no gun to head needed.

The USA flag in the reflection.

yellow bra
Make her swallow all my cum

would worship mommy nr 2 with my tongue

>mommy nr 2
dat gold bracelet annoys me

All four of them at once.

as long as her pussy is tasty

Bottom left.

"shoot me"

With your cum

This mutha fucka here got the right idea.

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All of them

any chap who disagrees with these gentlemen is a proper faggot

Attached: khan-320x240.jpg (320x240, 22K)

Any of them.

Brunette on the left hand side for sure. Wouldn't even need a gun to my head, bet she's a good lay.

please pull the trigger

You mean in order or specifically? Ideally, find a way to fuck all 4 at once

Fuck it. Kill me.