>“I think it will be alright,”
>"I voted for Brexit,” he continued. “What it is with me, I’d rather be a poor master than a rich servant. It wasn’t about the racism, immigrants or anything, it was about freedom."
Is he, Dare i say it, /ourguy/?
“I think it will be alright,”
Other urls found in this thread:
Libs are gonna crucify him
Bongs are nearing France-levels of entitlement and snobbiness.
>I’d rather be a poor master than a rich servant
british people are ugly, but they speak very nicely
Anyone who voted to leave or remain was an idiot
>"Old white male is a racist more at 10"
>Tory PMs teh size ovatangjhreen.
OP you made a mistake, he originally said
>It wasn’t about the rubies, thieves or anything, it was about tangerines."
>an immigrant the size of a tangerine
what did he mean by this?
>"I voted for Brexit,” he continued. “What it is with me, I’d rather be a poor master than a rich servant. It wasn’t about the racism, immigrants or anything, it was about the tangerine."
Is that real? I watched Zulu and The Man who Would be King recently and wandering what he would have voted.
>It wasn’t about the racism
Why do white people always say this shit?
>"Den, Wun doy. I vo'ed for a brexit the soize of a tangewine. De brexits we're gibben 'em awoy."
What freedom was being taken from Britain?
why is she so perfect bros
I want a threesome with Michael Caine and Liz Hurley, now. No homo.
Dude married some Paki whore, so...
It's 'freedumbz' you memeing fuck. Kys
I know a family that voted remain because they wanted to keep the faster passport queues
shut the fuck up you stupid faggot
The freedom to make their own laws???
>“What it is with me, I’d rather be a poor master
Say no more el famo
because she's Satan.
Is everyone in the Nolan Batman universe red-pilled?
>i voted for brexit, because i am 200 years old and will die soon, so i don't care about business opportunities or travel
>The opinion of shitskins and bitches are irrelevant, more at 11
thank you for Brexit
shit is much cheaper in Londond now
exept drugs, fuck that shit
We're too nice, it's a fatal floor of us FUGGIN WHYTE PEEPOL I guess
Nah, we've always been way worse than the French, we just hide it well. Thankfully it'll all come crashing down in the coming years.
The freedom of parliament to set VAT, movement of workers; consumer, production, environmental and work regulation; fisheries and maritime, state subsidies and nationalisation of industries, extradition, anti-trust law, farming, food safety and quality, tariffs and market barriers, and any issue which falls under the ECJ's jurisdiction which as the former president of the supreme court argued is slowly involving everything as a result of the EUCFR
Do you still live with your mom?
I ask because you wouldnt' have to pay rent, she would probably do your washing and make you dinner every day. It's a sweet deal.
>Not being a 400 year-old MP
>Anno Domini 2017
The absolute state
>Jeremy Irons:
>...actor Jeremy Irons explained his fear of a “revolution” following Britain’s Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s election. “I think both the Brexit vote and Trump, that was a cry for help from people who felt they were being ignored,” Irons told Vulture at the 5th annual Breakthrough Prize, where he was a presenter. “We’re going through a slow revolution when in 20, 30 years we’ll look back and see it started with the collapse of Lehman Brothers when we realized that unregulated capitalism is like unregulated water: It will drown you.”
>While Irons believes that capitalism is “one of the greatest systems, if not the greatest system,” he thinks it requires reform and regulation. “It has to be regulated otherwise it sweeps away the poor, usually. And I think we have to address that. I think the Brexit vote and Trump are both the same thing — what those voters were saying is, We feel government isn’t doing anything for us,” said Irons. “One of the reasons government, I think, isn’t doing anything for the poor or for society as a whole is because governments are bound by global capitalism and all their decisions are about trade. But there has to be other ways to run countries than economics. We have to think about ideas and social ideas.”
Brexit fucked the UK economically, and it did nothing to stop immigrants. It is honestly one of the dumbest things a country has ever done in the history of civilization.
>Americans think Brexit is, like, British Trumpism, or something because Samantha Bee told them
Since when did leftists argue for corporatist, neoliberal, expansionist, militarising anti-democratic institutions?
But user, Europe has only been relevant for ~500 years.
laws/courts regulation and a lot of other things are governed by the EU and people don't feel they have representation
and then you have who just voted for some other stupid reason
you have no idea what you are talking about and it hasn't even begun yet in fact nothing will change for the next 2 years
I bet you don't know the first thing about the EU, yank
you rang?
Leftists think what the media tells them to think. They have no independent thinking. Their whole agenda is basically to fit in with their clique of friends.
>All this political (You) fishing in a Michael >Caine? thread
when it became trendy
Fundamental freedom. TheEU has constitutional jurisdiction in EU member states.
I'm not a Brit, I'm a paddy, but a while back my government, the government that my people voted into power to govern our country, decided that it would be a good idea to start a rainy-day fund, so that the next time recession rolled around we'd have some buffer money to keep us going. The pros and cons of this situation is irrelevant. The point is that my democratically elected rperesentatives, before they could take action they viewed as necessary for the good of the nation, had to scurry off the the EU and ask for special permission first, because rainy-day funds aren't allowed in the EU, for whatever reason. This kind of thing happens all the time.
Short term pain for long term benefit.
The UK was propping up most of the EU, only the UK, Germany and France are paying a fair share to keep the whole bullshit show running.
>What is Rome and Greece
>unregulated capitalism is like unregulated water: It will drown you.”
>economically fucked
For like the final week of June then the markets priced it in and we carried on growing
>"it wasn't about racism"
excuse me?
Didn't the EC recently rule too that Apple had to pay taxes in line with the rest of the EU in Ireland opening the door to the end of your pseudo-tax haven status?
he's married to a streetshitter
Completely eclipsed by China even at their highest points.
Entitlement? In what way?
based tbqh
>tfw too intelligent to vote
At crunch time there's only so much you can do for the poor. No amount of money or housing you can throw at them will be enough
>There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the EU.
>sitting on a fence
>not taking a stand for what you believe in
Know how I know you're younger than 25 and weigh less than 60kg/132lbs?
It's called pride, cuckboy.
You'd know if you had anything to be proud of.
>The UK was propping up most of the EU, only the UK, Germany and France are paying a fair share to keep the whole bullshit show running.
The UK was pathetic in how they contributed though. Even fucking Italy was drained of more money than the UK was each year.
>ups growth forecasts
yes, from really shit ones, to slightly less shit ones
when the uk leaves eu, some banks will leave uk. uk is a banking country, and losing banks sucks.
not a very hard concept. super basic stuff.
For special treatment. With regards to Brexit they have claimed that they want the same benefits but none of the downsides they face as members of the EU. The Union has had to repeatedly tell them that they are in no position to make demands.
£1 was too much, you fageit.
Hubris, more like.
>mfw the krauts get cucked once again and fail a third time to setup their European socialist superstate
Better luck next time Hanz. Now we just need to nuke London and call it a day.
Except that's false m8.
As well China has never eclipse modern European society which is the pinnacle of human standard of living today.
>we want all the free trade benefits of the EU but none of the disavantages :ppppp
Glad you've discarded yourself from our Union, and glad that we had the foresight to cuckold you from it three times before 1973. De Gaulle really was right.
Even with all the payments, being part of the EU is net gain to a nation and its enterprises. The single market is fucking heaven for companies.
>pathetic in how they contributed
Have fun paying for Pavel and Nikos to get their gibs, Hans.
People who wanted out were happy to lose the dodgy 'benefits' of the EU state to be able to control, well, everything. You do realise the hatred of Aussies and Kiwi's to the British is largely born because we joined the EU, right? The Australians cheered when we left. They said they never had been more proud of us and closer to their ancestral home when we left.
Shut up you fucking melt, if the EU doesn't want shit (and what's that? The USA trades with Europe just fine, so does China and dozens of other countries) we'll just trade with the fucking Commonwealth.
>European socialist superstate
t. I know nothing about the EU and only voted Brexit for the symbolism of being edgy and gaining muh "freedom"
not to mention whites are the youngest race on the planet and who's society have overshadowed all others to this day.
We're never joining again, loser. Give up!
I'm a Pierre though, Nigel.
Pointing out that the rules and requirements are stupid isn't asking for special treatment. The only reason the EU are acting like their 4 laws of movement are intrinsically linked is because the union would dissolve over night otherwise. The EU now exists on threats.
Cute! Cute!!!!
>he unironically thinks that the EU would ever greet Brits again after they proved themselves to be drama-queens
There's a reason ypu weren't welcomed into the union until 1973, you dimwit.
What other celebs are confirmed Brexiteers?
Hahahahah, proper cucked you are, lad.
I bet anything other than being a footstool for the elite is hubris to you.
Is this the part where you tell me the UK is going to break apart and Scotland will join the EU.
I guess one of you guys had to show up sooner or later
Too bad it didn't teach you how to spell
>be a nation whose only industry is financial jewery
>cuck yourself out of the main market of those services and now it's fair game to regulate the capital trade with the UK
Maybe it's for the best, rent in London was bullshit
This thread
Today, yes, but that is also the reason why we tend to overestimate the achievements of our region in history at the expense of other cultures. Claiming that whites single handedly built civilization as we know it is just blatantly dishonest and false. Credit where credit is due.
>implying Scotland leaving wouldn't be a bad thing
I mean I'd hate to see the breakup of the Union in my lifetime but its not as if we'd miss the jocks all that much
what does it have to do with age? im a young white male and i hate subhuman niggers and mudslimes more than any old fart
Spain now acquiesces to a possible Scottish membership in the EU, so we'll see really, but I wouldn't laugh it off that hurriedly if I were you.
>not going against my point but trying to strawman me as you fumble for arguments
>footstool for the elite
yet you're a trumpcuck
the UK has a housing crisis, NHS crisis, education crisis and rescue service crisis. We have 400,000 more people coming in every year. White or black, brown or yellow, it cannot be sustained. We've destroyed several streams in the country and damaging rivers with water consumption for new houses. We have power problems as it is.
But with the EU we couldn't say 'no' to those 400,000 people coming in, they had a legal right to be here, even if they had criminal records.
The economic hit we take (and markets are growing, not shrinking, funny that) is made up for the long term cost reduction as we try and solve the countries many problems.
Brexit vote happened during Glastonbury, they did interviews with people there. 5 girls said they were upset that Brexit happened because "they wouldn't be able to go on holiday to Benidorm any more". People literally thought leaving the EU would mean not being able to go on holiday in the EU. That's how retarded people are.
We did build the pinnacle m8 in shorter amount of time while on this planet
this is why Asians and Jews and higher IQ people of all races have to leave theirs for a higher standard of living....
Actually he voted to remain, he just said that he supported it afterwards because that was what people voted for so that's what should be done.
Continued allusions to Empire, you'll soon find out how small and insignificant in the world you actually are.
Because colored people destroy everything the white man builds. And then complain the white man isn't building them more stuff.