I'm an atheist, convince me to believe in God again.
I'm an atheist, convince me to believe in God again
God is a man-made creation. God only exists if you want it to exist.
he's always there when you need him......LOL
Jesus felt my ass! NOT CLICKBAIT
>convince me to believe in God again
You're willing to, deep down you know he exists.
Only savages and animals are atheists.
Being a man is having fantasy and believing in Gods.
jesus has a massive cock
Step 1: get off b
Step 2: throw away all the human-made representations of god.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
The Harvey Weinstein scandal gave birth to the me to movement and not a word about the Jewish domination of Hollywood
KIll yourself and find out
Are you legitimately curious as to good reasons to believe or are you simply trying to drum up controversy?
You can never really make someone believe something that they don't want to, as such I can never really convince you to believe if you're hostile to my beliefs. Forced conversion and closed minded screaming matches don't work.
...what if aliens are the gods? What if ancient people believed that aliens were gods from heavens?
Fuck off man
Who gives a shit about niggers and god and trump and shit
Can you all get a fucking life?
I'm a Christian, but I don't think there is anything I can post here that would convince you to believe anything, so I won't try, all I can do is show you that God loves you and I care about you too just the way you are because God made you and He does care, and that is what matters most, as long as you do too, have a blessed day neighbor
Thanks for doing a solid, Jesus!
>Who gives a shit about niggers and god and trump and shit
>Can you all get a fucking life?
Exactly what is "a life" to you, because being involved in politics and having a set of values and religious practices seems like a fairly mentally involved lifestyle.
its sometjing more than that
Believe in a god. You don't have to worship, you dont have to believe in Jesus or Muhammad or any of this other retarded aged fiction. Just don't be in denial that life is a spontaneous random event. We have a creator, no one really knows what the fuck it is or why we are here but we do have a creator and I think the higher conciousness did not create us to waste time in a building singing hymns and prasing him.
>Waaa God was mean to Job waaaaaaaaaaaa
Atheists have such gay talking points.
The whole point of the story was a test of devotion wherein Satan continually assaulted Job who never lost his faith nor devotion to God, and in the end he was rewarded for it. It wasn't God being mean to Job because he wanted to torture some poor schmuck.
Have you read the bible?.
Obviously not.
Case closed, you cant argue against something that you've never tried to learn on your own about.
Why would you ever believe something you e never invested any if your time in?
Read the bible then say you're an atheist and I'd respect you. Just saying you're an atheist means you lack the knowledge necessary to say christianity isnt real..
How do I know you didnt read the bible?
2 reasons
.1) I've never met an atheist who has
2) you wouldnt be an atheist if you did.
didn't exactly help him out ether did he ? at best your god is a filthy casual
So what was the whole "new and bigger estate with more wealth and power" thing that happened in the end, eh?
I'd call that help.
Also, if you remember, God specifically kept Job alive through all of it. So... Is that not helping?
forgot to add He loves you
as long as you don't touch your peepee
Peace Brother
table for 26 please
but there are only 14 of you
yeah but we all want to sit the same side and she isn't here
yeah helping him to suffer the whole thing looked like a dollar bet between millionaires
Oh but it is.
If you *honestly* examine Gods "qualities" you will see he isnt the "loving big father figure cosmic bellhop running to help you whenever you pray" but rather he is a kid on an anthill with a magnifying glass and a sadistic obsession to have everyone flatter and praise him constantly.
I used to be a fishtian too but you know what fuck god. if he even exists.
Eva Green exists there is a god and he loves us
>It wasn't God being mean to Job because he wanted to torture some poor schmuck.
No, it was God giving Satan permission to torture a good, faithful person just to prove a point. Which isn't really any better.
After all, if God is omniscient, he didn't really have any reason to test Job, did he?
Pretty sure this thread will result in nobody's hearts or minds getting changed.
"I disagree with or don't understand the things that God has done and so I am mad"
You're like an ant that's mad that your ant farm got cleaned by your owner.
The point of the story is that no matter how bad things are, as long as you keep your faith you will come out of the other side and be better for it.
The story is likely a metaphor or parable, but even if it isn't God did nothing malevolent. Satan came in and told God that he thought he could break the devotion of his greatest follower. God said "Go ahead and try" and watched Satan fail, and then rewarded the man that was attacked.
t. someone who hasn't read the entire Bible.
>If God is omniscient then why does anything bad happen ever?
I don't think you understand the foundation of "free will," user.
It's something of a paradox. After Satan was unleashed onto Job, Job accused God of being unjust. God was then like, can you tame dragons? No? Then STFU the world is full of dangerous things. Now here's all your stuff back, thanks for playing.
Again? So you were born atheist, got scammed, got woke, and now you want to go back to being a godtard? Have you suffered a brain injury?
exactly childish bullshit many people are destroyed but bad circumstances and NO ONE has ever had their prayers answered
I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say, user. Free will has nothing to do with it. God was just being an asshole for no good reason.
>My shirt is red
>My shirt is (also) blue
>Red is not blue
>God said "Go ahead and try" and watched Satan fail, and then rewarded the man that was attacked.
And his servants and children and first wife and everyone else who died and suffered?
No they were restored.
I studied the bible
I actually converted TO christianity, i wasnt born into it or anything
I'm very well versed in all apologetics as it was my favorite area of study
But just like Job (in a sense) I've been fucked over, so hard that there's no real recovery, my life is fucked and a joke. I didnt keep my faith, I said "fuck god".
Because every time I tried to keep my faith and say "god giveth and god taketh away" I got fucked harder.
Every time I prayed I got fucked harder.
it was so incredible, so amazing, it was beyond coincidences at that stage. I think god does exist but he is a total cunt.
The only explanation I could come up with at that stage was that the Romans 8 and 9 "predestination doctrine". God had his little club, they'll be blessed and looked after. Anyone not of that little club (like me) who tries to get in gets fucked and kicked out.
So I stopped trying.
Fuck god and his saints and his son and his holy spirit. If I go to hell I'll at least go with my head held high, with my pride not having grovelled to a lowlife cunt sitting on the anthill destroying who he wishes and blessing who he wishes.
If you can't face this truth then you're not being honest to yourself.
He's a cunt, pure and simple. If he even exists.
That's not what Bible says.
>Huehue, look at all these faggots that believe in a system of values that tells them to be nice to other people
>Man it sure rules having no real foundation for anything I believe in and thinking that everything in all of existence just blinked in out of nowhere
>Hohoh man everyone who thinks differently than me is a cuck retard hohawoa
>why don't my parents love me?
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
It absolutely does,
10 And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. 11 Then came to him all his brothers and sisters and all who had known him before, and ate bread with him in his house. And they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil[b] that the Lord had brought upon him. And each of them gave him a piece of money[c] and a ring of gold.
t. buttshattered godtard screeching at facts
>quotes talking-snake book
>thinks he’s made a point
Godtards. Just imagine being that stupid.
Way to miss the whole point of that response. Whos the retard now?
You, of course. Why would anyone seek the point of a passage from a book which contains talking snakes?
>claim something isn't in the Bible
>proven wrong
>hurr Durr u talk to snakes
The autism is strong with this one.
>claim something isn't in the Bible
Telling lies for jesus, volume 334,627,807,412.
Why make this claim when you don't want the answer? Fucking turbotard
i love watching young people debate about God. it's like watching special needs kids.
which is something else you like watching ?
Do you godtards ever get tired of being wrong?
Do you ever get tired of butting into conversations where you don't belong?
>Adam and Eve never spoke with their tongues. Their language was telepathy.
>Satan took the form of a snake because he was a Seraphim. He took the form of an Animal because they were the only two humans. Only animals were around
>Oral language came into existence after the fall. Original sin.
>Adam and Eve fell because Satan put images in Eve's mind that if she eats from the fruit, meaning if she has sex, she will be like God. It's why people are addicted to sex more than any other sin
>But I guess a random ape in a random galaxy on a random planet that came by chance is more believable because there is no meaning to anything.
Nope, I don't. Deep down I am a meat sack with an electric sensation-responder computer which has some flaws.
that ape differs from you by less than 1% DNA and then one day random mutation produced one with a crinkly brain the rest is history
Well OP, if you mean atheist contrary to Judeo/Christian religion, than you're back in the fold! Roman's used the word atheist, a (without) theism (gods), to describe the Christians 2000 years ago. You never left!
If god exists, hes doing fucking terrible and should kill himself
you are retarded, some apes learned how to use fire and here we are today
we are not apes we just share a common ancestor with them
>I never disputed that fact. I argued against the everything happened by chance for no reason. Like what atheists say because they don't know what to make of life.
>Science has not depth or dimension to anything because you are very narrow minded.
>If you don't see it, you don't believe. Extremely narrow minded.
The Great Apes; orangutan, chimpanzee, banobo, human.
Forgot gorilla
>Science has not depth or dimension
hah you dont really know what you said but measuring the depth of a shadow will always be tricky
humans are slightly Neanderthal (except blacks hence a ton of stuff)
I get you are separating yourself from blacks, but neanderthals were also great apes. Large primates without a tail, unless you came from a lump of clay that an invisible spirit with a penis performed CPR on and you came to life like a good golem.
>I know exactly what I said.
>When it comes to dimensions in the universe, other worlds and creatures, secret mysteries and knowledge, I rely on God to reveal to me his divine creation and mysteries because he is the creator.
>You go back to the lab and create more boner pills.
spot the jew thread ?
>godtard can’t admit he was wrong
top keks
Good luck with that one the average clergyman has the IQ of a dead hamster
Why must we?
Why is that a go to insult for things you have no answer for?
Jews, Christians, Muslims all the same God, same Genesis.
If I were a jew wouldn't I also believe most of the same creator crap as a Christian?
Because godtards feel less ridiculous having an imaginary friend when they are surrounded by other mongs.
>An ironically accurate description of what you see in the mirror
>Why are you talking exclusively through greentext?
>Are you a retard or something?
>Wait of course you are, you believe in a magic sky daddy who created everything and yet cannot be detected in any way.
>Why is that a go to insult for things you have no answer for?
It’s from the godtard debating manual. When losing an argument, shriek JOO!, HAT! and REDDIT!
I could literally not care less
>no u
godtard-tier debating
>Because God is outside of matter, space, time, dimensions and everything else. Not detectable by inventions and gadgets. You conceive him with your mind and feel him in your soul.
Roll dubs to prove in the lord and saviour, muhammid
Imagine believing something as retarded as this based on the fabricated assertions of a fictitious sand-nigger. Just imagine being that stupid.