I'm a nonviolent psycopath with a girlfriend that had a disgusting past so I humiliate...

I'm a nonviolent psycopath with a girlfriend that had a disgusting past so I humiliate, and shame her openly and indirectly. Ama

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will you openly or indirectly shame her in this thread?


I have friends of hers on her that come on here, but we're from Alabama so not to many smart people gonna find me here but still. Elaborate


She had to tell me about how disgusting she was bc "hurr I thought itd make me feel better"
But it didn't make me feel better and now she has to pay for it

You dont want to see them, trust me

You'd be surprised

Don’t have any questions, but I think you’re a loser. And she’s a loser too for staying with you. Have a shitty day.

I dont see how I'm the loser here, but you too I guess

What would you do if she broke up with you?

Why doesn’t she ask you to stop

Move on, I love her, but I also know that I'm 21 and in good shape. So I can have plenty more women in my life. And I might actually respect them more

I told her that I cant and probably wont, she knew what she was doing when she told me those gross hoe ass things.

My friend who set her up with me warned her that itd be a bad relationship. But hey lol, why listen to someone who's known me my entire life

You don’t have to name names or give a zip code dumbass, just tell us what you hate about her and how she ducks up all the time bc she’s a dumb stupid cunt.

She should break up with you.

How old is she?
What's the most degrading thing you've done to her?

Alright, so when we first started dating she told me about all of the people she fucked because she said she was forced into being poly. Described sex with her ex to me because it was so horrible. Told me about fucking her cousin (on accident apparently, like I buy that)

She said she told me all of this so shed feel better and that it hurt her more than it hurt me to hear it. But it activated my humiliate people boner.

I lowkey hate her, but still love her and she let's me fuck her whenever I want so what're you gonna do. If life gives you an emotional punching bag, you use it

The first time we were ever in bed together I called her a slut and a dirty whore the whole time.

But the most had to have been playing the dumb bitch card and saying shit about her I didn't like and being like
"My bad I forgot that you did that too, lol. Oops"

I'm living with more of a doormat than a punching bag, but I get the scenario. Use and abuse your situation to its its fullest potential. If she's dumb enough to stick around and deal with it, she probably deserves it.

Kill yourself loser bitch

You're both actual terrible people

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I act as more of a machine than a human

>"i love her"
seems legit

A different user here now. Just saw that guy call you a loser and I wanted to say that also but I didnt wanna comment cause you're not worth the captcha. Lucky for you I had to take a shit. Hope she leaves you and finds a decent boyfriend. Cause you're a loser.

What's the thing that gets under your skin the most? That detail that you can't let go of. Like the one thing that if anyone else knew, would instantly label her a slut to everyone?

Same user. You both sound like emotional punching bags and I’m loving every minute of it. She’s doing the same thing to you Kek. She purposefully told you all those things to hurt you and get a reaction and it worked like a charm (you sound like a beta loser btw). Then on the other side of the fence you’re doing whatever it is you do in order to hurt HER. I wish I was a fly on the wall inside of your trailer bc it would be entertaining to see you get beta and jealous over all the dick she’s ridden and then listen to you call he a worthless whore through a steady stream of tears, then slam the door and come in Sup Forums to make this thread. I needed this today, thank you

You act more like a human asshole than a machine.
Akin to like a dead beat dad? Whatever you have to phrase it as to feel less guilty though.
Plus i'm not here to white knight.

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I wouldn't insult you because the insult is yourself, 21 and good looking but still cope with a toxic relationship and a girlfriend that has a self stem lower than your dick size, something doesn't add up

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I am dating this girl who made it pretty clear early on that cheating of any sort was an instant dealbreaker for any relationship she was in. She then proceeded (under pressure) to tell my of the time one of her "freinds" who was a cop, invited her to participate in a breathalyzer calibration test. She admitted that she had feelings for the guy, even though she knew he had a girlfriend. Apparently though all that she needed for a green light was him saying "She's kind of a bitch" after a few shots and then it was game on to blow him in his squad car in their driveway. I called her out for her hypocrisy and for beeing the slut that she was already afraid of. She's been putty in my hands ever since.

What are you going to do when she cheats on you with chad thundercock because all you do is make her feel shitty?

The Chad Thundercocks of this world are more selective than you imagine. I'm pretty sure I'm ok.

>nonviolent psychopath
p sure you coulda just called yourself a faggot and got the same message across in fewer words