You know I used to think people around me were quite like NPCs however, the more I actually spoke to people and heard what they had to say instead of putting them in a group I've come to realize that no one is really a dehumanized fucking robot.
There might be like that .00001% of people who are actually walking drones, but I feel as though a fuck ton of you people on this board just call people NPCs because you think you are somehow superior to those around you because you have a shallow world view on how people act on the superficial level, and what they really think about on a day to day, or minute to minute basis. It seems to me alot of you lot think you are on some woke, pseudo-intellectual high horse because you have no social intelligence.
You know I used to think people around me were quite like NPCs however...
guess what? You are a NPC
I can agree to that.
No shit OP. Everyone who thinks that is just stupid. Sure there are a ton of humans who like the same stuff and react the same way to it but that doesn't mean they are a NPC.
People just like to feel unique and special
oh fuck you got me there. but aren't we all?
>You know I used to think people around me were quite like NPCs however, the more I actually spoke to people and heard what they had to say instead of putting them in a group I've come to realize that no one is really a dehumanized fucking robot.
There might be like that .00001% of people who are actually walking drones, but I feel as though a fuck ton of you people on this board just call people NPCs because you think you are somehow superior to those around you because you have a shallow world view on how people act on the superficial level, and what they really think about on a day to day, or minute to minute basis. It seems to me alot of you lot think you are on some woke, pseudo-intellectual high horse because you have no social intelligence.
No mostly liberals who are politically correct by the left's standards or orange-man bad faggots
Yeah I mean I get the whole "left echo-chamber" NPC stuff, but it's bubbled up to people in their life calling people around them NPCs and acting as though they are the only freethinking, internal monologue having individual in a 30 mile radius.
List of NPCs
1. Liberals
2. Anyone from the LGBTQP+
3. Women
4. People who haven't noticed the entire (or at least the great majority) of the US presidency candidates have ties with Israel (Trump included)
5. Whoever disagrees with that list
6. People who don't know Israel and china are allies.
They probably are if they live in California.
>Using woke unironically
Go back you redditard.
I'm Bi and hate the lgbtq+ community.
China hates Israel
You don't know the meaning of NPC evidently, and neither how it came to be, kys.
wanna maybe clue me in then, bud?
99% of people are NPCs lol. You are one of them.
1. are you working?
2. how is your job career?
3. what are you studying?
4. did you see the news today?
5. what's your college degree?
Actually I don't give a fuck about those type of peoples because they are asking same question like everyone else. They want to start conversation, just don't know how.
Meh...fuck 'em.
Do you wanna know who else doesn't have inner monologue? Animals
Here's the default cope response inb4 any retard seething.
npc detected
So are you.
Only 1/4 of the population have inner monologue, and that's using white/asians subjects, who knows how low that number goes in Africa or China, having inner monologue helps you develop more complex thoughts, and innovate/create, still not everyone with inner monologue innovates or create new things, even when it comes to the most basic stuff, most of the human population are only consumers of knowledge, never developing anything by themselves without having to associate basic ideas, if you're one of those, the vast majority, you're undoubtedly an NPC.
EVERY kid under 5 is an NPC, but they're still in development so there's that, but if you're over 22 and still fall under that category, you're not even completely alive, a half thinking being.
Oh the irony escapes you huh? Stay "woke" faggot.
Everyone has inner monologe you dumb fedora wearing edgelord. Most people are actually talking to themselves loudly. You're not special, you're just a self proclaimed intellectual.
I'm only using the most commonly understood in english so every retarded fuck can understand, including you of course, that's not my main language, I've just showed you the meaning of NPC and it has nothing to do with saying cope or seething, you should consider hanging yourself.
i like this post
And what have you done except consume information?
You can't even muster the courage to talk to a stranger much less engage in small talk. You're worse than an NPC. You're a prop.
>everyone but me.
>it's always everyone's fault, except my own.
>Only 1/4 of the population have inner monologue
Got a source? I want to read your insane right wing blog or video.
hey thanks man
Lol, I love seeing all you retards seething over the most basic bait, get a clue you retards.
what the fuck does this have to do with the right wing
Shhh, they still believe the OK hand sign is Nazi, let them live in their paranoid world full of Hitlers
Btw, ofc none of them can fucking Google shit.
Tbh, most ppl are interesting, but as long as you interact with them in one on one.
As soon as you start putting them in group, the social degenerative & assimilation behavior start and they loose their value, and the more there are, the dumber and less interesting they get.
That's why I hate party's, you can rarely get good one on one interaction, and when you actually can, it's not long enough to dig into the person personnality and potential.
Hey that's actually an interesting perspective, I haven't really thought about it like that. But you're right, looking back to the parties I've been to the social interactions were just so off. like people I've spoke to one on one were un-fucking-bearable in a party setting.
ITT: NPCs coping.
Despite being OP you are not a faggot.
You don't even know me and yet you're claiming something about me without even realizing what was my previous post about A.K.A. main topic of this threads. That was only my definition of peoples who are talking same shit every day without possibility to ask about something else. Lets say that most of peoples are unintentionally predictive on very large scale and I'm a little bit manipulative person. But I'm not an asshole and I don't like to persuade someone into wrong path. Yea, my skill for socializing with strangers are not bad at all and that is the reason why am I changing cities and towns when I want to go out on weekends and have some fun while interacting with males and females. Do you know what is really depressing?... majority of those peoples are acting in exact same way (same questions, body language, interaction in different situations whether they are positive or negative, etc etc).
>you should consider hanging yourself
Again...reply in the exact same way like most of these faggots.
>using google
Dont like the taste of your own medicine? You don't even know these people you're disparaging outside of the small little clips you get of them in passing and yet here you are acting like you know what they are all about? Are you starting to get the irony of what you're saying?
Do you know the meaning of "google it"? It isn't inherently using google, just fucking search you retard.
Ignore cope posts retard.
There is a George Carlin quote somewhere that looked a bit like my statement and I found it hightly similar to my experiences.
But well, his phrasing is infinitely better than mine tho ahah
>muh individualism
What are you, 12?
only people who say woke are NPCs
>only people who say red pilled are NPCs
You just said it faggot.
hum, I just probably have around one hundred times your knowledge and understanding of social & cognitive behavior, so if I'm 12; you're probably 1.5 month old?
Congrats, you're the youngest person on Sup Forums, your first life archivement, cherish it.
>only people who say only people who say are NPCs
g8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
You ever read Breakfast Of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut? It’s about a guy who develops a mental illness where he’s convinced that everyone around him is an NPC and then goes on a rampage.
It’s a real disorder. I think it’s a form of autism or some other developmental problem where you don’t understand “separate personhood.”
I think humans evolved to form groups and we’re all too similar to each other that we end up having like the same ten personalities.
Even if you’re not brain damaged, it’s easier to blow off popular opinions as NPC because admitting you might be wrong is scary and hard. And feeling like you’re just smarter than everybody is a comfier idea than realizing people hate you because you’re shit.
The whole classification of people as normies/whatever is stupid, narcissistic and it's caused with inability to deal with the real world
All people in America who have a job are a NPC. Myself included.