Ask me, the hacker known as "the Sup Forums", anything

Ask me, the hacker known as "the Sup Forums", anything

Attached: hacker-stock-photo-2.jpg (352x352, 41K)

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can you hack into gmail acc

Yes, but I need the email and the password

Attached: 04B66B31-0B36-4F15-A2D9-9C3FE5F0F8E2.gif (250x333, 1004K)

It is me, dumbass
Can't you read?

how many ways of encoding a nop instruction are there?

What is a pivot table on an SQL injection? Any practical examples with sqlmap please?

What is better to aim for when exploiting browsers such as Chrome - to aim for things like UXSS or to employ more time on working on a sandbox escape?

how many dicks have you ate this year so far?

But who is Sup Forums, what’s he like? What are his hopes, his dreams? Does he dream of the moon?


if I pull a grey pube will 2 replace it? and can I use that to have a super bush of greyness to end all bushes?

hak nsa

I said I'm a hacker, not a gay nerd

All of them, are there anymore?

That's a common misconception, the truth is that if you do that, you'll incite a race war

How much time does it take to cook minute rice?

>believing in the moon

Attached: 1f1xy6.jpg (991x902, 60K)

Tea or Coffee?

How much rice?


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Can't right now, My incognito mode button broke atm

Can you hack the world, to make it more comfy for us to live in?


you're obviously not because that hacker would only use the longhand form of his name "4channel"

Sorry, man
When xXBigBoobs69Xx, my #1 hacker bro died on my arms trying that, I promised to him that I'll never try to hack the wold

One must learn on his own
You rich boys have it too easy, I was raised on the streets, I had to make my own racist frogs with nothing more than used condoms and old five guys fries

Nigga, you better shut it
Don't force me to do something I will regret

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I just outed you nigga, u a fraud.

Don't force me to crash override your gibson boy

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Wanna take this outside?
I'll reck you, you liar

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not going outside during pollen season, my inhaler is running low

we'll meet at the next super duper secret h4x0rcon and then we'll fight in the basement fight club style, get ready to get your code smashed in

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